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Schedule Idea

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I was thinking the other day about how well a baseball like schedule would work in the NHL. Not the amount of games of course but the way they do mini- series through out the year.

Think about divisional rivals you play 6 games. So maybe in september you play 3 games in Calgary and then in January you play 3 games vs calgary in Vancouver. Same with conference rivals we would play 2 games in a row in Dallas and they would play 2 in a row in Vancouver. Eastern conference games would remain 1 and 1.

It would limit the costs for the league/teams in regards to travelling, it would limit fatigue and likely injuries. The conferences wouldnt really have to change. From an entertainment standpoint I think it would be great as you would have mini-series all year long so things would carry over from one game to the next which I think would be great. The AHL sort of does this type schedule. There would be no more stupid back to back games home and home type.

Just a suggestion I think would work well.

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They tried a version of this a few years ago. Teams would go to a city for a two game series. It was right after the lock-out if I recall correctly.

Although it's not a bad concept, if I remember correctly, it wasn't well received. Most people preferred to have those games spread out through the season.

edit - I looked it up. It was the 2005-06 season. They played several two game sets against teams like Calgary, Minnesota and Colorado.

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66 game season IMO.

You play each team 4 times in your own division (If they don't mess it all up with multiple conferences.), You would have 2, 2 game series.

Then you have a Home&Home against every other team in the league.

Also, playing less games each season would hopefully mean less injuries in the most physically demanding sport in the world.

Less injuries = better playoffs = more fans = more money.

You would keep the current length of the season though too. Maybe it would eliminate ALL back to backs.

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66 game season IMO.

You play each team 4 times in your own division (If they don't mess it all up with multiple conferences.), You would have 2, 2 game series.

Then you have a Home&Home against every other team in the league.

Also, playing less games each season would hopefully mean less injuries in the most physically demanding sport in the world.

Less injuries = better playoffs = more fans = more money.

You would keep the current length of the season though too. Maybe it would eliminate ALL back to backs.

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I like the games spread out the way they are, although I think we should have a home and home with every eastern team. However, rather than expand to 32 teams I think the league should contract to 28 or 26 teams, cut out some of the real dead weight.

I enjoy the 82 game schedule and playoffs carrying on into June though, that's the only thing I dont like about summer is that there is no hockey to watch.

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I can't really put my finger on it but I don't think I would like it that much (variety maybe). I'd rather wait for the hate in the playoffs. However, it does have some merit. A four game series would sure be interesting in some cases but unlike someone mentioned I think this would lead to more injuries due to a playoff like atmosphere in some games. Also, scheduling becomes a nightmare for the league. This four games series without back to backs would take place over 8 or 9 days. Pretty tough for a team to stay in one place that long and for the arena to be free on each of those second days as to not extend the visit. (Hmmm, no double headers in hockey). :)

In addition, in regards to the Conference idea proposed, I hated that as well. Any league in which you have a different number of teams in divisions and the same number of playoff spots is bush league and unfair. A league will never be completely fair but it should cover the basic laws of math.

Shortening the season as someone suggested would be the ideal solution but it never happen due to revenue drops. Also dropping two teams instead of adding two teams would be the best for a league that's getting watered down anyway, but again due to money and player opportunity this doesn't work for the league or the NHLPA.

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