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1 hour ago, Twilight Sparkle said:

This has been one of the worst wrestlemanias they've ever done

what in the world more do you want? If that is one of the worst, you might as well cut WWE out of your life.


I thought it was one of the best ever.  

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3 hours ago, Twilight Sparkle said:

This has been one of the worst wrestlemanias they've ever done

I agree. WM was awful. The card was so weak. Another WM that is so over hyped, never delivers. Only good thing was The Hardys returning altho it remains to be seen how much of "Broken" gimmick they will be using. Hardys win Tag Titles 1st night back whereas Dudleys never got another tag titles reign during their last run.


Styles drops the title to Cena, who drops it to Bray. Cena wanted to put Bray over. Wyatt holds the title for just over a month only to drop it to Orton. Why?! Orton gains absolutely nothing. What was the point of Cena putting over Wyatt. It makes no sense at all. Bray remains winless at WM - A new streak is born. Not to mention overdoing it with special effects during the match.


Cena in freaking mixed tag. It should have been Cena/Undertaker especially if this was Undertaker's last WM and match.


Bayley retains. No Sasha heel turn. It might happen on Raw but maybe it doesn't.


Rollins/HHH. No interference from Samoa Joe/Balor.


I don't know what Vince is smoking thinking this card will sell WM.



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Man that was long. But great. If you didn't enjoy that show, then you don't like WWE. Pretty simple. 


Thought the show was amazing up to the Hardy's winning. After was above average. Crowd got tired, but the matches were still very good. Main event was exactly why Taker is retiring. Enjoyed the hell out of it, for what it was. 


I seriously didn't think they could get such a good match out of Goldberg and Lesnar. Felt like an actual fight. It couldn't have been better. 


Match of the night goes to the Tag Title match. Best debut/return probably ever. That might be why the crowd was so tired from then on. I was tired from it.


Charlotte peacocking... Damn. 


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The show completely went downhill after the Tag team ladder match.


The mixed tag match was as expected from a typical Cena match. The outcome would have been better if Nikki and Cena loss and then John proposed to Nikki, but Cena ain't losing at WM.


Seth vs. Hunter had its moments. Particular, Seth's Phoenix Splash and the many reversals of the pedigree from both men. I know the curb stomp is banned (what a stupid idiot reasoning, too), but it would have been nice if Seth teased it, near the end; much like how Orton teased the punt.


I was expecting a lot more from Orton vs. Bray. Match was meh, and Orton winning was a terrible booking. Randy is at the point of his WWE career where he should be putting younger talents over, not taking the spotlight from them or trying to elevate the higher mid-card scene ala Chris Jericho. If Vince really wants to, he could be involved in the world title picture, but he certainly shouldn't be winning the title. 


I do not care for the two jabronis coming in and collecting their paychecks for a 5 minute match. I'm glad this was for the Unverisal title, and not for the WWE title. Because if it were, I'll probably stop watching the WWE altogether. I feel sorry for the next guy who holds the Universal title, whose not a part-timer. This title has become a damn joke. 


The Smackdown's women match was a total dud, mainly because it was rushed due to time constraint. 


Hate to say it, but I'm glad this was Taker's last match. The dude just can't go anymore. Should have retire after the streak was broken, because that would have been a better storyline, rather than retiring out of the blue. Say whatever you want about Reigns, but you got to give props to him for "carrying" this match. 


Overall it wasn't a terrible WM, better than I expected. Crowd was all out of it, sitting there for almost 4 hours (including pre-show), after the ladder match. Match of the night, in my opinion, goes to Shane and AJ, followed by Owens and Jericho. 


Also, what's the point of the New Day hosting? They did a 5 minute promo at the beginning and introduced the Hardyz. No backstage skits or anything.

Edited by shiznak
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Well that was about as good as the card looked.


Minor rant, match-by-match


Aries vs. Neville - Very solid match, clearly deserved to be on the main show. One of the very few things they've done correctly with the CW division.


Battle Royal - Rather inoffensive. I would've gone with Sami or Harper, but Mojo and Gronkowski was a fun moment. This match isn't a big enough deal for me to get worked up over a mediocre wrestler winning it.


Ambrose vs. Corbin - Well I see the IC title is back in the litterbox. Why did Miz drop it in the first place exactly? Bad match that didn't get any time or placement. I like Corbin's look and moveset so hopefully he gets his moment next SD PPV. Dean fails to perform at another big PPV.


AJ vs. Shane - Great match, probably the best of the night. Big spots, solid crowd reaction, and correctly booked. Shane can do a Shooting Star better than Brock lol. AJ is just that good.


Owens vs. Jericho - Can't complain about this. Didn't find it super amazing but it didn't disappoint either. Owens fingertip to the rope was awesome. Was sad to not see Jericho with a lightup jacket.


RAW Women's - Charlotte shone bright with that moonsault. The rest was forgettable, went too quick for an elimination match. Disappointing not to see any real story develop here though. Literally everyone was protected in their elimination. No Sasha turn. Bayley was already champion so there was no big babyface moment. Just nothing there.


Ladder Match - Would've been match of the night if it got more time. The ladder Twist of Fate and Swanton were amazing. Hopefully The Hardyz delete RAW's awfulness.


Cena - The build for this match was wildly entertaining, but we all knew who'd win. The crowd going wild for Miz was great. Love Miz. Congrats Cena and Nikki. Overall a good segment.


Rollins vs. HHH - Good match, they sold the knee injury well. Steph going through a table will always get a thumbs up from me. Complaints would be the length and Rollins still using the Pedigree.


Orton vs. Wyatt - Worst match of the night. Booking was almost as stupid as the buildup. Wyatt will be like Ziggler in a couple years, people will just stop caring because he just loses. Stop with the supernatural garbage please. Orton burning down the compound was cool but it went too far and stopped making sense or being entertaining. Also, I was hoping for a cool Bray entrance, I guess only HHH gets one this year. In summary, Bray won the title in dominant fashion then lost it in 10 minutes to 1 finisher after 2 months and 1 successful title defence and basically looks like a joke again. It's okay though, he can summon projector images of scary bugs. JOKE.


Lesnar vs. Goldberg - I enjoyed it due to the crowd's energy. Then I remembered a part-timer with 2 moves is RAW's world champion. RAW sucks.


SD Women's - Whatever. Got no time. Naomi sucks.


Reigns vs. Taker - Absolute slog. A supremely depressing way for Taker to go out. Reigns just beats him in a boring match, shrugs, and walks to the back. Like come on. Taker's retirement ritual dumped on the rest of the show.


Basically, this show is way too long. And no Samoa Joe? I'll just be grateful for the Hardyz and spiteful for the booking of the world titles.

Edited by Armbar
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5 hours ago, fivethej said:

I agree. WM was awful. The card was so weak. 

You know it was ****ed after Shawn turned them down facing aj. Like you guys should have had this figured out months  ago, but I said it that after the rumble, with how with these SD shows were going that they had no idea how to follow any of it up, and we got what we got


It was a 7 hour show and the only good things we got out of that were shane and aj and the hardys. Triple h and rollins went on far too long. I almost passed out

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I'm with Shiznak, the show just went downhill after the tag team ladder match. It was pretty fun before that.


I mean with the group I was watching with, we tried to analyze what the best match after that between the last 6 was. I think we decided on Rollins vs HHH because the last 5 minutes of that match were the only moments that weren't mediocre, or straight botchy.


So a pretty bad WrestleMania as I straight think half of it was putting me to sleep. But it was far far from the worst I've seen. Like it's not even close to being the worst of the last two, after how miserable 32 was. 


Cool stage set up. Shane McMahon managed to wrestle very well, somehow (him and AJ had the best match, again somehow). Despite Mojo winning the battle royal being stupid, somehow Hard body Mahal was picked to finish second. The cruiserweight match was great. The broken Hardy's showing up was awesome.


So not all bad. But all contained within the bubble of the first half. As for the second, just confirms for me a poorly booked card can't really be overcome. Show only has the potential that the chosen participants and possible results allow it. And there was too much mediocrity there. 


Reigns retiring Undertaker was awful, but it's not like it started being awful as it played out yesterday. Everything about Reigns is mediocre and everything they decide to do with him continues to be stupid. It was a stupid call back in January. Both the decision to have him be the one to retire Taker, and what it means for him as a Babyface who struggles to get over. It just is what it is.


Also, I think Wyatt is going for the reverse Undertaker streak. He even managed to lose last year without having a match, lol. The only booking finish besides Mojo and Naomi I would have changed. Naomi's may have been the worst, even if it was the most throwaway match of the entire card, lol.


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