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Status Updates posted by NikiShiz

  1. Today is the oldest you've been, and the youngest you'll ever be again.

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. DollarAndADream
    3. Scottish⑦Canuck


      I'm almost certain you've posted the exact same status before.

    4. NikiShiz


      @ScottishCanuck...probably! Its one of my favourite quotes :)

  2. Best Disney Movie? Lion King IMO.

  3. Anyone else think their toys were alive after watching Toy Story? haha good ol' times.

    1. Show previous comments  4 more
    2. Drive-By Body Pierce

      Drive-By Body Pierce

      The "toys" come to life with 50 Shades of Grey, from what I hear.

    3. The Sedin's 6th Sense

      The Sedin's 6th Sense

      What do you mean think? They are.

    4. 22Sedinery33


      When ever my toys would fall I would stare them down and I would always lose :(

  4. Man, this James Holmes guy is messed up... http://www.cnn.com/2012/07/23/justice/colorado-theater-shooting/index.html?hpt=hp_t1 Think he's acting to plea insanity???

    1. Show previous comments  8 more
    2. NikiShiz


      He's studying medicine and neurology...I think he knew exactly how to act in order to seem like a crazy person.

    3. BM24


      I'd rather he rot in a cell then get an easy way out with the death penalty.

    4. NikiShiz


      Yeah if its solitary confinement...which usually = 23 hours in a dark hole with only 1 hour a day out allowed to get fresh air.

  5. The Dark Knight Rises = meh

    1. Show previous comments  3 more
    2. Niloc009


      "And then you have my permission to die"

    3. soshified


      he didnt died

  6. Where do you guys see Nashville in the standings at the end of the year next season with both Weber and Suter gone?

    1. Show previous comments  6 more
    2. Spoderman


      Did the Preds not match?

    3. Grape


      Most likely they won't

    4. NikiShiz


      I don't think their ownership would match that front loaded $110 million deal...

  7. Restaurant recommendations in Vegas? ..Other than "Switch" restaurant that is.

    1. Trebreh


      If you like Japanese food, my friend says Shibuya is good. Im heading there in September :D

  8. Restaraunt recommendations in Vegas? ..Other than "Switch" restaraunt that is.

  9. People's Court....good stuff...

  10. As per Geno Reda: Forbes announced Top 50 Sports franchises today- top 5- 1) Man U- 2.23B, 2) Real Madrid-1.88, 3)NYY- 1.85, Cowboys-1.85, 5)Redskins-1.56...Interestingly 0 NHL teams made the list!

    1. Show previous comments  4 more
    2. kj29


      hsaha funny :P

    3. ilduce39


      You can see people walking around Vancouver in Man U or Yankees gear, I'm not sure how many people are rockin' Canucks gear in Manchester or New York.

    4. BM24


      ^ How many Canadians live in Man U first of all? Vancouver has lots of immigrants.

  11. Really want to learn how to play the piano...too old to learn?

    1. Show previous comments  11 more
    2. NikiShiz


      I'm gonna get a keyboard soon and practice on that first...do you guys have any suggestions on what to get? Nothing too pricey...

    3. Jaku


      You can definitely learn it! I know an elderly gentleman and he learned piano in his late 60's. I'd suggest checking out some lower end Yamaha pianos, they are fairly reliable, and aren't super expensive. Check out a few different sites and do a price comparison.

    4. Karlsson`s Flo

      Karlsson`s Flo

      I suggest a Keytar ;). You would be epic beyond imagine.

  12. Just got my tickets for "The Dark Knight Rises"....whoop can't wait! :D

    1. c00kies


      Have fun. I haven't seen a movie in such a long time :(

    2. NikiShiz


      Whatttt how come? I go to so many movies...I should become a movie critic...

  13. Aww Luongo got knocked out of WSOP2012! Oh well I think he got $20K though...not bad for a $10K buy in!

    1. Show previous comments  3 more
    2. Grape


      Good for him.

    3. 22Sedinery33


      Not bad at all, 10k profit take it any day.

    4. smithers joe

      smithers joe

      now he can put some pressure on gillis to trade him...

  14. Facebook de-activated...wonder how long this'll last!

    1. Show previous comments  4 more
    2. JustJokinen!


      Never had it. Somehow I have managed to live without it all this time.

    3. NikiShiz


      Damn some of you guys are good! I just de-activated it to study for my exams but if it lasts longer then great...

    4. Canucks_fo_life


      I've never had to de-activate it, one of those things where im not obsessed with FB as much as I used to be a few years back.

  15. Heat faves to repeat next year with the addition of Allen? I think so...at least to win the East....

    1. Show previous comments  2 more
    2. peener
    3. goalie13


      Even if the Abbotsford Heat did add Jake Allen, they aren't in the East.

    4. Grape


      No Bobcats will win.

  16. Has anyone been to Meat and Bread in Gas Town? Tried it today...it was fantastic. Highly recommend it.

    1. Canucks_fo_life


      I saw it on Diners,Drive-Ins and Dives

    2. -SN-


      Fantastic ice cream sandwiches.

    3. NikiShiz


      What! They have ice cream sandwiches? Totally missed out on that! :(

  17. Allen to the Heat! Crayyyyyyyy

    1. Show previous comments  5 more
    2. The Brahma Bull

      The Brahma Bull

      heh, what a bandwagoner. Too bad Nash didn't go there. I'd love to see how good Lebron would be with a legit point guard. Even i can pass better than Chalmers.

    3. SterlingArcher


      Allen is the man, but damn why he have to go to Miami. That team is too stackkked

    4. SterlingArcher


      thatsss the sscrap i dont like

  18. Well summer's finally here! :D Beach time!

    1. Show previous comments  3 more
    2. Newsflash
    3. Sick Hands
    4. Sully2Cool


      Finally Summer is here i can say it's about time after a Horrible June or should i say Juneary.

  19. Tsk tsk I always had my doubts about online poker...http://money.cnn.com/2012/07/02/news/companies/poker-ponzi/index.htm?iid=Popular

    1. 22Sedinery33


      Thats why I play on Pokerstars :D

  20. The new NHL13 improvements look sick! I'm glad they fixed that stupid 2-on-1 automatic 1 timer goal glitch...

    1. Show previous comments  6 more
    2. DollarAndADream


      Yeah momentum is so stupid. So many times the other team scores a crappy goal, then just throws it on net and does it again.

    3. The Sedin's 6th Sense

      The Sedin's 6th Sense

      Games gonna be the same as NHL 12, calling it right now and first NHL game I'm not gonna buy in 10+ years. Just sick of the game: 12 has Same graphics as 11, just some improvements in the gameplay which did help out a lot, but seeing 13 trailer, looks exactly the same. And for all the "Blow by the defender" bs, its aka: bringing back speed burst :P

    4. Blame Obama

      Blame Obama

      lol obviously its going to be the same, they just update the rosters and than.. "bam!!!" new game!

  21. Well looks like this game is over...barring a miracle that is...

  22. BIG DAY TOMORROW....CANADA DAY!.....lol jk its the Euro Cup Finals!!!! ...Don't think anything else is happening...

    1. Show previous comments  5 more
    2. Trebreh


      Theres gonna be a big press confrence to intoduce the newest Canuck... Jordin TOOTOO lol

    3. DollarAndADream


      Go Spain! Just because I know too many Italians that rubbed it in way too much when Netherlands lost for me.

    4. Tangerines


      Lets Go Italy! We need a new Champion!

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