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Angry Goose

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Everything posted by Angry Goose

  1. And if he doesnt its good for the Canucks too. Sign him to a low cap deal for a few years. Hopefully he breaks out during that contract. If not, there are plenty of things jake can do to help the team win. He's turning into a good all around player. Just needs to keep improving each year and Im happy.
  2. ive been thinking jake could play on bo's line, and sutter with beagle, gaudette centering his line. that would give 2 solid match up lines and a more offensive minded line. i just dont know how open sutter would be to playing wing, but I think it could really play to his strengths. ___ EP Boeser Pearson Horvat Virtanen Leivo Gaudette ___ Motte Beagle Sutter I guess moving on from Eriksson though is probably just a fantasy tho.
  3. ive watched a bit of PIT and you still see some of the goals against and d zone scrambles that happened in VAN. moving on from guddy was definitely the right move, especially for a solid addition like pearson.
  4. Hiring a fulltime skating coach is going to be really interesting to see for next season. A bit more agility and separation will really help Brock elevate his game
  5. huge upvote The kid has more to give. Just let the guy breathe for God's sake
  6. I like both for different reasons. 650 tends to be more fair and level headed with their criticism. Of course with having former players like Hirsh and Auld, they get what the team is trying to do so they donet get all bombastic about things. Dahliwal, Cybulski and Perry in the morning show are really funny, especially when former Canuck prospect and producer Tochkin gets in on the discussion. 1040 is very entertaining and funny at times, although I dont like how bombastic and TMZ like they can get with their criticism (excusing Donny and the Moj of course). Halford & Brough have a great show, but lately their fire JB ranting has been really pissing me off. Yes, the Canucks havnt made the playoffs in awhile, but cmon, context matters guys. The Sedins, inheriting a team with zero prospect pool is going to have an impact. What matters is what direction the team is headed, and yes, I understand this wasnt all that great of a year if you pick it apart stats wise as well.
  7. @xereau thank you again for being so helpful. I was honestly stuck on the character creation screen for a couple of days now but thanks to you, templar summoner it is! really excited, and once I can get this character up to speed and doing well, hopefully I can start acquiring stuff for a Ranger build which Id love to do.
  8. Im happy Guddy seems to be doing better in PIT, but man what a difference Schenn's first pass is- so much better. I love his wolf pack mentality and 100% commitment in the D zone. I feel like if he can have a great summer, switching him and Biega out next season to keep them fresh and playing their best could be great for the right side. Would like to see him back. Great come back strory
  9. @Xereau Thanks pal! Great tips. When I play games Im as much about looks/feel/style of play as I am about actual damage etc. I think I would really enjoy having a kick ass summoner going back to my days as necromancer in Diablo II I REALLY wish there was a gender option for character creation. Nothing against female characters at all (loved my sorceress or amazon in D2) but I kind of want a male character to start. Could I do the fire build you refer to with a Templar? I dont know how active Id be in the trading market, which I hear is necessary for certain builds/getting certain items. What would you recommend for for a starter that can farm items themselves? Im going to get started on my character today I think!!! Woot!!
  10. I keep stopping at the character creation screen because i dont know what class/build i want to go with!
  11. Can Pearson be a 20 goal scorer next season?  I think so


    1. Show previous comments  10 more
    2. Pears


      @ReggieBush He’ll retire or be traded with Goldobin imo. He shouldn’t risk getting another concussion and Goldy is just too inconsistent to be given a spot. 

    3. J-23


      No I think Leivo can though.

    4. coastal.view


      those 2 and baer shore up the l wing nicely


      let's focus on improving the d in the offseason

      a bit more quality in the d will improve the offense group

      in fact, that will improve the offense more then adding any individual offensive player

  12. Us - I was curious what Peele would do next following Get Out. Knowing this was going to be another horror movie, would he take it in a more serious direction or more of a schlock fest? Well lets just say suspension of belief is a requirement for this one, plot wise. I liked all the nods to other horror movies, acting had some good/funny moments, and Peele is a very talented director, but Im meh on Us. I dont know whether this is supposed to be some sort of pure parody or what. A fun watch nonetheless.
  13. My latest batch of viewings: Arctic: not much happens in this film, and it doesn't stray from other survival type stories, but I quite enjoyed it. Maybe it was the Mads Mikklesen effect. Triple Frontier: was hoping for more, but I didnt hate it. Captain Marvel: probably fits in the average grouping of Marvel movies. Very few Mavel movies 'pop' for me Going to see Us tonight. Get Out was enjoyable but I feel like Im going to need to have my socks blown off by this one.
  14. It's the same hockey, the only difference being the team was fresh out the gates and the other teams have improved and found THEIR chemistry I for one like the style of hockey Green emphasizes. Push the pace and win your battles. The Canucks just need to keep adding horses to the stable
  15. I dont know about the team not trusting him. Here is a quote from Stetcher after ANH's game: then again i might not have been paying attention either
  16. Still one of my fav 80's jams: In memory of the late Mark Hollis
  17. Id like to hear JB at 1:15- anyone know if it will be streamed online or is it just on TV only?
  18. Well I wouldnt take it very seriously. If youre going into it expecting a tight and logical film, well, I think that's your first mistake there
  19. Cold Pursuit - holy cow what a nice surprise. This is a remake of a Norwegian film full of humour and some good action sequences. Quite enjoyed it considering how bad the trailers look. Alita Battle Angel - I like the spectacle of big budget movies. Not sure if this was spectacle enough for me.
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