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Angry Goose

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Everything posted by Angry Goose

  1. I just cant see Hutton being traded. Even with (hopefully) Hughes and Juolevi making the team next year, Hutton is being groomed to be the minute munching 5 on 5 and PK guy. He's been absolutely superb as far as getting back on the right track. I think you stick with him and hopefully he gets that break out year (offensively) soon.
  2. TG has been utilizing jake in a variety of important roles this year besides the PK. Meeting his goal total from last season is great and all but Ive been more impressed with his consistent play away from the puck. Petey has been getting all the love but Jake plays just as hard on the defensive side. I think that utility alone along with being a big and hard to play against makes him an important piece in the top 9, especially if hes got more to give.
  3. yeah. obviously a lot like the 1st. only thing missing was how surreal it felt playing the 1st one, but thats to be expected. It's funny though. I tried thinking of other games on the PS4 that I can say I really enjoyed or had a similar experience with and I couldnt come up with much. I have played most of the notable AAA games including RDR2 and while fun, nothing Id say was fantastic like some PS3 games I played (e.g. Mass Effect 2, Dark Souls, Fallout 3 New Vegas). However I did enjoy a couple more retro style games. Axiom Verge was really good if you like Metroidvania style games. Titan Souls was a fun challenge too. When Path of Exile comes out in Feb ill be all over that
  4. The Ballad of Buster Scruggs: 7.5 / 10 Solid amd I love the Cohen Bros
  5. Star Trek: The Next Generation Just about finished S2.
  6. and hard to believe it got cancelled when it did. one of the best large ensemble casts. hard to pick a favorite.
  7. I always think this guy is Sutter out on the ice.
  8. The Boesersson effect: We see it with good players all the time.  Lucic chooses EDM with Mcdavid there.  Matthews being in TOR might have had a lot to do with Tavares going there.  

    1. Show previous comments  8 more
    2. C.A. Nux

      C.A. Nux

      Who, in your obviously humble opinion, will the Boesersson effect affect and pull into our wet little corner of the world?

    3. MikeBossy


      Rumor has it Jack Hughes wants to play here and not just because of his brother (E5)

      * my source is the janitor at Jack Hughes home arena in the USHL :P 

    4. Angry Goose

      Angry Goose

      @C.A. Nuxno one in particular, but as others have said top college free agents would be a boon. Although the Canucks prospect pool is getting better I think there is still a lot of opportunity for new players. 


      As far as vets go Im not after the big ticket players.  I think the young guys should fill those roles.  Maybe a Bobrovsky though I can handle

  9. S.O.B might make it as a great analyst.  

    1. Honeydew


      He would, very well spoken.

    2. Nucker 67

      Nucker 67

      I actually really enjoyed listening to him. I thought he may come off as a sarcastic ego mad party guy, but he had some good things to say and probably has a ton of great stories to share. He seems up front, wouldn't hold much back, and is honest. Listening to him talk about facing the Hawks back in the day, the hatred between teams and how fun that was. It brought back memories of that rivalry.

  10. bummer. looks like ill have to wait till feb now
  11. it was quite disappointing when it happened for me. To hear it is coming to ps4 warms my heart. I havnt played a game similar to this for awhile. i have no idea character wise how im going to either, should be a blast
  12. I LOVED Diablo ii. Played a bit of PoE when it first came out but to be honest Im more of a console gamer. Now that's coming out for PS4 I am hyped.
  13. Suspiria (2018) I enjoyed it. The Thom Yorke vocal tracks were probably the only thing I didnt like (the rest of the score was great though).
  14. Castlevania - animated series on Netflix Only 2 episodes in and I love it. I dont watch a lot of animated stuff and can get turned off pretty easily but holy heck this show in fantastic. The writing is superb- it has a very authentic Castlevania vibe to it. P.S. I played a $&!# ton of Castlevania II and consider it one of my favorite games of all time.
  15. Overlord 5/10 Some entertaining moments but it's still a hot pile of garbage Widows 7.5/10 I think others will appreciate the story and the solid performances in it, but that wasnt for me. However, some of the shots were some the best Ive seen in a movie lately. I just didnt dig the story even though crime drama/heist films are a favorite of mine.
  16. coaching and management. TG has a clear vision of how he wants his team to play. JB is an under rated team builder.
  17. PATH OF EXILE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
  18. So the silver lining with this guy is that if he does come back, he will have hopefully continued to develop his game and still be on his entry level deal?
  19. He might not be getting top mins each game but it's important for Virt to play effective mins. PP2 has started to come along now that he has been on it more regularly
  20. I recall him making a good check as well vs the McKinnon line. One of them would have been off to the races had Virt not been able to stay with his man
  21. One thing I love about watching Jake play is he knows when to turn the jets on. PP2 he has been the one slowing things down or getting things going. If he can become a threat on the second unit, that would be:
  22. I know EP scored 2 goals but I honestly think the unsung hero of last game was Hutton by a country mile.  

    1. Show previous comments  12 more
    2. gameburn


      I never played hockey beyond Midget.  So, never really appreciated defensive side of the game, tbh.  I think you may be on to something though.  The team looked very different under WD -- a lot of shoot ins.  And very different under Torts -- a full court press game.  Travis is different again, not sure what his system is, but the team seems to be giving up fewer 3 on 2, 2 on 1s and also seems to be getting more out of Edler, and now Hutton.  They do pinch a lot, and generally don't give up the blueline as easily.

    3. coastal.view


      i really think edler has another year or 2 after this season of being a very effective dman for the nucks

      the issue will be injuries

      but i can see him easily playing 3 seasons after this one, he might decline in the 3rd year

      he'd be a good mentor for our 2 young prospect, hughes and oj

      if those 4 and hutton and stetcher and guddy are the main 7

      we have a chance of being a much better d grouping next season

    4. Angry Goose

      Angry Goose

      I'm a huge fan of Edler.  That being said, right now you are seeing a defense that can really move.   They are pinching aggressively and doing a pretty good job with coverage in their own end.  I hate to say it but perhaps speed is the nail in the coffin for him.  

      Hutton might even be showing he can play a similar role next season:

      Hutton Stetcher

      Hughes Tanev
      Juolevi Gudbranson

  23. Boy does this kid have a motor. With Sutter out this will be a chance to really get some mins/reps in. I dont expect him to put points up but the game exp will be great for him
  24. Brian Burke made an excellent point about Kadri having to find his way as a checker first in the league. I see a similar path with Jake. I have zero doubt his offense will come as he keeps getting better. Botchford also made a great point that this past summer Jake worked a lot on puck protection based on the advice of the Sedins and you saw a good display of it last night. He seems very committed to improving and that says a lot about the upside he has imo.
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