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Nicklas Bo Hunter

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Everything posted by Nicklas Bo Hunter

  1. with luongo gone and Kesler leaving i believe Bieksa will want out.

  2. Holy frig Bye bye! no offense but we needed this trade. rebuild for sure now.
  3. new rumor saying NYR have offered us Stepen, Jt. Miller and a 3rd. Time for Pit to make good on their promise and beat that.

    1. Show previous comments  2 more
    2. Alex the Great
    3. Nicklas Bo Hunter

      Nicklas Bo Hunter

      ^its just all over twitter. hence why its a rumor.

    4. Alex the Great

      Alex the Great

      I haven't seen it at all

  4. lol Jeff Costello is trending on twitter....

    1. Show previous comments  2 more
    2. Aladeen


      Well that will just up the Ante to acquire a player like Kesler to match... nothing but good news for Canucks if Vanek goes to Ana

    3. Warhippy


      Awesome if Kesler goes to Chicago and vanek goes to Anaheim, what an entertaining WCF series that would be eh

    4. MayRayDown


      I remember when people handed the cup to pittsburgh last year... and then CHI took it

  5. bleh luongo playing tonight. doubt he gets traded now.

    1. Show previous comments  2 more
    2. Xbox


      But I like Lu :(

    3. Nicklas Bo Hunter

      Nicklas Bo Hunter

      And I like kesler but time for them to go.

    4. Xbox
  6. Good. Pouliot, bennet, 1st round pick, 3rd round pick sounds good to me
  7. Bobby mack stated that boone jenner is one of the centers van is looking at in a kesler trade.
  8. bobby mack says boone jenner is one of the centers canucks would look to add in a kesler trade

    1. RunningWild


      Where'd he say this? Johansen or bust :)

    2. Caboose


      Doubt CBJ moves Jenner, he has awesome chemistry with Horton.

      Really don't see Kesler to the Jackets, Kekelainen will build with what he has.

    3. Henrik Kesler

      Henrik Kesler

      Boone Jenner is like acquiring Kesler who is 9 years younger and possibly a bit more developed at 20. I'd say he's a good second choice.

  9. what about : Boone Jenner,Wennberg, 1st round pick, 3rd round pick? If the offer of the pens was truly Sutter, Despres, 1t and 3rd then I would rather get Jenner over Sutter. Call Jensen and start developing their chemistry again.
  10. rumourgoing around that columbus has offered van Dubinsky, Atkinson and a first for Kesler.

    1. Show previous comments  11 more
    2. stexx


      wennberg rychel 2014 first, conditional 2015 2nd (1st if CBJ make playoffs in 14 or 15)

    3. Langdon Algur

      Langdon Algur

      Dubinsky is a great player, but as mentioned he doesn't get along with Torts.

    4. Xbox


      I agree with Magikal. This is Ryan Kesler, not one of our scraps. Top prospect is a must.

  11. i hate waiting for trades lol. Wed is going to kill me

  12. do you guys think MG will use our pick + picks we get from our core players such as Edler and Kesler to move up in the draft and get reinhart? Him and Bo had some good chemistry together.

    1. Warhippy


      No, we will get him on our own merret and use any picks left over to stock up

    2. Ghostsof1915


      Kind of hard to predict who's draft picks we're getting. If it's Pittsburgh's first don't hold your breath.

  13. going off Mackenzie's it would have to be: Kesler for Bennet, Pouliot and a 1st Kesler for Schenn, cousins and a 1st Kesler for Tartar, Jurco, and a 1st
  14. @running Wild i'm pretty sure fans doing that would just make MG push harder for Sutter. Fans don't get to chose who we get on the team as much as we wish we could.
  15. and thats why kesler wants to leave.

    1. Batmania


      cry me a river

    2. LeanBeef


      lets trade him with jensen

  16. management is treating luongo like crap anf fans are treating lack like crap. lack deserves respect not boos

    1. Show previous comments  3 more
    2. Nicklas Bo Hunter

      Nicklas Bo Hunter

      Why? If lack is better does he not deserver to play?

    3. Mr.DirtyDangles
    4. Batmania


      flew over your head huh NBH

  17. fans are idiots. only one goal was lacks fault. luongo would not stop them stop calling for luongo making lack feel like crap. shake your head luongo homos.

    1. Show previous comments  4 more
    2. Newsflash


      And that somehow proves that Roberto Luongo wouldn't have made those saves?

    3. Mr.DirtyDangles


      You are everything that is wrong with this fanbase. GTFO !

    4. Mr.DirtyDangles


      You are everything that is wrong with his fanbase. GTFO !

  18. sedin gone time to call up jensen

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