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Tony Romo

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Yeah... He also spat on her in the elevator and pushed her back against the elevator with with a quick show and when she lunged forward to retaliate he cold cocked her.

Totally unnecessary force whether victim was male or female, what happened to being the bigger man and trying to defuse the situation and give her as much space in the elevator to cool down instead of spitting at her and showing her against the wall and trying to move to his side.

Scratch her maybe, shove, quick kick or rabbit punch to the side but a full on head shot? Plus he spit on someone intentionally who is the mother of his child.

No matter how angry you get how can you resort to that? I think it is more to do with black culture and being raised to always stand up for yourself if he feel like he are being "punked" by somebody.

Instead of diffusing the situation their first instinct is to " finna throw some hands"

How is standing up for yourself "black culture." Everybody is taught to not let others push them around and different people have different means of dealing with it or different thresholds for being able to stay in control of themselves. Doesn't matter about the colour of your skin.

Edited by canuckfan_21
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How is standing up for yourself "black culture." Everybody is taught to not let others push them around and different people have different means of dealing with it or different thresholds for being able to stay in control of themselves. Doesn't matter about the colour of your skin.

I was talking about people from poor upbringings and inner city backgrounds tend to be less tolerant to any disrespect whatsoever either perceived disrespect or legitimate.

They are willing to fight and hit back instead of walking away more quickly than others who tend to have better upbringings and were shown that the answer to violence is almost never more violence.

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I was talking about people from poor upbringings and inner city backgrounds tend to be less tolerant to any disrespect whatsoever either perceived disrespect or legitimate.

They are willing to fight and hit back instead of walking away more quickly than others who tend to have better upbringings and were shown that the answer to violence is almost never more violence.

True. US jails are full of guys from poor backgrounds who are there because someone disrespected them or looked at them wrong. 5-10 years because they couldnt just walk away. So stupid. (5-10 years is the average US prison term for aggravated assault)

EDIT: Watch the video closely. This isnt him beating on her. This is two people fighting each other. Im not as appalled by him punching her as I am by his disregard for her when shes unconscious. That part was cold and seems to tell us more about him than the rest..

Edited by Offensive Threat
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Guys, pls help me. Don't know what to do in my money fantasy league - should I start Mike Evans or Kevin Stills?

NO is facing Carolina and their pass defense isn't the greatest. Brees may just be able to pick em apart and they have allowed the 5th most pass TDs. Cooks is injured, Colston has lost a step from his previous self, and Stills had a monster game last week.

Bucs are facing Detroit who have a disruptive defense. Their pass D might not be great but their big boys get pressure and will likely be able to get McCown off his game and comfort zone. Evans streak of 4 games with a TD ended last week but he had 9 pass targets and caught 4. He's literally all Tampa has and Josh pretty much throws the ball to him every chance he has.

...do I go with the sure #1 WR up against a tough defense thag may drop the QBs production = drop in Evans production, or do I go with Stills against a poor pass defense but no guarantee who Brees throws to as he's unpredictable but Cooks is out and Colston is slowing down out there. ?

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What's the over-under for a shooting in Oakland?

LOL Cam Newton with a TD, gonna be 17-0 and a bit of a team shoving match taking down some padding. Looks like a bunch of Saints went after Newton for some reason.

86 Brandon Williams of Carolina throws punches and gets tossed out.

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What's the over-under for a shooting in Oakland?

LOL Cam Newton with a TD, gonna be 17-0 and a bit of a team shoving match taking down some padding. Looks like a bunch of Saints went after Newton for some reason.

86 Brandon Williams of Carolina throws punches and gets tossed out.

Apparently they didn't like Newton's superman celebratory pose.

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The game tonight is a huge one, it almost feels like a playoff game because it's a must win to get home field in the playoffs. Yes, I'm aware there are still 3 other games that will need to be won, but out of the Chargers, Bills, Jets and Dolphins, it's quite clear the Chargers pose the biggest threat.

Barring some unforeseen circumstances, like Keenan Allen decides to be consistent or the Chargers defense plays lights out, then I'll have the Broncos traveling to San Diego & Cincinnati circled, and will be cheering hard for the Chargers and Bengals in those games.

Have a feeling Revis still has a sour taste in his mouth after shutting down Jordy Nelson for nearly the entire game, but the one slip up he had was a big one, and one that ultimately was the difference maker in the game (a touchdown in a 5 point game). I expect a big game out of him, especially in a warm climate on a dry field.

Also hope Browner tries jamming Gates at the line without holding him -.-

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