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Angry Goose

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Everything posted by Angry Goose

  1. X Men Dark Phoenix. Wow. I went into this expecting a terrible film. instead, I just watched what I think has blown the majority of recent comic book films out of the water. I &^@#ing loved it. But that could easily just be me.
  2. If leaving VAN was a major worry for Eddy im surprised he would push for 4 (if its a 4 year deal). Doubt Seattle would waste a pick on a guy that would be there 1 year.
  3. what we need is a mad scientist to construct a giant D man out of swedish meatballs
  4. ACK maybe I spoke too soon. I really hope its 3 not 4
  5. fair deal for all parties involved! Very stoked as Id like to see eagle retire a Canuck. Also, hands off Seattle
  6. Goodzilla: trash. I want to see monsters duke it out not constant cutting to human melodrama
  7. Newhook is a dynamo. And he is extremely shifty. I think this kid has a high ceiling. If he's taken though Im more than happy with Krebs, and if not Podkolzin and pray to god he works out.
  8. Sorry @aGENT I can't seem to delete the quote on my phone WANT: Newhook OK WITH Everyone else
  9. I know you go for BPA regardless, but I wonder with Lind in the pipeline whether he is as desirable as well
  10. He seems more engaged for sure. And a bigger guy as well. Some of his passes he can get away with tho in junior I don't think will happen in the NHL. That's just me hazarding a guess tho. If he went at #10 I'd be more than fine with the pick. Still would prefer newhook tho
  11. Im not doubting his playmaking skill and vision, Im just not sure how much of it he can get away with at the NHL level. Tight checking and physical play just makes me think twice. But if plays through it and can be productive then he is definitely a high pick. Im just worried he'll become another Goldy.
  12. In the pre draft video the Canucks released, I think it was walker talking about a player that when he has the puck he tries to ram it down your throat. Could easily have been Newhook. He's not a perimeter player at all. He tries to beat other teams 1 on 1 with his great skating/agility
  13. He is such a shifty, good skater. Weirdly enough reminds me of Quinn Hughes. Kid just attacks the net with his dynamic skating ability. C and could probably play wing effectively too.
  14. If u have to pick btw Newhook and Krebs, who do you go for? Personally, after watching a lot of Newhook I'm officially sold on him. Seems like a very mature young man too
  15. I'm starting to warm up to the idea of the Canucks drafting newhook.
  16. Hoping the police is on their coffee break during half time. Gonna have to burn some rubber to make it down to the gym
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