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Captain Canuck #12

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Everything posted by Captain Canuck #12

  1. Might be easier to find good AHL'ers to play in Toronto than in Utica.
  2. It's a lower body injury and it's serious, my wild guess is ACL.
  3. Poof, you have a big keg with no bottom in it so all the beer runs out and that's the only drink you can have for the rest of your life! I wish I was a Canuck!
  4. I'm sure Markstrom will eventually pull out of this, but right now it feels like Green should be playing Demko every night if his priority is on winning.
  5. I wondered about that. I didn't know the stats, but I always get a feeling of dread when we play a team in a back to back who played their starter the previous night and puts their backup in against us. It's amazing how often the backup stones us!
  6. And the player who currently has the 3rd overall PPG in Liiga is another Canuck prospect! 2011 6th rounder Patrick Westerholm -- the future is bright with these two snipers!!
  7. He would have paired well with Garth Butcher.
  8. I just have to say that I'm ecstatic to finally see a day when the Canucks can make two calls to the farm and not have either answered by a Smurf!
  9. It used to be said about Baertschi that he was a high skill player who would also go to the tough areas to make plays and score goals. If he would do this, he would be the kind of player that Green would love and would never take out of the lineup. I fully thought that he would return to that style of play once he got this second shot at an NHL career with this callup. But I haven't seen any of that from him and don't know if I really ever have. And that's why I don't think he has any future with this team, or probably even in this league.
  10. The Blues don't go for just any players when they add some depth. They look for the gritty, heavier players who they know will thrive in the playoffs (i.e., no Erikssons or Goldobins). It's the same formula that Benning is finally using, with his trades, signings and drafting. The only question I have, is why it took him so long?!
  11. Great! Now you've got me worried about his potential!
  12. I'd have to say that it's more because he doesn't fit in with the type of team Benning is trying to build or the style that Green is having them play. He fits more in the Eriksson-Goldobin(-Granlund-Hutton-Pouliott) mould. In other words, the Softies bin!
  13. I totally agree. And when you have to replace him in the lineup with players who play with so much less intensity, like Eriksson & Baertschi, if starts to create a totally different (i.e., lifeless) team identity. They need him back soon, before they start backsliding to the style of play they showed the past few seasons.
  14. I thought Baertschi would have noticed the fast, intense, hard-forechecking style that the team has been playing this year and would have come out like he was shot from a cannon! Unfortunately, I didn't see any of that intensity tonight -- just the same old, same old Sven. If this is how he plays realizing that he's being give a second shot at life in the NHL, I don't see him staying for long.
  15. Binnington can't believe he lost out to A Player Like That. Someone's gotta start making t-shirts with that saying on it, they'll get rich!
  16. I'm not sure why he would have had so much more trouble adjusting to his new team and city than, say, Miller or Myers, and I don't recall hearing anything about him having such a slow start when he moved to Carolina last year. I have to think it's the sickness, whatever that might be, that has made it so much harder for him to play his game this year.
  17. I was actually thinking recently that Arseneau may just be a late bloomer who the Canucks should take a chance on signing. Who wouldn't love to have a player with his size and fistic ability, who is now also adding some offensive skill to his arsenal? Problem is, who would he bypass on the depth chart and would he actually ever see any NHL time? Considering the emphasis that Green places on having big, heavy players who can also skate, would he fit in with this team? Unfortunately, I have my doubts.
  18. I think the Blues were so upset about being pushed around and outhit by the Canucks that they decided go out and get more size (i.e., 5'10", 190 Fabbri for 6'3", 215 de la Rose). Loading up, just in case they have to face us in the playoffs!
  19. As we know from experience, he is the kind of player that can make a big impact in the playoffs. But he should be able to make a big impact in the regular season too. Something has been keeping him from doing that, and if he can't get past that 'something', he won't be able to help us in the playoffs anymore than he is right now.
  20. Eriksson just had his best game of the season against the Blues. And all because he hustled to nullify an icing. Unfortunately, that's all it took to make this his best game, but hopefully this is just the start of Big Things to come!
  21. I think what everyone is saying, is that this was his best game of the season, not that it was necessarily a "great" game.. Hopefully, he can build off it.
  22. In a game against a big, heavy team like the Blues, especially in the playoffs, it would be awesome to have the Traminator draw into the lineup as the #6 D. We matched up very well against them physically tonight, but that would really push us over the top!
  23. Exactly. By the time he finally rounds into form again, the season may be over.
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