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Nicklas Bo Hunter

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Everything posted by Nicklas Bo Hunter

  1. I heard ana is looking for a D and looking at kesler..... could be great for a reset as they have silverberg, etem and bonino who would be great for us. To ana: Kesler, Edler To van: Silverberg, Etem, bonino, ana 1st, cap dump. Siverberg+ bonino= kesler Etem= edler Cap dump = anas 1st round pick
  2. idk how getting a shut out doesn't get you the next game...

    1. Show previous comments  5 more
    2. John.Tallhouse


      took the words out my mouth, I couldve sworn a few news outlets said lu was getting the start again

    3. Twilight Sparkle

      Twilight Sparkle

      because of this I am cheering for finland!!!

    4. nux4lyfe


      Such BS, Lu deserved this.

  3. Draisitl or perlini! Heck get us both...... I wish
  4. why are people still giving jensen a hard time? he is playing well frack off.

    1. Baka


      When everyone liked him he played terrible. When everyone started to think he was a scrub he started dominating.

      Superstition. When he gets called up I will go to the games and call him names for his own good.

  5. Well said.... not too mention jensen has gotten 10 goals in the last 15 games on a crapty ahl team....... do people even pay attention to our prospects or do they just say oh what a bust since they are not in the nhl....... ugh some people.... I fear for how ignorant people will be with shinkaruk cause he is gonna take awhile. Especially with this injury.
  6. Lol jensen has no spot on this team? A projected top 6 sniper has no spot on a team that has no top 6 sniper? Have you missed the past 15 games jensen has played In utica? Jensen is the closest prospect to being ready. Him and horvat hence the reason both are still considerd our top prospects.
  7. First off the cap does not work out. Second why are you throwing jensen in there like he has no value? The guy is in beast mode... hell of a prospect. Third Edler is worth mantha and they are adding a cap dump so why would we add 2 pieces for a cap dump? Makes no sense.
  8. Guys this makes sense..... t will not be edler for ranzen straight up we will either get mantha +franzen or 1st plus franzen. I'm all for it.
  9. what your draft wish list? mine is draisital and alexander tuch.

    1. Show previous comments  5 more
    2. Zoolander


      Fleury, Barbashev, Goldobin and Ho-Sang...I couldn't narrow it down to 1 or 2

    3. Zoolander


      In a perfect scenario tho, we have pick around 5-6th so we're guaranteed 1 of those studs. Then we trade for 2 1sts and 2nds around 10,15, 41 and 46. Draft a forward at 6th, but if Fleury is on the board at 10 take him, and another offensive forward at 15. Picks the BPA according to Bob Mackenzie with the 3 2nd rd picks

    4. BanTSN


      Yes: Draisital, Tuch, Vanier, FLEURY,

      No: Barbashev, Ho-Sang, Goldobin

  10. jensen with 2!

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. Newsflash


      5 goals in 5 games in the month of February.

    3. Blame Obama

      Blame Obama

      call him up and borat let doo thisss!!!

    4. Shamu101


      He rocks he's gonna boost the Canucks if called up

  11. luls can't even beat the leafs....

  12. realistically edler and hansen are the only 2 to be traded

    1. Wilbur


      I think Hansen will be traded in time. Torts doesn't seem to use him to the extent that AV did. As for Edler, you never know with a ntc.

  13. we are 3 points from being 3rd last in the west.....

    1. Warhippy


      that's 3 points from a top 9 pick

    2. goalie13


      We're also only 5 points out of 3rd in the Pacific.

  14. need to get another pick in this years draft. need some more youth!
  15. For all we know this might be the way of players trying to get MG out. Or we could just suck

    1. Tearloch7


      or you may be slightly dilluded .. just what is the meaning of life?

  16. I know people hate the plus minus stat but I just wanna point something out. Jensen is a negative 4 while having 11 points so not on the ice for many positives yet still has a decent +- while being on one of the worst teams in the ahl. Grenier has the same +- while having 30 points. thats great for him offensivly but that also means that he is on the ice for a lot of goals against. one thing grenier has to work on and my belief why he is not in the nhl is his defensive play. my point is Jense...

    1. Show previous comments  2 more
    2. Shamu101


      Jensen is not NHL ready though he's perfect for Utica

    3. Warhippy


      Jensen is learning exactly how he should. Low minutes 3rd and 4th line duties, tough assignments. If he wants to shine he has to tow the load. The kids coming along nicely. grenier as well although he's getting the better assignments at the moment, but when mroe talent hits the Comets he could be relegated and asked to do more defensive duties

    4. Nicklas Bo Hunter

      Nicklas Bo Hunter

      Didn't say he is nhl ready just said he is making those next steps to get to the nhl level he will get some nhl time next year but will be in the ahl mostly. Still nice to see him progress nicely.

  17. don't worry about trading kesler to the ducks guys by the time we are contending for the cup again kesler will be around 35. he won't be much of a difference maker at that time. we have nothing to worry about really.

    1. Newsflash


      wtf did I miss?

    2. Warhippy


      I was on board the trade Kesler train last year pre draft day. I wanted all 3 of Columbus' 1sts or 2 1sts and a


    3. Nicklas Bo Hunter

      Nicklas Bo Hunter

      Guess I should have put don't worry about if we trade kesler to the ducks. Sorry newsflash!

  18. if kesler is going to get traded it will be anaheim. they have an extra pick and young talent to spare. keslers price will be a good prospect+ lesser prospect+ ottawa's 1st or 2 good prospects + ana first.

    1. Show previous comments  5 more
    2. Warhippy


      Much rather have Bonino, wanted him since his first year in the league the guys the 3rd line stud we need but DSP is coming around as well.

    3. stawns


      no way do I see MG trading him to a divisional team

    4. Mr.DirtyDangles


      In what twisted realm does Van trade Kesler to ANH ? Seriously dude ?

  19. No way we make the playoffs this year half the team is hurt and the other half can't do jack. I bet either before orafter the olympics mg gets canned and we look for a gm ready for a rebuild. Time for change. When a team goes from stanely cup finals in 2011 to not making the playoffs in 2014 you know its time to restart.
  20. won't surprise me to see the yotes make the playoffs and us not.

    1. c00kies


      Jets have been on a roll too.

    2. AppleJack


      If we don't make it I want winnipeg to at least they are cdn (and TS second fav team) and if I am going bandwagon a team in the west rather it be cdn!

  21. Edler for Mantha, tootoo, 1st Kesler, 2nd for etem and devante smith pelly+ ana first ( they have ottawas first so won't care) We get 3 big bodied prospects and will have 3 1st round picks. Could use ours and detroits to move up in the draft and use anaheims to draft ho-sang.
  22. Detroit values edler really high and mantha is going to be the prospect van asks for.... why? Idk he can score unlike anyone else on our team and he is big. Trust me it would be best for both teams. Detroit needs a big d man van needs a big prospects. Both teams that respect eachother a lot fix their problems together. Trust detroit has more than enough young talent right now anyways.
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