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Angry Goose

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Everything posted by Angry Goose

  1. Im confident. JB had to re build this organization from the ground up. SUre, people can disagree with his methods of not tearing things down completely right away, but the organization is at the point now where they dont have to worry about adding big time pieces as much anymore. They've got a young core and decent prospect pool. They have found a solid coach that should be here for the long term. Scouting dept. is solid. I get the belly acheing about past and present contracts, but JB now has the ability to be more picky from this point on because the team, on paper at least, looks more solid. Ferland, Benn, Roussel were good signings, jury still out on Myers/Beagle and fair enough. This team can turn the page just gotta stick with it
  2. Stranger Things 3 5/10 Star Trek TNG 9/10
  3. Now that I'm finally finished TNG im cleared up to watch other things lol. Thinking about getting Amazon prime to give Too Old to Die Young a watch
  4. Same writer though I believe. But yeah you're right, the first one had way more of an impact on me. Crafted like a slow going crime drama. I loved the sound design too- so punishing and gave me a feeling of dread. The second one felt more heavy on the action, but I still enjoyed it.
  5. Ah that's too bad. Funny how movies can be so good for some but not for others. To each their own!
  6. I feel the same way. Maybe even 6.5 for me because I just didnt really walk away with anything worth remembering, but it was interesting and a well made movie.
  7. id just like to take a moment to honor dekey pete
  8. Pearson and Beagle definitely on PK. If Sutter and Eriksson are still here them too. Edler and Stetcher, Benn and Tanev. I like that PP2 could see a jump this year too
  9. Looking forward to Davis v Nunez tomorrow.
  10. Westbrook interview was great.
  11. DV is a fantastic director. I highly recommend watching Enemy as well and of course Sicario if u haven't already. His next movie is re-do of DUNE.
  12. It is probably wishful thinking hoping Loui could be moved (fairly). If he isnt sent to Utica, and comes to camp with some gusto, Id like to see him utilized like he was in BOS. Put him on the third line with some quick players (Gaudette/Virtanen/Roussel) and Loui can play to the strengths of his game which is bang stuff in around the net. He's actually not a terrible player, but last season the roster make up wasnt really conducive to Loui. This years team looks quicker and more tenacious.
  13. Id agree. Ragnarok was really good, much better than the slew of other Marvel movies. Has anyone watched Dark Phoenix? It wasnt very well received but I absolutely loved it, maybe because I grew up reading Blue&Gold team X men in the early 90's
  14. My list (since 2000): District 9 There will be Blood Drive Sicario
  15. Once Upon a Time in Holllywood super solid 9/10 definitely do a quick read of the manson murders beforehand.
  16. So, this is gonna hinge on how I feel things (hopefully) play out with Eriksson. He's back because no other team wants him, or the cost is too high. I say put him in a third line role where he can hopefully bang 15 in. I thought he looked pretty good with Gaudette and Roussel, too bad he got injured. So maybe Gaudette and Leivo? Or Virtanen? Ferland EP Boeser Pearson Bo Miller Louie Gaudette Leivo Motte Beagle Virtanen Goldobin Maybe hoping for Gaudette is too much. Might have to put Sutter there in all honesty. Initially I was against having jake in a fourth line role, but I think it suits where he's at. Focus on being an effective 2 way player and be a guy the coach can trust in tough situations. Give him 2nd unit PP time. Edler Stetcher Hughes Myers Benn Tanev Markstrom Demko
  17. For sure. I have a hopeful feeling he's going to step up in that department.
  18. have faith, he's going to take another step this season.
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