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Nicklas Bo Hunter

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Everything posted by Nicklas Bo Hunter

  1. wearing my jensen jersey tonight.

    1. Show previous comments  3 more
    2. Baka


      Better hope he doesn't change his number back to 17 when Kesler is traded.

    3. CatsPajamas


      such bs. you do not have a Jensen jersey you goof.

    4. Nicklas Bo Hunter

      Nicklas Bo Hunter

      Yup I do have a jensen jersey ordered it in 2012

  2. where is the luongo love tonight?

    1. Show previous comments  6 more
    2. drummer4now
    3. Mr.DirtyDangles



    4. MANGO


      eye e-eye e-eye will always love LU oooooooooo everybody sing

  3. still remember when people use to call gillis god.

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. King Heffy

      King Heffy

      Gillis does the minor stuff well but every major deal he makes has been awful. It's like a girlfriend who never yells at you for leaving the seat up but constantly sleeps with your best friend. All the useful minor stuff doesn't make up for the major screw ups.

    3. BanTSN


      Wasn't even that long ago. Fans are fickle.

    4. Tortorella's Rant

      Tortorella's Rant

      Then we put childish fairy tales aside and grow up

  4. 100% win record with jensen on the team this season

    1. Batmania


      Do you owe Jensen money and every status update you make about him goes to paying it off?


    2. Zoolander


      semi-glad we won, but Jensen needs to build confidence out there...he's got the athleticism, he's just timid

  5. other than the missed shot good period for jensen

  6. so its higgins kesler jensen tonight. that speed and goal scoring ability :o

  7. Torts said he will put Jensen in an offensive role tonight. Hope the line will be Jensen Sedin Burrows.

    1. Show previous comments  5 more
    2. kj29


      Jensen > Burrows IMO.

    3. Tearloch7


      Too bad Burr is playing like a 3rd liner

    4. Go Faulk Yourself
  8. Kassian to be suspended. #CallUpJensen

    1. Kumquats


      Yes, waste a year on his ELC for 2 games.

    2. Gooby


      ^his ECL is already being used since he's in the AHL

  9. #CallUpJensen

    1. Show previous comments  2 more
    2. Baka


      Brad, why? Because playing on one of the worst AHL teams is so much more glamorous?

    3. Brad Marchand

      Brad Marchand

      Because any experience with this team would be negative.

      He's on the biggest roll of his life. Bringing him up here would either destroy his confidence or somehow get the Canucks going (and that ain't likely).

    4. Zoolander


      Give him the last 9 games of the season. Same with Horvat

  10. I think kane wants kesler to be his "wingman"

  11. I feel like they should have given Markstrom the game to see what he can do.
  12. can't wait for van to get Leon Draisaitl.

    1. Warhippy


      Virtanen RW local...big win

  13. a goalie who dives? fits right in.
  14. great gillis is trying to say we are focusing on the playoffs? yay! we will miss out on another high draft pick! so pumped.
  15. it is not a waste of his ELC. It gets used up no matter what he is playing in the AHL.
  16. couldn't the team at least call up Jensen so we have some kind of change? please. we really have nothing to be excited about as fans.
  17. sad part is that even though we did nothing to help our scoring and did nothing to sell for the future our top prospect Jensen still won't get a shot at the NHL instead we will have potential 4th line prospects come in to play an offensive role. Our team is going to hell.
  18. Keslers value will only go down. One less year on contract, one year older and will probably get hurt knowing him.
  19. what a slap in the face to the fans.
  20. Nucks will obviously never improve with our owners stopping a trade. seriously that is fracked up
  21. our management is officially the worst in the nhl. our team is dying and they do nothing to fix it? just gonna sit there and watch the team embaress themselves ecery game. wtf.

  22. ok now mg needs to be fired. how the frag does no deals happen when our team is so fracked up?

  23. I see kesler, edler and bieksa traded today

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. Nicklas Bo Hunter

      Nicklas Bo Hunter

      No they won't waive. Dark horses hansen and higgins though

    3. GM


      they both could fetch a ton...too bad.

    4. Batmania


      I doubt Bieksa goes anywhere. I gotta think with what we have a D has to go.

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