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They should turn Reigns heel. He is basically like Cena with the fans, some people like him but most hate him.

The Rock started out as a heel when he started to get big.

Corporate Reigns! I like the sound of that.

Rollins could turn face in the process.

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They should turn Reigns heel. He is basically like Cena with the fans, some people like him but most hate him.

The Rock started out as a heel when he started to get big.

Corporate Reigns! I like the sound of that.

Rollins could turn face in the process.

Rollins is the hottest heel with the company, right now.

Makes no sense to turn him face.

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Rollins is the hottest heel with the company, right now.

Makes no sense to turn him face.

Makes no sense that Reigns is face. It would be much better for him to be heel. Rollins could get a huge pop if he became a face.

Rollins would get over with the crowd much easier than Reigns. It might take a PPV or two but I can see it happening.

'Authority cost Rollins the WHC and side with Reigns, the new champ' Maybe something like that idk.

Edited by Junkyard Dog
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I'm gonna post WM predictions, because even though I have little knowledge of the event going in, I'll do them on who I think should win:

Brock Lesnar vs. Roman Reigns (WWE World Heavyweight Championship)

-Lesnar should win this. He's more over as a heel or face than Reigns right now, and a Reigns win would make it seem more like Vince and Co are forcing Reigns down our throats. A Paul Heyman turn on Lesnar could happen, but I think the crowd will be a majority pro-Lesnar considering the WM crowds are the most hardcore fans you see all year. The fact that Reigns has minimal support already leads me to believe that Lesnar will be cheered by the crowd heavily on Sunday (unless they pipe in the boos). I can't see them ending WM with the fans throwing garbage into the ring like WCW, so I believe Lesnar retains. I can see Rollins getting involved with the cash in, but I'll just make the prediction for the card as is.

Winner: Brock Lesnar

Sting vs. Triple H

Triple H has a history of shaming ex-WCW employees on the big stage. This would be the ultimate slap in the face to the most loyal WCW employee there was, and I can't see it happening after it took 13 years for Sting to make a WWE appearance. Yes Sting is far past his prime, but I can't see WWE pissing all over him for the few matches they will get out of him. I also think they will build him and Undertaker up for a double retirement match at next years WM. Sting will win, probably not clean though.

Winner: Sting

Multi-Man Ladder match for the Intercontinental Title

The easy pick here is Daniel Bryan, considering the fans almost had a riot when they eliminated him so early in the Rumble. But there are a few choices here that make sense. The four I think that have a shot are Bryan, Bad News Barrett, Dean Ambrose and Dolph Ziggler. The rumor of a Ziggler/Bryan feud after makes you think Bryan will win, but my gut says they want to push Ambrose. *Note: I'm pissed they didn't do the Stardust/Goldust match!!!*

Winner: Dean Ambrose

Undertaker vs. Bray Wyatt

I'm just saying - he can't lose two years in a row. I can't believe they booked Wyatt against him. Poor Bray.

Winner: The Undertaker

John Cena vs. Rusev (US Title)

I'm actually shocked that for two Wrestlemanias in a row Cena will have nothing to do with the main event. I'm sad though that it seems like Super Cena will come in and destroy Rusev, who has been booked as unbreakable over the past year. Cena literally has nothing to gain from burying Rusev or winning the US Title. But he will. Because it's Cena.

Winner: John Cena

Randy Orton vs. Seth Rollins

A sleeper match that was also booked pretty poor but could be a really good match depending on what Randy Orton shows up. This outcome really depends on if Rollins cashes in his briefcase and how they book that. I don't see Rollins losing or winning twice in the same night. If he loses to Orton and cashes I expect he'll walk out with the title. If he beats Orton and cashes I expect he'll lose to Reigns or Lesnar. If he doesn't cash it's a coin flip. I'd prefer they keep pushing Rollins so I'll take him for the win.

Winner: Seth Rollins

Andre the Giant Battle Royal

I like a good battle royal. But I'm only cheering for Curtis Axel so I can see Hogan present the trophy to him.

Winner: Axelmania!!!

Fatal 4 Way Tag Titles

They have struck gold with Cesaro and Kidd (thank god Tyson Kidd has something to do) so why ruin that now?

Winners: Cesaro and Kidd

AJ Lee & Paige vs. The Bellas

Who cares?! This will be the pre-main event stock up on your beverage match most likely.

Winners: For the sake of picking someone, AJ Lee & Paige.

I got the gimmies right, and I'm sure Lesnar would've gone over had Rollins not cashed in (which I also said I saw happening). Kind of disappointed Triple H went over Sting but Triple H is known for going over when he doesn't need too so it shouldn't be shocking. Happy they gave Daniel Bryan the ladder match, even though he deserves better. That said, I'm thrilled to pieces that Rollins walked out the champ and Lesnar didn't take the fall either.

Some fun cameos, but overall not the greatest of Manias. Not the worst either. The Ladder Match, Orton/Rollins and the brawl that Lesnar/Reigns had were the highlights for me. A good ladder match never fails, Orton & Rollins was match of the night for me and just the nasty fighting of the main event hooked me. They couldn't have booked the main event any weaker heading in but Lesnar sure took the piss out of Reigns to start that match.

Hopefully Rollins doesn't drop the title quickly, he could make a good champ.

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sounds like i missed a good raw?

Not really. Especially not for a Raw after Mania.

It started off very strongly, but by the third hour it really began to drag like any Raw does. I mean, the main event was a 6 man tag that included the likes of Kane, The Big Show, Orton, and Ryback. The momentum of the show was essentially killed by then. The highlight by far was Brock. He stole the show.

Props to the people in the crowd that tried to drown out the smarks who were straight up attempting to insult the divas in the tag match. In the end the insults sounded like slurred messes, but the positive remarks came in clear.

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Best part of the show was the fans singing "John Cena Sucks" going along with his song. This should forever be a thing. New Kurt Angle.

If that doesn't tell you "HEEL TURN", then nothing will. The way he just stands there in the ring, only to get ripped to shreds by them, is just disgusting. Corporate-suit, jumping people and interfering heel is where he needs to be. Throw the belt in the garbage! Be the anti-American!

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