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Angry Goose

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Everything posted by Angry Goose

  1. I was working tonight so had to check Twitter when I could to see how things were going- man was I pumped to see Virtanen score two. I'm watching the 1st period of the Victoria game and it's my first viewing of Miller- yeah I'm sold. I saw the cgy feed highlights of their game, seems like whenever a Canuck was about to lay the body it got cut lol. Physical game?
  2. 2 games means i get to frantically check my phone tonight
  3. Early vote for seeing this guy and biega paired together
  4. Because Jake seems like an easy going and goofy guy, and maybe doesn't have the tunnel vision desire to work like say EP, I think the coaching staff have to stay on him to make sure he's focused and motivated. He seems lime the type of kid u have to be hard on from time to time to keep him on the right path. I have zero doubts Jake wants to be good, but tough love when he falls short is sometimes needed
  5. A little harsh, but I get it. Personally Im a big fan of Jake, but its tough seeing that he probably didnt score as well in fitness than what TG "maybe" wanted. Then again perhaps TG is being a bit harder on Virtanen and sending a mesage because Jake has no room to slack off if he wants to be on the team. My personal take is not to freak about it. Jake can still have a great camp and show he means business. Down but not out, onwards upwards!!
  6. I know I can be too optimistic, but Im kind of excited to see Loui this year.
  7. First on greatest Canuck of all time and tryamkin captaincy ty very much
  8. Bryan Hayes said the Canucks are a "brutal" team


    I hope they lay a royal $&!# on their leafs

    1. Show previous comments  11 more
    2. 6string


      I believe this is an earlier photo of Bryan Hayes...1219076235_tmlfan.jpg.1f01f39bb8bb2ba6bb7ae9411bf3596e.jpg

    3. Nucker 67

      Nucker 67

      Leafs have been brutal since 1967

    4. King Heffy
  9. its hard to believe hes only 19, yet carries himself like hes in his late 20's. its honestly &^@#ing baffling
  10. right on. i thought the film score was one of the most dreadful, stress inducing scores ive heard in a long time. **** IT 2 I cant believe it ran nearly 3 hours long
  11. I dont like to think of him as a fighter but respect hes willing to go toe. I would hate to lose him to a fighting injury. he is really going to help give jake a bit of breathing space
  12. I do think if injuries happen and Canucks need some call up depth from utica, Rafferty is going to surprise. Might even make it a hard decision to be sent to Utica
  13. Lines. Hughes Tanev Edler Myers Benn Stetcher New Swedish kid Biega Also, any predictions for PP, PK, and any Utica surprises/call ups
  14. The Unbreakable Kimmy Schmidt:. Wife has been bugging me to watch it. Like it it quite a bit. I was a big fan of Kemper on the office
  15. once i ordered jalapenos for my pizza but didnt get them. i was pissed. no revenge, still not o er it
  16. It does have a more big picture vibe to it and though extremely sad, the Atlanta case was super interesting. I'm with you on Tench's son storyline. I thought it was going to be this mis direction thing for sure but I don't recall much about it towards the end there? Correct me if I'm wrong. Also that bathroom scene
  17. Unless Commey has a chin of granite, he's gonna get exposed big time by Loma. Haney is a lightweight but I'd love to see that down the road.
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