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Everything posted by Zfetch

  1. If it's consensus and blazingly clear I don't count. If it's not, I start from the nightfall cut off and count in reverse. I begin writing down in notepad who voted who and ignore the same posters previous (un)votes. It gets it done a bit faster to go in reverse. Although last game I used excel instead of notepad cuz I needed to track other things for my game. Count in reverse is usually the way to go and go in reverse with the pages. I'm lazy tho so don't take it from me
  2. I support Aladeen's big hard club. Inside these walls feel really good. I support Aladeen's big hard club. It feels great rubbing against my hood.
  3. We should do a mafia HOF where like 2 people are inducted every year making it very selective.
  4. I wonder what happened to PPCLI(Dr) and Captain Aerosex I don't want to assume they're dead but what if they're dead
  5. $&!# did you like reread every mafia thread damn
  6. @Alain Vigneault Proposal to justify ratings to:
  7. Anyone want to join an in-progress mafia game as a sub-in? Lots of rep points for grabs :)

    1. Where's Wellwood

      Where's Wellwood

      62 pages in?! Whoo that's a lot of catch up.

    2. thejazz97


      I'll join! ;) 

  8. Are there a few people interested in a game?
  9. Merry Christmas! I'll host a fun game right now if someone hosts a fun one after. I vow that my game will bring mafia back.
  10. What happened to CDC and when did she get so ugly

    1. Show previous comments  6 more
    2. smithers joe

      smithers joe

      she's just having a bad hair day. 

    3. higgyfan


      Did CDC have a sex change?  Always seemed he/she/they were male dominant.

    4. TNucks1


      yeah hope they fix it soon lol

  11. We should get nice physical bodies

    1. NewbieCanuckFan


      That is my goal for the weekend.....Striking out spectacularly so far. :P

    2. smithers joe

      smithers joe

      we better hit the gym, then.

  12. CDC died when @Kazmanian Devil died

    1. Show previous comments  14 more
    2. Zfetch


      I don't think loosely using the n word esp when you're exposed to that regularly(his music taste) is reflective of a racially charged character.
      Could have avoided it but it I don't think it summarises his character. His decision making was poor and impulsive. That's as much as I would call it.

    3. SabreFan1


      I never said he was a racially charged character.  I said it made him a bad poster.  I have no idea of his views on race.  Read what I wrote again.



      Or in this case 1 racially bigoted post makes him a bad poster.


    4. thejazz97


      I listen to probably just as much of “that music” as Kaz, and I manage to avoid it. I agree it was out of character, but unlike speaking, you have to click “submit” before you post.


      Knowing Kaz though, he’s probably still around here somewhere. I miss u bby

  13. I'd do it if we have no rep but otherwise someone else should. (112, Kryten, Bpgula, Toes) I would have no promises of getting out of the first lynch alive.
  14. Just did yoga for the first time.
    Never have I heard so many cracks.

    1. Baer.


      Randomly just did yoga lol. I am a freak lol.

  15. Some guy just fell off a pole and landed on his head. Pole is coming down rn.

    Listen to the Philly Police Scanner for the riots. Crazy.

    1. Show previous comments  7 more
    2. Stelar


      Philly is a $&!#hole before this. Only worse after.  

    3. Stelar


      And Vancouver should not be throwing any stones here.  The city was a discrace in 1994 and 2011. 

    4. Master Mind

      Master Mind

      Some people have a very odd way to celebrate...

  16. Or better yet, an experienced host doesn't even need to announce the roles with PMing allowed to add to the mystery and reduce the likeliness of an OP town.
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