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- Last Monday's WWE RAW main event segment with Roman Reigns and WWE World Heavyweight Champion Sheamus drew a lot of criticism from fans and people in the business as it went on forever and didn't really accomplish much.

The "I thought the Irish had potatoes but you're smuggling tater tots" line from Reigns has been the butt of many jokes this week but WWE actually wanted the fans to chant tater tots, according to The Wrestling Observer Newsletter.

If you can believe it, and this is very telling of the state of WWE creative right now, the idea was to use the long promo to build to the line from Reigns so that fans would chant "tater tots" at Sheamus.
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Missed the Kick-Off, and the Tag Ladder match

Not surprised New Day retained, probably wouldn't have been bad, New Day always entertains

Rusev VS Ryback was horrible Ryback looked so damn blown up the whole match, the suplex spot was stupid, and I predict it will appear on botch-a-mania/be turned into a gif.

Swagger VS Del Rio just made the Chairshot to the head Ban blatantly obvious, sad. chairs were not utilized anywhere near as well as they could have been. - Glad to see them putting Swagger back on TV and giving him something to do, he's an under appreciated WWE guy, needs to change his look, long hair & trunks maybe, match wasn't awful, wasn't special. - CM Punk chat briefly broke out

Wyatts VS ECW: The match was nothing but a botch, bad vibe, bad ending, total crowd killer, faking a flaming table spot was a depressing tease, I knew WWE didn't have the balls for it though, would have been shocked to see them light it; putting a bunch of uncoordinated big guys, and a bunch of old farts in a tables match was just a bad idea.. Serious streaming issues during it as well.

Ambrose VS Owens: its a complete waste of both Owens and Ambrose for them to be damn near the only match on the card without a "Hardcore" stipulation, I mean WTF, so bloody stupid, bad booking, wasting talent as usual, go WWE - Thankfully they can both carry a match without it, but god damn, would have been even better with some chairs, tables, whatever;  IMO they should be maineventing in first blood/hell in a cell/hardcore/TLC matches. - More streaming issues, go WWE network... Yeah, the NXT special is going to have to be like, one of the best PPVs of all time for me to continue my subscription, I'll just go back to torrenting, that way I'm not supporting them as a "paying" viewer. - Shocked Ambrose got the win... I guess they're going to go with Ambrose for now its about time...I hope they don't waste KO *sigh*


Paige VS Charlotte: WWE Should have brought in Saraya Knight, No Balls. -_- Would have been $$$$. Definitely another Segment of "You talk too much" on Botchamania. I wish they'd stop forcing the Female Ric Flair thing on Charlotte, but it is a good way to utilize Ric still, I like him as a manager. More streaming issues.  Heel Charlotte w/Ric is money, and I do love it. Ric and Charlotte are both far too talented to fail, especially working together.


Sheamus VS Roman: Holy crap, they actually repeated that Tater Tots line in the opening promo for the match. Horrible. f***ing horrible. Sheamus, the champion enters first, Awful way to make the title seem prestigious, Champ should always enter last. "We want Cena, Cena sucks" chants during the match, yep, people are really invested in this, lol. - Oh Add in some "We Miss Rollins" chants and "Daniel Bryan" chants too. Neat ladder breaking spot; I will say, Sheamus is a hard worker and doesn't get the credit he deserves either, great brawler, and I think in their primes, Austin VS Sheamus in the Attitude Era would have been one hell of a war.


TLDR: Sasha Wins, New Day wins, Rusev Wins, Del Rio wins, Ambrose wins, Wyatts win, Charlotte wins, Sheamus wins via Shenanigans

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Best match was the pre-show one with Sasha and Becky, but that shouldn't be a shock, even if it was a throw away match with no implication or build. I wouldn't have known it was even happening if I didn't go on Reddit earlier in the day.

The most exciting match was the tag ladder one though. It was well executed. 


I don't think any one of the matches were really bad, outside of the last Title one. For the least anticipated PPV of the year, it was still better than Survivor Series.

I'd be interested to see where they take Owens. He's really been the one guy they haven't screwed up in this half year, since he recovered from losing the Cena feud by simply beating the majority of people who got in his way. He was in the midcard before this, and he's still there, but I hope they don't just let the momentum run into the ground, as they always do.


I didn't like that last TLC match, or the segment that followed it. That was a 50 minute event. &^@#, lol. The crowd wasn't really having it, chanting for all their favourite missing wrestlers. Boos peppered in when they could eek out an emotion. Even that whole beat down segment with HHH wasn't as loud as you want the bad ass guy beating up the boss to be. It was pretty dead. And drawn out.

Though Reigns is always boo'd less when not forced into the title picture, so that will help when he's fighting anyone else. This is like the first time in history I could say with certainty that HHH isn't going over, and that's saying something. If it means he'll cut it out with the squints/smirks, the smugness, and the bad jokes, it'll help even more, but I don't think that's going away, especially after how much they focussed on the Tater Tots line in what I'm going to join people in calling the Tater Tots promo.

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1 hour ago, Canucks-12 said:

That was an awesome PPV. 

Idk why people don't like the last segment, I think it was pretty awesome. 

I'm not sure why people didn't like the ending either. I thought the actual match was boring as hell, but after the match Reigns finally showed some life and fire in him and actually had the crowd cheering him for once.

The opening tag match and the finish to the main event were the best parts of the show. Owens/Ambrose was decent and the rest of the card was just filler.

Can they please fire Ryback? He's just so damn awful.

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I'll think of it better, if they follow up on it properly leading into the next PPV. If Roman's character actually starts to evolve, and it keeps him out of the title picture before and at Wrestlemaina like they're suggesting, it will ultimately be a good thing.

As a segment itself, like I said from the start of that match to Roman walking off was 50 minutes. In a vacuum that segment is better. As it capped such a boring match, I was already zoned out, and another "guy beats up on the authority" angle didn't help. The only thing I want to see less on my TV than Roman Reigns is HHH. Maybe that's why they're doing it, because nobody is going to be cheering HHH. That's exactly why they gave the title to Sheamus for Roman to chase, so he'll be the guy less antagonized in a feud.

As a step towards getting me to care about Roman, it is just that, a step. I'll still get Lex Luger vibes for a while until he shows something else. If they give him the mic for 5-10 minutes tonight, it will likely be a disaster. But he can improve on the whole if they handle him right (this is dependent on the WWE handling a story properly for 4+ months, so there is that).

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10 minutes ago, CaNuCkSLoUiE23 said:

That extreme rules match was pretty entertaining. 

It was.




Did The New Day just turn face and the Usos/Lucha Dragons heel? or is Philly just backwards land....That segment hurt my brain trying to keep track of whether or not people were turning or if Philly was just screwing with my head or if New Day is actually that over or....wtf.

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It's Roman's time. It actually feels right to me, I never thought it would, but, this is good, he's actually starting to gain some momentum(Funny how a couple of reasonably well booked shows can change things so damn much) and gain some support. Now, Let's hope they don't ruin it by stripping him or something stupid like that..... I never thought I would like Roman winning it...but god damn, good on ya, now, keep your mouth shut and keep kicking ass, lmao.

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1 minute ago, Nicklas Bo Hunter said:

What a lame ending. More roman getting shoved down our throats how fun. 

Honestly, it feels right, the Roster is paper thin right now, and I'm alright with this as long as they don't puss out with the direction.

Roman needs to keep knocking people out and shut the hell up, it's alot more entertaining, lmao.

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1 minute ago, Nail3738 said:

It's Roman's time. It actually feels right to me, I never thought it would, but, this is good, he's actually starting to gain some momentum and gain some support. Now, Let's hope they don't ruin it by stripping him or something stupid like that..... I never thought I would like Roman winning it...but god damn, good on ya, now, keep your mouth shut and keep kicking ass, lmao.

He is not champ material. It's going to br real bland unless he gets a good mic rival like owens but that won't happen. 

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