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Rate The Last Movie You Saw - 2


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Thinner: 5/10

This is one of the more ridiculous movies I think I've seen recently, and certainly the worst Stephen King-based movie I've seen in a while. It's so bad and poorly acted that it's kinda, sorta mildly entertaining. But I definitely have to give it points for being one of the few movies built ENTIRELY of extremely unlikable, horrible people

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Thinner: 5/10

This is one of the more ridiculous movies I think I've seen recently, and certainly the worst Stephen King-based movie I've seen in a while. It's so bad and poorly acted that it's kinda, sorta mildly entertaining. But I definitely have to give it points for being one of the few movies built ENTIRELY of extremely unlikable, horrible people

I enjoyed the book but I was 12 or 13 when I read it.

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Thinner: 5/10

This is one of the more ridiculous movies I think I've seen recently, and certainly the worst Stephen King-based movie I've seen in a while. It's so bad and poorly acted that it's kinda, sorta mildly entertaining. But I definitely have to give it points for being one of the few movies built ENTIRELY of extremely unlikable, horrible people

Worst Stephen King film?

Answer: Maximum Overdrive

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this starts tomorrow. Bruce Campbell and Sam Raimi together again. Season 1 is 10 episodes, and I think it was already picked up for a season 2, but I'm not sure if it'll be Campbell and Raimi for that.

Been looking forward to it.

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Halloween afternoon mini-marathon: Nightmare on Elm Street parts 1,2 and 3. Re-watching for 1st time since high school. Thought I might like them more than I remembered, but, no, not really. For whatever reason I just never found Freddy anywhere near as creepy as his peers Jason and Michael. Sure those two become parodies of themselves in later sequels, but both were legitimately disturbing in their first couple. Maybe it's that Freddy talks, but he tends to make me giggle rather than scream.

1st movie does have a nice dark and gritty atmosphere to it, but still doesn't produce any real scares.

2nd - holy hell is it ever a steaming pile of crap. Doesn't make a lick of sense, even by the series' own logic. Like, I thought you had to be asleep & dreaming to get got, but suddenly Freddy is just able to storm into a pool party and start massacring people. Even worse is the homophobic subtext of the plot, which rrrrrreallly hasn't aged well.

I probably enjoyed the 3rd ("The Dream Warriors") the most. At least it's so ridiculous that it becomes entertaining. There's some really creative imagery, set design, and even some stop motion animation. And the cast is bizarre - Laurence Fishburn, Patricia Arquette, and Zsa Zsa Gabor (plus I spent like half the movie thinking one of the main characters was Bill Maher, but no, it was just Random 80s B-Movie Bill Maher).

I'd give them all a combined 6/10. Or that should probably be lower but who cares, I've already spent too long writing about them.

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Sleepaway Camp

Everyone here already knows how much I love this movie. "I'll be right there guys, but first, I gotta take a wicked dump."


Ash vs. Evil Dead

First episode lives up to the hype. Truly incredible.

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the shining: 9.5/10, Kubrick is a genius

silence of the lambs: 8.5/10. i really don't think there is a narrative i find less boring than Proud Cop Proves Him/Herself to Even More Proud Co-Workers. but there are 2 or 3 of them that I really enjoy, and this is one.

ash vs. evil dead ep 1: 8/10, funny, lots of references to original, obvs. some really great scenes. loved that part with the projection on the boxes. Campbell is on his game for sure, and that one gal is super pretty. buuuut I'm a whiner, so i'll say the Raimi of old was sorely missed when that really bad CGI was used in a few scenes. i don't care if it's part of the B movie aesthetic, seeing that iMovie-grade blood effect is a major killjoy.

Edited by GLASSJAW
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To me, the best part of the Ash vs. Evil Dead episode,  even though I loved all of it, was the scene between him and the doll. Seeing Campbell break pots over his face was amazing.


The Maze Runner Scorch Trials - 8/10

I don't know why, but out of all the YA movies around,  I find this series so far to be the strongest, other than the Potter films. This was a lot of fun.

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Paranormal Activity 5 The Ghhhhost Dimeeeeeension ->cue theremin    5/10

Meh ending to the series. Should've capped it as a trilogy with unanswered questions. This one suffered from too much Blair Witch/Cloverfield what am I looking at? shakey handheld; I prefer the impartial security camera footage. Some of the plot mechanisms (20 year old found vhs tapes where people are watching you?yes) were better than others (ghost camera!).


The Gift 7.5/10

Nice. Simple, solid, well made well acted thriller. It's not even a horror but this creeped me out more than PA. Perfect use of the space and pace for tension.

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I binged watched movies this weekend.

The Rite - An exorcism movie I'd seen before but really liked, perhaps because of Anthony Hopkins. 7/10

The Exorcism of Molly Hartley - Predictable. Not scary. 5/10

Fright Night - A classic.  Still love it after all these years. Probably the best I watched all weekend 8/10

Creepshow - Great franchise, must watch for any B movie aficionados. 9/10

Creepshow2 - Not quite as good as the original but still mandatory watching. 6/10

The Possession - Decent, but predictable.  Not overly scary but scary enough.  Kyra Sedgwick adds clout...probably because I love Bacon and she is married to him.

The Babadook - Wasn't scary, barely suspenseful.  It was a relentless build up with poor ending.  After all the hype I expected better. 4/10

Oblivion - Great concept, decent acting, good F/X.  Tom Cruise is crazy but he makes decent flicks.  7/10

Elysium - I had seen it before but didn't remember it.  Now I remember why I didn't remember it.  Not Blomkamp's best work.  It wallows in it's own crapulence.  I get it Neil, the human race sucks. 5/10

Payback - ol' Racist Mel's revenge flick.  Admittedly it is a guilty pleasure.  Something to be said about a movie where you never worry about the protagonist.  I can't rate it too high, but it really is one that makes me smile 5.5/10


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Payback - ol' Racist Mel's revenge flick.  Admittedly it is a guilty pleasure.  Something to be said about a movie where you never worry about the protagonist.  I can't rate it too high, but it really is one that makes me smile 5.5/10


I've said it before and I'll say it again. Say what you about Mel Gibson, but the guy plays his role well in films.

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I remember reading an interview with King years ago where he admitted there was a cocaine budget for the Maximum Overdrive set - pretty big too, I think in the hundreds of thousands. It's a bad movie, but at least it's also fun.

I'd vote for either Lawnmower Man or the Langoliers for worst SK movie. I'm not sure if Dreamcatcher is a bad movie or just an all-around mess, cause the book was just as bad.

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