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Status Updates posted by NikiShiz

  1. Studies show that 1 out of 4 people pee in pools...disgusting!!!!!!!

    1. Show previous comments  7 more
    2. :D


      Studies show that you make a new status every 12 hours and think this is facebook

    3. NikiShiz


      :D chill out, you don't have to comment if you don't want...geez

    4. Denguin


      There's actually a physiological reasoning for the amount of people "letting it out" in the pool... so don't blame them 100%!

  2. Thoughts getting Semin? I personally would love to see him as a Canuck.

    1. Show previous comments  22 more
    2. -DLC-


      Usually work ethic/attitude is fairly firmly ingrained and is something you either have/don't. Play is inconsistent at times and that's likely related. I guess my answer is no.

    3. NikiShiz


      @BryanMcCabe 4 mill is my answer to everything lol

    4. Bruce Boudreau

      Bruce Boudreau

      If there is any team that can get the best out of Semin it is Detroit. Look at Dan Cleary when he was with the Oilers and then how joining the Red Wings resurrected his career.

  3. I am slightly ashamed of loving this new JB track..."All around the world"...good stuff JB good stuff.

  4. Meanwhile in China.... http://9gag.com/gag/4328478

    1. 22Sedinery33


      What the panda did I just read...

    2. SterlingArcher


      ^lil wayne lyrics

  5. Watching SC and even the highlights for baseball are boring...how can anyone enjoy this game?

    1. Show previous comments  10 more
    2. mau5trap


      The playoffs in about any sport are just awesome. Sold out baseball stadiums, anyone remember game 6 of the finals ? What a treat that was.

    3. NikiShiz


      Snooozeeefesttt...I remember prior to a Canucks game this season there was a baseball game that went into OT and delayed the Canucks game, I was watching it and it was SO boring, later that night when I was watching highlights they were saying how it was one of the most intense games in the history of baseball....I was like REALLY? I would prefer to watch a PHNX/NSH game over that.

    4. JustJokinen!


      I can see how people find it boring, but you can't expect it to be something it isn't. It helps if you like following the stats or if you follow a certain team. Watching a random game when you don't know the players/teams is pretty boring.

  6. OKC vs Heat Finals?

  7. Curse you wisdom teeth...people who've had theirs extracted, how bad is the recovery?

    1. Show previous comments  18 more
    2. Mr. Anderson

      Mr. Anderson

      The wisdom tooth removal was nothing, you really don't feel much at all when he freezes it. The only thing you should watch out for is dry socket. You don't want to be eating anything hot, or sucking on any straws or even cleaning out the hole for at least 72 hours. You don't want to lose the blood clot that has formed, otherwise it can be a load of pain if that comes out to quick. I found rinsing gently with a teaspoon of salt to a cup of warm water helps keep everything clean,...

    3. Mr. Anderson

      Mr. Anderson

      It isn't worth the risk of general anaesthetic, which is putting you under. You can die from going under and I would only let them put me under if I was having major surgery that would be required to save my life. It is best to just let them freeze it and be awake while they do it. It isn't worth the risk of a general anaetheic, no matter how small the risk is.

    4. NikiShiz


      Thanks Mr.Anderson! I think I will go with the freezing as opposed to going under...I assume the procedure takes the same amount of time with freezing? Thanks for the info everyone! I appreciate it :)

  8. Am I the only one who absolutely hates these STUPID Bike lanes?

    1. Show previous comments  10 more
    2. :D


      I disagree. Also, you don't seem particularly well informed. Put them on the sidewalk? Are you serious?

    3. Bruce Boudreau

      Bruce Boudreau

      The biggest thing is the Cyclists attitude they think they own the road just because of their bike lines.

    4. Xbox


      They put them in Ontario last year so i hate em too

  9. Leonardo DiCaprio is God's gift to women http://trailers.apple.com/trailers/wb/thegreatgatsby/

    1. swedishdomination


      I never got why people thought Dicaprio was hot

  10. Kobe Bryant is UNREAL.

  11. Feel like a kid again watching the billboard awards!

  12. Bayern!

    1. Show previous comments  5 more
    2. Dion Phaneuf

      Dion Phaneuf

      They lost :'(

    3. NikiShiz


      I can't believe it! Drogba and Cech single handedly won that game for Chelsea

    4. AV.



      I feel for Bayern though. Great game.

  13. The Dictator was hilarious. Definitely not a movie for everyone though...

    1. c00kies


      It looks like a 'Bruno' or (even more so) 'Borat movie. I'm guessing that I'll like it if I liked Borat.

  14. A well tailored suit is to women what lingerie is to men

    1. Show previous comments  3 more
    2. Buddhas Hand

      Buddhas Hand

      never judge a book by its cover

    3. Phil_314



      PLIH: it's the first thing we see though, and you can't avoid first impressions :^P

      and yes, Niki both are rewarding to the eyes (no bromo if I know the dude)

    4. c00kies


      I guess I'm the minority that prefers a girl in casual clothes.

  15. CoD anyone?

    1. Show previous comments  2 more
    2. mau5trap


      Lol niki, I think you're a goner for the night. I'll catch you on the rebound =P

    3. !


      Diablo 3 :o

    4. SterlingArcher


      sure if you wan get n00b pwned

  16. Ah loving this new Chris Brown :)

    1. GodzillaDeuce


      I'm indifferent towards the Cleveland Browns

    2. Mr.DirtyDangles
  17. Am I the only one who doesn't understand half of Luongo's tweets?

    1. Show previous comments  3 more
    2. Canucks_fo_life


      Oh nice, thanks!

    3. JustJokinen!


      Luongo's tweets explained: sarcasm.. Hope that helps!

    4. The Brahma Bull

      The Brahma Bull


  18. I should just stop rooting for teams, Canucks out in the first round, Caps out in the second...and NJ loses game 1! Fantastic...ugh

    1. Dion Phaneuf

      Dion Phaneuf

      PM me yor cup winner, I'll make bets on the other :P

    2. NikiShiz


      hahah anyone but LA...so you should bet on LA

    3. DollarAndADream


      It's not your fault Lundqvist was phenomenal.

    1. :D


      Six tips to freak YOUR man out in bed, only in this month's Cosmo

  19. Whats going on with the Caps? Dale Hunter resigns? What does that say about the players?

    1. Show previous comments  3 more
    2. Xbox


      I'm moving to London in September. Knights FTW

    3. NikiShiz


      I just assumed that the NHL gig is the most desirable...interestingly I saw someone say that the London Knights make more money than 16 NHL teams? Thats crazy!

    4. goalie13


      Considering how many teams lose money, I probably make more than 16 NHL teams too.

  20. Anyone up for a game of NHL 12?

    1. Show previous comments  11 more
    2. Mr.DirtyDangles


      Socom blows away COD but I love third person :P

  21. Get your facts first, and then you can distort them as much as you please.

  22. So far we have been the only team to hand LA a loss...lol

    1. The Brahma Bull
    2. BananaMash


      Think about it, if they sweep the rest of the way we were the only team to beat the cup champions! (Or, that's how CDC will see it.)

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