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(discussion) manny malholtra

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do you think he will ever get back to the way he played in 2010-2011? he was extremely effective and overall a good player that contributed greatly to the team. if he can get back to that then we have our 3rd line center already. no need to trade for it or sign someone else. personally i think he can bounce back but obviously wont be as good as he was.


sedin sedin burrows

booth kesler higgins

raymond malholtra hansen

volpatti lapierre kassian

not an amazing lineup but decent enough to win the presidents trophy again and maybe go for a nice run in the playoffs. doesnt disrupt the chemistry which is a big plus and if everyone performs up to there potential we have an extremely deep team. i think we need more but if this is what gillis has in mind then im alright with it.

so what do you think about manny? will he be a 4th liner again or will he move back up to the 3rd line center position. i like our 4th line with volpatti lappy and kas

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I'm pretty doubtful that he returns to his 30 point, stud defensive-forward status, but we should still give him a try and if not I think we should still re-sign him to a cheaper contract once his current one is up. It won't hurt to have him on the 4th line giving us reliable minutes, a veteran presence, and excellent faceoff percentage.

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I could see him as a solid 4th liner, but I think we should look at moving him, although he has a NTC so it would be tough to do, if he won't waive his NTC then we should just keep him on the 4th, he's still good for faceoffs and reliable defensive play, and I would be perfectly fine with him returning.

I would like a "re-designed" bottom 9 though.

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4th liner at this point. Hopefully his skill set will improve with a full offseason of training, and he can get closer to that 30 - 35 point clip, and away from that ugly -11 last season. If he can get his defensive game to come back around, he'll be a solid 4th liner with elite faceoff prowess.

Could use that cap space... But I think he'll be on the team, with an outside chance at suprising us all of what he might still have left in the tank.

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If he can't get his game back to where it was, he is dead-weight on a cup contending team. I like the guy and he is all class but this isn't a charity event and he has to be able to do what he was brought here for or new blood needs to be brought in.

LA and NJ showed that 3rd and 4th lines have to be dominant at times and eat up minutes in the other team's zone. There isn't the luxury to carry a guy who takes defensive zone face-offs and then heads to the bench.

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The cap roof just extended so I'm fine with a good PKer, faceoff man and 4th line center (big body as well) for 2.5 million. We'll see how he plays this season after having a proper off-season for once.

I would like him to reach the 10-15 goal mark and score at least 30 points.

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Yep we should just give up on Malhotra, like we did raymond after major surgery or how about just letting him go like we did Willie Mitchell after he had the major concussion, because we all know he was never able to recover his form afte that........oh wait he just won a cup. Canuck fan need to give there head a shake when it comes to players and injuries, sometimes injuries take alot more time to get back in form, even after they are medically cleared.

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I'd like to see Malhotra in pre-season and a bit in the start of the season before I make any judgements on Malhotra. He said himself, he knows he's had a bad year and he wasn't in the form he hoped to be in; and he also stated he'd like to spend the summer to regain his form hopefully. I believe in Malhotra, he has come off an devastating injury and I'd like to give him another shot, who knows, maybe he can come back like he was in his 1st year here.

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