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Captain Canuck #12

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Everything posted by Captain Canuck #12

  1. I don't think Kapanen would be a player Benning and Green would be overly interested in. He's a perfect example of the type of 'soft skill' player that they're trying to eliminate from their team (and mostly have). Definitely not the type of player to excel in the post-season.
  2. If an AED was used, it was most likely means a cardiac event. Same as with both Rich Peverley and Jiri Fischer. Neither one played again. Unfortunately, I'd have to think there's a strong possibility that Bouwmeester just played his last game (but hope I'm wrong).
  3. If they can't find a spot for either MacEwen or Bailey in the lineup, where would they fit Lind in anyway?
  4. Nice reality check, Derp.
  5. I think that would only be possible if he could somehow do it by scoring into our own empty net.
  6. Where does the Ferraro family rank??
  7. No need to rush them at all. That's why they sign temporary fill-in guys (with maybe some upside) like Bailey.
  8. Considering how much better Benning is at drafting than trading (with a few exceptions), his best TDL move will likely be not to make any trades and to just keep developing all the young players he has already drafted or signed. The exception would be if he can make a decent trade that does not involve trading picks or top prospects, but still only for short-term veteran depth (so that the acquired players don't get in the way of our developing prospects).
  9. Good end to the period. But I think you're right in your earlier observation that having so many top forwards return to the lineup at once has put their chemistry off. You mentioned MacEwen and Baertschi, but I think Perron came back at the same time as well. Those three all have the potential to be first line AHLers, which should be a positive in the long-run, but seems to have put things off kilter a bit in the short-term.
  10. Borowiecki would be a tempting pick-up at that price, but would depend a lot on whether we're able to add Tyramkin this season or not.
  11. It's quite possible. It reminds me of the prolonged absences that Rick Rypien was taking near the end of this time with the Canucks, which (understandably) no one in management was willing to explain at the time.
  12. You can watch it for me. I'm sure he was out there. Just a bit surprised that at that point, in that game, he wasn't a more prominent player. That's all.
  13. I just tuned in for the last 15 minutes of the third period and kept watching for Podz, but never did see him on the ice. If he was on the ice, his shifts were either really short and/or he wasn't getting near the puck. That really surprised me in big game like this. It made me wonder if he might have a minor injury of some kind.
  14. If, as the original poster suggested, we retain some salary, then they might. If the Habs were really looking at acquiring him, I'm sure it would have been that type of deal.
  15. Don't say that around here! You'll be swarmed by those who crucify Green and Cull for making our idolized prospects learn to play the game the right way rather than gifting them ice time!!
  16. Players on 30 other NHL teams just felt a shiver through their spines !
  17. They way Benning/Brackett are drafting lately, that might indeed be a smart thing to do.
  18. Yes, but if he could do anything to help the Comets make a long(er) run in playoffs, that would be more than enough reason for the Canucks to keep him until his contract expires. Playoff experience like that is invaluable to our prospects.
  19. I saw that too. Looked nasty enough to me!
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