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Angry Goose

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Everything posted by Angry Goose

  1. They said most likely Feb but no concrete date yet
  2. damn it when is the ps4 release coming
  3. Destroyer - solid movie. Some really nice framing of shots. Kind of a by the numbers crime story, which is OK, but I like my crime dramas a bit more on the nasty side. Still a good viewing though. 7.5/10
  4. It's unbelievable the lack of love this guy gets from tsn1040.
  5. Hughes Tanev

    Hutton Stetcher

    Edler Gudbranson

    1. NewbieCanuckFan


      A bit early to be giving Hughes top 4 minutes.  Pair him up with Guds (who can at least protect him if opposing forwards take too many liberties on the small rookie).  Guds has worked well will an offensively skilled D partner (in Florida) so it could be a good fit as well.

  6. Give a listen to Higgins and B. Morrison on sportnet 650 (rintoul and walker, last Fridays show).  Some great conversation about other players and their time in the NHL.

  7. Id like to see McEneny or Sautner get a legit chance. Biega too.

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. Odd.


      Evan McEneny has done a terrific job down there in Utica. He needs to start seeing some action with the big boys. Pouliot hasn't been cutting it.

    3. Ghostsof1915
    4. Jaku


      McEneny for sure. 

  8. plant vs uzcategui was an excellent fight. Ive been following Plant for awhile now- nice to see him get that world title. love the way he fights
  9. dang.  probably no EP v EDM tomorrow

    1. Show previous comments  3 more
    2. NewbieCanuckFan


      No sense rushing him in.  Oilers are horrible so we should still be able to beat them even without Pettersson.

    3. luckylager


      With or without Petey, I hope they play the same way they did against Florida.


      I'd love to see Guddy lay a beat down on Lucic. 

    4. AlwaysACanuckFan


      ^ And another 3 point Eriksson night. 

  10. lol what was going on with McCann tonight?  

    1. Show previous comments  3 more
    2. Angry Goose

      Angry Goose

      hutton and him were definitely going at each other pretty hard.  i lol'd when I saw mccann try to challenge beagle to fight right as the game ended

    3. Twilight Sparkle

      Twilight Sparkle

      Hutton could easily drop McCann dead

    4. NewbieCanuckFan


      He's got only one fewer point as Virtanen (and plays center).  Seems to be doing 'ok' for the Panthers.

  11. Who hits harder: Edler or Gudbranson?  My vote goes to Edler.  When he hits it looks like he hits through guys whereas ive seen Gudbranson many times bounce off his own hits

    1. -AJ-


      Edler. He's a heavier player, on top of seeming to know how to hit as well better than Guddy. There's something to be said for hitting technique. It's why guys like Cooke and Kronwall could hit so hard. Gudbranson is a big guy who's a decent fighter and decent hitter, but he's no Byfuglien.

    2. Type R

      Type R

      I'd say Edler as well, however Eddies hits are always akward, and there are times he takes the worst of it and takes himself out entirely.  Its like he glides in, tenses the body up and hopes for the best.

    3. NewbieCanuckFan


      Mrs Alf hits harder.  Ask Alf.



  12. It was nice to see Breezer play- I thought he had a good overall game. Reminds me a lot of Niklas Hjalmarsson
  13. very, not too far off nhl broadcasts. Good game so far. Despite the score the Comets have some good battle level
  14. Pacquiao v Broner: lets hear some predictions. I gotta roll with Broner, but...
  15. No goals lately but Im still liking Jake's game. Defensively I like how he never cheats. Granlund or Sutter arnt guys that he seems to click offensively with
  16. 4 years thats crazy man. 2 tops or let him spread his wings and fly
  17. to borrow an analogy from boxing- amateur boxing can often be a frantic all out affair whereas in the pros it much more about pace, endurance and picking your spots. Maybe at the junior level QH is more able to take the fight right to the opposition and get away with things he might not be able to at the pro level where he'll learn he can pick and choose his spots.
  18. As polarizing Goldy can be at times, I think this is how I feel about him. Even though he is far removed from being a rookie, I often forget this is his first full season as a pro. I do think Goldy can do what Virtanen and Hutton did when leaned on by TG and the rest of the coaching staff to be better. As his fitness keeps improving I think the areas of his game where he gets criticized (puck pursuit/coverage/turning the puck over) will improve as well. He can definitely pass the puck very well and has great vision- he just needs to add a bit more horsepower and torque to his engine. I think next season is a big test for him. Can he come back in great shape and show he's ready to be a solid top 6 winger? He's gotta do what Baertschi has done in his development as a smaller skilled winger.
  19. that was a standout episode for sure. Picard and Data's relationship was pretty heartwarming as well
  20. Vice 8/10 - A good ensemble cast and some funny moments.
  21. Leaning towards Suspiria being my favorite of the year.
  22. My Best of 2018: Annihilation A Quiet Place Hereditary Suspiria Sicario ii
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