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Angry Goose

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Everything posted by Angry Goose

  1. Loui needs a fresh start and the Canucks need a new look. Lord give us a trade
  2. Interesting what JB said about Knight. I wonder if he somehow falls to their 2nd pick if he snatches him?
  3. wow lowry, huge and ballsy 3 pointer
  4. totally. I think the high quality of music sets a really high standard for new musicians too.
  5. I liked Podkolzin and thought the Canucks should take him if he falls to 10. then i learned about the 2 in the khl. then I started comparing him to Krebs and I think Krebs would be a similarish player and a much safer pick. So Im going with Krebs
  6. canucks hold the hammer. same with lucic. nucks cant do these teams any favours. esp DAL who have a history of nickle and diming JB
  7. I haven't lost hope at all on OJ although I'm disappointed he hasn't been able to start working on his pro game much yet. This kid has elite vision and passing. Hughes will he able to skate the puck out of danger and OJ will be one of the best passers on the back end
  8. I have a feeling that after next season, Quinn Hughes will show most people he should have gone much higher in the draft like EP. Top 3 is my guess.
  9. Well he has a guy in Ryan Johnson there who he obviously trusts. It's like saying because he hasnt gone viewed in person all the guys Judd Brackett is scouting that there is something missing there. One part of being a manager is putting the right people in place. I think the Kole Lind interview made it clear that the prospects in Utica are very raw, and fans just need to be patient.
  10. Eriksson for Lucic seems fair for both sides. His sucking up is helping me come around. I think you can fill Louie's role with a younger player like MacEwen maybe and let Lucic play hockey patrol. He still has good hands for a big guy so if he has the burn to at least try and work hard he could be a good addition. Cap wise nothing's gonna change so why not give the team a different look?
  11. too bad garcia spence was a total mis match I enjoyed Shields/Hammer. Man Crawford is looking good. Khan basically wimped out of the fight.
  12. Very sad. He had a big voice in this market and from what I know had a young family.
  13. Small sample size but he definitely showed great vision and good hands.
  14. Odds are this is correct, but god damn wouldnt it be nice to see him take a big step. I think giving him a chance at least is the smart thing to do.
  15. I need to start watching Utica more, really. My gut tells me tho that Gadjovich and Lind are just raw prospects. Theyve got potential if they stick with it and make strides each off season. Both could easily be cases of just needing a lot of development time.
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