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The Newer Newer Official WWE/TNA thread.


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It's really bad when the best match is the first match.

aha yup. me and my friends sitting here thinking, ok they're giving us the best match at the start. no real point in watching the rest. well, there wasn't. we were all playing candy crush throughout most of the show. one of my buddies did bring up tho, with the first match, roman reigns is now a made man. and i enjoyed the wyatts vs punk and bryan

cue the title unification talks now

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i'm not as critical about this PPV as everyone else is. for a "supposedly big 4" ppv, it was pretty weak by standards, but me and my friends had no expectations but a couple matches stood out. we all loved ryback being squashed by mark henry, because you can't kill that guy anymore

i love how we were waiting for the PPV to start, they were airing wwe classics on the undertaker's SS runs over the years. one thing we've noticed, even wwe isn't using renee paquette right. wake the **** up, guys

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- To provide some clarification on the TLC match at next month's pay-per-view between World Heavyweight Champion John Cena and WWE Champion Randy Orton, WWE's website wrote the following in their match preview: "With not one, but both World Titles hanging in the balance, World Heavyweight Champion John Cena will face WWE Champion Randy Orton in an historic Tables, Ladders & Chairs Match.

The watershed contest will leave one Superstar in possession of both World Titles, a feat that has never been accomplished since the World Heavyweight Title was introduced in September 2002."

I guess Cena wins then.


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yup. here i thought cena was just going to help elevate that title a little but and have a unification match with two people the fans give a **** about, but wwe just can't help themselves and have to once again shove cena down our throats. i don't even care about tlc anymore. they killed that ppv way too early. being a wrestling fan is worse than being a canucks fan

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Scott Keith hit the nail on the head in his Raw review:

So my pre-show rant for the day: I feel like this company has fallen into living out The Bridge on the River Kwai with this Authority deal. They’re all about “telling stories”, but they have literally ONE (1) story they’re telling, which is “HHH and Stephanie are bad people and Vince returns to get revenge at Wrestlemania.” Except Vince was never betrayed or wronged by them on TV, he just kind of disappeared. And they don’t actually know what match is being built to. And they don’t know how they’re getting to that match. And they don’t know when Vince is coming back or why. But BY GOD, the storyline that people have craved for a year is F*****G VINCE MCMAHON V. COO HHH and if fans chant for Daniel Bryan it just means we’re in “bizarroworld” or it’s a smark-heavy city or the football game was big competition or it’s a holiday show and we just don’t understand how important it is to have 5 (five) authority figures running RAW every week to build to the incredibly important, once-in-a-lifetime HHH v. Vince showdown that we already saw twice in 1999. And now that we’ve burned through all the possible World title contenders (Ziggler, Bryan, Big Show, Kane, Del Rio, Punk, Ryback, Henry) and there’s literally nothing left to fill time until YOU WILL GET HHH V. VINCE AND F*****G LIKE IT, now we get a “title v. title” ladder match between Orton and Cena after four straight months of screwjob finishes in PPV main events, because there’s no one else left to main event. And even then they can’t call it a unification match, because they’re compelled to screwjob that up as well because it doesn’t matter until we get to HHH v. Vince, which you will F*****G LIKE OR F**K YOU, which is the most importantest thing in the history of sports entertainment. For some reason. But maybe that’s just me.

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yup. here i thought cena was just going to help elevate that title a little but and have a unification match with two people the fans give a **** about, but wwe just can't help themselves and have to once again shove cena down our throats. i don't even care about tlc anymore. they killed that ppv way too early. being a wrestling fan is worse than being a canucks fan

The Cena thing make absolutely no sense.

The guy gets rejected in front of every crowd he goes too, ratings have fallen every year (even more drastically since he's been the face), they are about to hit there lowest ratings/viewship or whatever since the in your house era.

And they STILL go with this guy, if he inspires kids (that will eventually grow up & get sick of him) then great, but he can inspire kids in the midcard.

Isn't there objective to grow the company?

Edited by Smashian Kassian
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Things I want. DB and CM Punk feud, Cena to turn heel FFS, Kane and Big Show feud( hopefully ending in a retirement match at WM), Del Rio chasing ICC (basically use him in mid card) and Miz/Sheamus(when he gets back)/ SOMEBODY to turn heel. Likeliness of anyone of those things happening soon or at all are pretty slim.

I like how they are using Veterans and rookies together in tag team matches, ie. Xavier Woods and R truth(being one of the more entertaining mid cards) or even Big E and Mark Henry(though it was not that entertaining).

I have always like the Shield

Wyatts are okay.

The Divas are usually pretty bad.

I Loathe this Orton and Cena match at TLC, what the frack happened to the DB/Orton feud? They could of done so many things after HIAC with that..

It's funny how things got worse when Cena got back.

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