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Tony Romo

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^anybody else think desiboy's making sh!t up again?


Nevermind, found it on google...was deleted off Twitter though.



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In the aftermath of the odyssey known as #DeflateGate and the short-lived phenomenon known as #HeadsetGate, two things were clear: (1) anyone who loses in Gillette Stadium can try to blame it not on their own failure to perform but on cheating; and (2) anyone who hosts the Patriots can take liberties with the rules and there's nothing the Patriots can say about it.

The first example came in the first game after the Steelers suggested that something fishy happened in the regular-season opener at Gillette Stadium. (The NFL quickly concluded that nothing fishy happened.) The Bills hosted the Patriots at Ralph Wilson Stadium, and on multiple occasions the very loud third-down train horn blared when it arguably shouldn't have.

In the memo sent last month reminding all teams of the NFL's in-stadium noise policies, the league said this: "The home team is permitted to play audio while the visiting team is on offense and the play clock is running. The audio must cease by the time the play clock reaches 20 seconds, or when the visiting team's offense reaches the line of scrimmage, whichever occurs first. Pursuant to this policy, the visiting team's offense is considered being at the line of scrimmage when the center touches the ball."

The Patriots used the no-huddle offense on multiple occasions, and on multiple occasions when the Patriots used the no-huddle offense the Bills were blaring the train horn.

It's unknown whether the Patriots made an official complaint to the league regarding the apparent violation of the noise rules. If they were to make any suggestion of it publicly, they'd invite plenty of eye rolling and cries of "karma!" from fans of the Bills and the other 30 teams not named the Patriots.

It may not matter if the Patriots complain. By league rule, "[a]ll clubs must submit a recording of the video board feed paired with the PA system audio by the Wednesday following a home game."!So if the Bills went too far when the Patriots had the ball, the NFL easily will be able to figure it out.

"but....but....but...it's against the Patriots so it's legal and shouldn't be talked about by any media sources!" :lol: :lol:

and @goose, you def need some of that cream as well

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You're the one who keeps saying it everytime someone has a different opinion. Get your head out of your ass man. Not everyone agrees with you and not everyone is a pats fan. I like you in every other thread but your just a douche here. Honestly if you're not going to stop with this butthurt gate thing every time someone disagrees with you, then block me because I'll troll you around this forum all day. Every day.

Balls in your court TRR

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^Woah!, calm down there man lolll.

I only say it to people that are salty. If they have an opinion that's fine but idg it. Others can take jabs that's cool but when we do it it's not right. Yea, perfect logic lmao.

it's perfectly fine. You have to have more weapons in your arsenal than #butthurtgate. Cmon man your better than that. Like I said I have no issue with you but in this thread it's like talking to a 4 year old. Throw your jabs, talk your trash, I dig it man. Enough with the #butthurt gate. I'm annoyed you won.
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How do Seattle fans feel about trading some of Lynch's productivity for little Jimmy who can't get separation?

Without Unger, and an already crap offensive line, Lynch can't even get out of the backfield because of pressure up the middle. Unger can't play all 5 positions on the line, but he definitely would be doing a lot better in protecting the middle. Not to mention his intangibles and being the QB of the line.

Graham can't get separation or sell DBs on routes, so Wilson can't target him. Seattle also has Graham blocking a lot, even though the knock on him and not being a "complete" tight end has always been that he's softer than marshmellows when it comes to blocking defensive linemen.

Also, someone tell Chip Kelly he's in the NFL, not the NCAA.

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If people really cared about cheating they would have stopped watching sports a long time ago.

Me, if I took steroids I still wouldn't be able to get a hit of a major league pitcher or cover a NFL receiver.

All of the cheating that occurs in professional sports is pretty minor in the big picture and if Dallas isn't bending the rules a little bit I'd be dissapointed in Jerry Jones.

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Jimmy Graham unhappy with his role in Seattle.http://profootballtalk.nbcsports.com/2015/09/21/jimmy-graham-doesnt-seem-happy-with-his-role-in-seattles-offense/

Seattle is a team in turmoil ever since the SB call.

Tbh can't say I'm surprised. Seattle went overkill and looking at it now, addition of Graham wasn't necessary at all. They're Oline is considerably weak and they should've stuck to fixing that to become a better team. Graham isn't even a TE really. He's one of the worst (if not the worst) "TE's" at blocking and can't be relied upon. He's a big fella and is more suitable to being labelled a WR in my mind.

And in Orleans, he had the perfect match with Brees and philosophy with Payton. They knew this and lined him out side majority of the time. Hawks relying on him to block aren't using him to his advantage. In all honesty, they had a perfect TE for their system in Wilson so Graham again was not something they had to go after.

Something's clearly wrong and it's either coaches are off or Graham. Whatever it is, should fix it because rn, it's not benefitting anyone.

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Jimmy Graham unhappy with his role in Seattle.


Seattle is a team in turmoil ever since the SB call.

Jimmy Graham should be unhappy. The offense isn't even trying to get him into the game. Part of the problem was mentioned last night: Graham had a lot of structure with Drew Brees in New Orleans, whereas Wilson checks down, scrambles, then finds someone open who is well past their pattern. Graham has never been known as being too creative on the field as far as getting open is concerned, he just wants to run a pattern and catch a pass.

Right now I would way rather have Unger back on the O line than a TE who isn't getting pass attempts, but I hope they (Wilson) can figure out how to use one of the best TE in the league before he demands out.

Right now its a waste.

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Top 16 is pretty damn good too. Carolina has been a tough d for a while now.

Yeah Chip Kelly better turn it around or he's gonna be gone halfway into the year. He wanted his guys and it's his show. I still believe trading Foles was their biggest mess up. Mathis to a degree could have helped as well. Eagles need to start utilizing Agholor better too. That's a great weapon.

16th isn't pretty damn good. It is literally average. 32 teams in the NFL. 16 is half of 32. Average. Plus as I said which you ignored they were 27th in yards given up per carry. They didn't stop the run well at all. The NFL averaged 4.5 yards per carry against them.

Panthers run defense was garbage don't try to defend it as good xD

And yeah if the season ends horribly Chip will take the brunt of it. Can't say I agree on Foles though. He was and still is garbage IMO. Even if Bradford isn't the answer I wouldn't want Foles back at all.

I won't say Mathis would have changed things. He may have but the running game was better when he wasn't on the field last year. Statistically a whole yard better. Plus he let Drew Rosenhaus screw him over by trying to get more money. He ultimately lost more.

I do think Agholor will be good though but he has looked like a rookie even in preseason he has made silly mistakes. But given that WR corps he is the most dynamic option and him stepping up early in his career would be huge. It would also help if Jordan Matthews stopped dropping balls.

Eagles have hope though they just need to execute.

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