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Everything posted by JeremyCuddles

  1. Panthers would for sure want a goalie going back. Not sure DiPietro would be the goalie they'd want, probably ask for Demko. Minnie would probably want a center, probably a younger one. Again, likely not a lower tier player like Gaudette. It's hard to gauge what Coyotes would want. They should probably just stay the course and let their kids keep developing. Get some vets in free agency. Try find a Roussel or Beagle of their own. It would be fantastic to get at least one d-man and a really good winger in the 1st round. Or double down on d-men. Either one works. Getting a pick in the 15 range will be difficult though. Unless someone will accept Tanev and a 2nd or something. Which seems doubtful. I can't see us drafting twice in the top 15. Maybe find a pick in the 25 range for cheapish. But getting a top 15 pick is too rich in assets we'd rather keep in all likelihood.
  2. Pettersson was a surprise pick at 5, Podkolzin is considered top 5 by everyone that doesn't inherently hate Russians. Not saying Podkolzin is better than Petey or will ever be. But elite talent will make it's way to the NHL. Regardless of development path.
  3. Pettersson went from playing in a different league, with a different system, under a different coach, with different linemates, AND playing a different position to the NHL pretty well all things considered. The game is not fundamentally different in Russia. There is an adjustment period to the NHL regardless of where you come from whether it be AHL, CHL, SHL, KHL whatever. A player isn't more likely to fail because he does his development in the KHL versus the AHL. At least I have no reason to believe that. Otherwise nobody would draft Russian players that opt for the KHL.
  4. I mean, you could waste your draft pick taking anyone. If a guy isn't good enough for the NHL what difference does it make if he wasted our time and resources in Utica longer than a Russian that just left instead? Not sure developing in Utica is as valuable as people make it either, especially for elite prospects. Petey skipped it, Boeser skipped it, Bo skipped it. Elite talent generally doesn't need it unless they played in the CHL where the post draft years were largely wasted beating up on kids instead of playing against adults like NCAA, SHL and KHL drafted prospects did. If someone is taking Podkolzin top 10 he likely just needs 2 years to mature his body and hone some things in his game. He can do that anywhere.
  5. That's fair. Russians are less likely to do any time in the AHL. But I dunno if that's enough for me to say no to drafting them. Like I said that's just drafting a player that isn't good enough and can happen with anyone you draft. It just so happens Russians leave without staying a bit longer in NA compared to European players and I guess it offends us more than a guy sucking, but he stayed around sucking longer. Lol. Also have to wonder what the money difference between KHL and SHL/Liiga is, if European players can make KHL dollars in the SHL or Liiga I'd bet they'd opt to stay there for their development too and refuse AHL time, but that's just speculation on my part. I feel like the top end talent in the KHL is better than the top end talent of SHL, AHL etc. Again speculation. As for the bolded part I don't see this as a lack of maturity, if anything it speaks to him being mature. He knows his limits. He's 17, it's a massive change to move from one town to another, let alone leaving your country for another country. So for him to admit to not being ready is a sign of maturity in my books. Nobody is perfect and people will be ready at different times.
  6. I don't recall Ovi's draft situation but I don't think he was committed to a KHL team for 2 years before his draft like Podkolzin is. And Ovi was clearly ultra talented on a generational level, a true generational level not the level people call every 1st overall pick nowadays. Podkolzin has elite potential but I don't think anyone is sticking him on Ovi level. The Russian factor is less worrisome now since if I recall correctly the KHL isn't doing as well as it once was financially. Most players that return to Russia either weren't good enough for a major role in the NHL (IE Nichushkin likely goes back cause he sucks) or want to be closer to home (IE Tryamkin). Either way there's the risk of drafting a bust from any nationality. Podkolzin is committed to Russia for 2 years, and for all we know that's cause he feels it's best for his development. Only true way to find out the truth is to talk to him and people close to him, something hopefully Benning and company can/will do. I don't think the Russian Factor is as big a deal as fans make it out to be. We'll never really get an idea of where his head is at cause I doubt he's talking to very many of us here. What I do have access to though is scouting reports from much more informed people than I, and those reports tell me passing on Podkolzin at 10 is not wise if your reasoning is "cause he is Russian".
  7. Podkolzin has elite potential imo, his question mark is willingness to play in the NHL from the sounds of it and most of that is just him being committed to KHL until 2020/21. So him going at 10 doesn't mean his potential is that of most guys going around 10. Honestly, the only reason I think most fans here have Podkolzin going around 10 is cause of their innate hate for Russians and cause Tryamkin left. There is really no legit reason for anyone to say "hard no" to Podkolzin at 10, if they legit like a guy more cause of their on ice game fine but not taking him purely because he's Russian is short sighted and dumb. A good many of the mock drafts I see have him top 5. Personally, I have him top 5 but teams are starting to prioritize centers over BPA a bit more now.
  8. Pick a fight? All I said was that we shouldn't avoid drafting a Russian purely because they are Russian. I don't give a s*** that the team drafted a Russian 10 years ago and they sucked. That's not a reason to swear off Russians. Cause the team at some pointed has drafted a player from every nationality that sucked. If your "statistics" is looking at players the team drafted in the past, that did not have Benning behind it so that craps all over you dumb statistics right there since any dumbass can cherry pick players that sucked, then by all means hate Russians. Tryamkin left not cause he wasn't good enough but because he has this thing called a family and surprise surprise they aren't from NA.
  9. Cause he found some Russians that we drafted in the past that did not pan out? Lol. Okay, by that metric lets not draft Swedes cause Rodin and Cederholm busted. Forget Canadians, Shinkaruk and Cassels were not great. Better avoid Americans too cause Schroeder and McNally weren't very good.
  10. True, true. Although that was cause nobody realized he could be drafted. I imagine he would have went sooner if that knowledge was more known. But I concede that point.
  11. I really don't see the problem with Russians going to Russia. It means they aren't good enough for the NHL. If Lind fails to make the NHL are we gonna stop drafting Canadians or players from the WHL? No, cause that'd be dumb. Tryamkin example is weak too, he left for family reasons. I don't blame a guy for putting his family first. Hockey is just a game and we take the game way too seriously. It's part of our charm since it makes the forum so lively but it also sucks cause we take these players for granted. Making the blanket decision to swear off Russians cause they prefer to develop somewhere comfortable is dumb. Or they go back to Russia cause they flat out aren't good enough for the NHL or even leave for family reasons some things are more important than slapping a puck around in a foreign country. There are misses in all areas of the draft from all walks of life. It just so happens we notice the Russians cause when they fizzle out they leave NA. We didn't swear off Swedes after Rodin failed in the AHL then returned to Sweden. We shouldn't swear off Russians cause they do the same. If Benning passes on Podkolzin purely because of him being Russian I'd want him fired tbh. It's a shortminded thing to do. There is too much elite talent with Podkolzin to pass on him at 10 because Tryamkin left to Russia because of his family. With that said, I really wouldn't know Benning's exact reason if he drafted someone else in place of Podkolzin at 10. I doubt Benning would pass on him though. If half of what is said about Podkolzin is true he's a Benning guy. Competes all over the ice, great IQ, very good skater.
  12. Good thing we didn't pass on that guy Bure for being Russian. Such a short sighted reason to pass on a guy. But hey, to each their own. Hopefully management is a bit more open minded about who they take and why.
  13. I like a lot of what I am reading of Seider, this included. Sure would be nice to have two 1st rounders. Not sure Benning goes off the board to grab Seider nor do I think he'd trade down for him. Only way I'd advocate a trade down is if we got two 1st rounders. Not a late 1st and a late 2nd.
  14. If they ate over half his yearly cap hit? Sounds like he is exactly as bad and slow as people say if Edmonton needs to eat more of his contract than they are allowed to for you to take him. Lol.
  15. Referenced a good many Canadian comparables but said no to the Russian. Interesting. Do you actually know anything about him other than his nationality? Cause from what I am reading he's got a good compete level in all areas of the ice. And is even trusted in key defensive assignments by his coaches. He's 6'1 190, good size especially for someone so young. Sounds like the only major downside to him is whether or not he comes to North America sooner rather than later. He is signed with a KHL team until the 20/21 season. Which does kind of stink, I'll give you that. Especially since it sounds like he's pretty close to NHL ready. I'd understand passing on him if you think it's a waste of time to draft a kid that won't be around for 2 years, but even then lets be real these are all teenagers. How many of them will actually be NHL ready in 2 years. Let alone making huge waves as 20 year olds. The lack of patience isn't a good reason to pass on a kid that has a rocket of a shot, good skating, and apparently competes hard in all areas of the ice. His potential is sky high and if he's around at 10 we'd be stupid to say "huge pass" on that kind of talent. But hey, that might just be me.
  16. I don't see Byram dropping past Detroit. And Cozens dropping to 10? That'd have me worried about taking him personally considering most of the experts I see has him as a top 5ish guy. Guy has good size, great skating, great shot, and from what I am reading has great hockey sense. Not to mention is a center, a team will take a shot at him well before us for that reason alone. Centers are a hot commodity at the draft. So much so that a guy that wasn't even in anyone's top 10 was drafted top 5 last summer. We shall see though. Draft day anything can happen.
  17. As much as many of us disliked his work, this is very sad to hear. He was quite young still. Thoughts go out to his family.
  18. Tanev is worth at least a grade A prospect, a 1st and a 2nd. Come on now. He's an ELITE shutdown D-man.
  19. Taylor Hall and their 1st rounder next year for Hughes. With Hall’s lottery luck we could have two top 3 picks next summer.
  20. Taking shots a near point per game guy that is in the NHL playing meaningful playoff games, albeit short playoff run, while the guy we took instead is becoming the next Tanev? We all cope in our own ways I suppose.
  21. Isn't Zegras similar to Boldy with the added benefit of potentially being a center? Or are we assuming Zegras is gone before their pick? Which is perfectly reasonable. The 4-10 range is very unpredictable.
  22. Columbus isn't super big, but they play really big. Their average weight and height is the same as ours. Size is super overrated on this board. It's not about the size of the dog but the size of the fight in the dog. And it's not like Jake is a monster player. He is like an inch taller and 10-15 pounds heavier than Toffoli. Toffoli likely has a very good two way game coming from that LA team. He is playoff proven, having won a cup and all. A 3rd liner that has never hit 30 points is not worth a true to form top 6 player apparently. People have the silliest reasons for it too. "He's too old" "He's not big enough". I am a massive Virtanen fan but I am beginning to wonder if he's in the long term plans as a top 6 player. Why not supplement the players the organization actually believes have top 6 talent with other actual top 6 talent? Especially if the cost is someone the team doesn't 100% believe in as a top 6 player. If Green would play Jake in the top 6 for more than a handful of shifts I am with the "keep Virtanen" camp. But I am doubting the team will ever play him in the top 6 for multiple games in a row.
  23. Size is nice, but you gotta move the puck. Gudbranson is big didn’t hell him get pucks outta our zone. Hell I seen him fumble the puck against the Isles and get scored on. Tired of seeing this team suck at moving the puck. A 6 foot d-man isn’t small and he can move the puck. Sign me up.
  24. This is a faulty way of thinking and why I'll never understand you team tankers. It's okay to have some veteran guys on your team. And since when did 27 become too old? Guy has a cup ring under his belt, in his prime still, has chemistry with another top 6 player on our team. Makes no sense to not want to trade a 3rd liner for a top 6 player in his prime. He'll likely be 30/31 when we start making serious playoff runs, which is roughly the same age that Oshie is for Washington. Team's generally win the cup with older players. Not many teams are winning with a team entirely comprised of 20-25 year olds. I dunno, get all the 20 year old players i guess. Worked wonders for Edmonton.
  25. Toffoli is 27. It’d speed up the timeline without hurting our prospect depth. Organization seems like it sees Jake as a 3rd liner at best. They’d probably jump all over moving him for a legit top 6 forward. He had a down year playing on a team that wins all it’s games on defense. Buying low here. Give him young, mobile linemates, he could have a massive resurgence point wise.
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