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Everything posted by AppleJack

  1. whatever happened to the post yo pet thread??

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. AppleJack


      Thank you. Ts and I got a KITTEN! He's so cute and I want to show him off to you all.

    3. brilac


      So precious! What a cute little guy!

    4. AppleJack


      Thank you :) We got him from the vancouver spca.

  2. whatever happened to the post yo pet thread??

  3. I am horrible at keeping personal secrets. All my friends know this and tease me because of it, its not that I am not trustworthy I can and will keep major things that effect my friends from others but when it comes to myself I just can't keep quiet. I have a major secret I am keeping from all but my closest friends and its driving me NUTS. I find myself forced to lie to family and friends all the time but the worse thing is sitting there and pretending to care about the most stupid things. Its really hard to sit there and be supportive when a friend starts going on about something so mudane and you are bursting at the seams to tell them your biggest secret but you can't... Even the friends that know what's going on I find it super hard to concentrate or even care about their daily struggles with other friends or what their crush last said to them (like seriously don't care) so instead I just nod and smile and pretend like everything they say is the most exciting thing in the world. I am such a bad friend.
  4. I tend to burn everything so I feel your pain.
  5. I am such a horrible cook that I just burned a whole package of Jiffypop popcorn but I ate it anyways because I NEEDED popcorn and it was the only popcorn we had in the house.
  6. Watching shark week I have come to the conclusion that my cat thinks she's a shark. yup.

  7. loving all the sharky goodness on my tv, shark week <3

    1. Ghostsof1915
    2. AppleJack


      That was awesome.

    3. TimberWolf


      Girl in my office keeps referring to her period as shark week.

  8. Thank you she's a furry brat as well but she's sweet. We will be getting a new kitty in the next week or so. Gilly is lonely and needs a kitty friend.
  9. Thought I grow a draft beard what do you guys think
  10. I know that its the best thing for the team but the fact they asked Juice to waive his no trade clause feels like a betryal :( Hes pretty much the heart and soul of this team, and this is how he is repaid for his loyality. It must be down so we can have a better team, but its a hard pill to swallow. You will be missed Juice.

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. felixthecat_potvin


      I honestly wish he was named the Canucks captain over Henrik. I'll miss you Juice!

    3. Aladeen
    4. Carl's Jn

      Carl's Jn

      yes should be captain over henrik

  11. Chopped all my hair off on the weekend. It feels so much better. I also got my dashie shirt at Fanexpo ;p
  12. Saw the cutest little kitten on the spca website but its to far away...sobs.

    1. KFBR392


      there's probably a kitten or two (or 100) at your local spca. They all look the same when they grow up anyway. Like cats.

    2. AppleJack


      We actually been checking the new west shelter doesn't have kittens :o

  13. tea and left over birthday cake for breakfast.

    1. Ghostsof1915


      coffee, banana, and toast.

    2. brilac


      chocolate cake is the best for breakfast as well as cheesecake!

  14. watching my sisters cat while they are away on their homeymoon. he is a very cute old soul very sweet but hes super 'talkative'! ill never call my kitty whiney again :o

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. Ghostsof1915


      cats has talk

    4. AppleJack


      He meows alot. I think part of his wondering where my sister is and part of it is calling out to Gilly.

  15. anyone else on here watch Hannibal??

    1. Show previous comments  3 more
    2. thejazz97


      Love Hannibal!

    3. Master 112
    4. c00kies


      Depends. There wasn't as much scoring as the last game between the two :P

  16. Your guys drunk antics are fun to read on my way to work in the morning
  17. I just finished a 10.5 hour work shift with two toddlers. One of which is potty training and who has discovered the 'magic' of NO and I don't want to... so I am not in the best mood. I just found out that due to asswipes on the number 16 causing problems my bus is MIA and the next one is not for another 15 mins. There is a crazy long bus line up right now mostly filled with old Asian ladies, I usually would let them on the bus first but screw it. I am getting on first, if someone tries to budge there will be hell to pay!
  18. I didn't realize just how bad I was at cooking until my bf went to work and i had to actually cook my own food. I may or may not have burnt the rice :o

    1. Show previous comments  9 more
    2. AppleJack


      Well it also wasn't cooked all the way.

    3. ManUtd


      Well I was going to offer to trade you rice cooking abilities but I think I changed my mind after that part.

    4. AppleJack


      I just zapped it for like a bit in the microwave and it was good enough :P

  19. I confess that I let little things bother me I really shouldnt. Like people pretending to be something they are not really annoys me. I have a friend who sometimes pretends to like stuff she doesn't to impress people who shouldn't matter. It really upsets me because this friend is ditching those of us who have been for her always and sticking with a bad crowd. I shouldn't care because she has to learn on her own what these people are all about but I feel used.
  20. The gay in this thread is making my yaoi sensors tingle.
  21. I am getting drunk, Randy.

    1. Baka


      I miss drinking

    2. AppleJack


      The liquor is calling your name bud.

    3. Magikal


      I am the liquor.

  22. I am as upset as everyone else, I think that there needs to be major changes in the following months, but I think as canuck fans we need to remember that we love this team for a reason. Go canucks Go.


  24. Game Management starts already.

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