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westworld season finale: 8.5/10


i guess i'd give the season overall about a 7. enjoyed a few episodes (finale may be the best in the series - what a bunch of weird twists). but the low moments are just so low for me. idk. i'll definitely check out season 2, but it doesn't match up to HBO's best at all

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43 minutes ago, GLASSJAW said:

westworld season finale: 8.5/10


i guess i'd give the season overall about a 7. enjoyed a few episodes (finale may be the best in the series - what a bunch of weird twists). but the low moments are just so low for me. idk. i'll definitely check out season 2, but it doesn't match up to HBO's best at all

Yes exactly. I enjoyed it a lot but there are a few glaring issues that are hard to ignore.


The final few episodes were very good in terms of the plot coming together nicely though. I think they setup the mysteries quite well so in the end all those big twists felt natural. 


That was such a good ending with Ford but it's gonna suck to not have Hopkins next season. Considering what happened in the end and the characters that won't be returning I'm guessing this season serves more of a prologue role to the overall series. 


Rant: I can't believe they did that stupid thing with the guy having headphones in with his back turned (doing god knows what) while the host was attacking the other guy. Dumb. 


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Deadpool 6.5/10


If I'm rating just within its genre I guess this is more like an 8.5 since I very rarely care at all about superhero movies. Generally very entertaining and a few laughs (always enjoy TJ Miller), but still I just zone out/find it impossible to focus during the cgi fight scenes.


(reading that back it's probably close to exactly what I said when I reviewed Guardians of the Galaxy awhile back)

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Beasts of no nation - 9/10


From Netflix, a harrowing and tragic film about child soldiers fighting a civil war in a sub-saharan african country. There were certain scenes in this movie that were chillingly unforgettable. I'm a guy and there were parts that definitely brought a tear or two, and others churned my stomach. Brutal, savage, filled with every imaginable war crime and yet it did not lose its human touch and connection. Characters were memorable especially Idris Elba. The main kid character was very good too. Don't watch this if you're looking for a relaxing end to the week. 




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6 hours ago, The Bookie said:

Deadpool 6.5/10


If I'm rating just within its genre I guess this is more like an 8.5 since I very rarely care at all about superhero movies. Generally very entertaining and a few laughs (always enjoy TJ Miller), but still I just zone out/find it impossible to focus during the cgi fight scenes.


So much this.


And just to add, my "I couldn't care less about who's fighting" meter just plummets when CGI fight scenes begin. There is no sense of danger, most of the time the "characters" are robots are something stupid. But it actually seems, at least to me, that when a film has these massive CGI fights, they also tend to skip character development of any sort. I may as well be watching a Michael Bay film. But not the one good one (The Rock).

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17 hours ago, Beluga Whale said:

Yes exactly. I enjoyed it a lot but there are a few glaring issues that are hard to ignore.


The final few episodes were very good in terms of the plot coming together nicely though. I think they setup the mysteries quite well so in the end all those big twists felt natural. 

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That was such a good ending with Ford but it's gonna suck to not have Hopkins next season. Considering what happened in the end and the characters that won't be returning I'm guessing this season serves more of a prologue role to the overall series. 


Rant: I can't believe they did that stupid thing with the guy having headphones in with his back turned (doing god knows what) while the host was attacking the other guy. Dumb. 




my fav scene of the finale was when Dolores (sp?) was gaining self-awareness and sitting there staring/talking to herself. What a strange thing to need to film. It's a pretty simple (yet complex) idea, but the way they shot it was really well done and effective, I thought


Because the show jumps around so much, I wouldn't be surprised if Hopkins has at least a MINOR role going forward. That's my hope, anyway.


One thing I didn't really understand, though, what was the deal with that man (his name escapes me) going into that room and seeing it empty? It's the room where all the extras are, but they were all missing. Was the implication that Ford sent them out into the real world, or did he kill them all or what?



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3 hours ago, GLASSJAW said:
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my fav scene of the finale was when Dolores (sp?) was gaining self-awareness and sitting there staring/talking to herself. What a strange thing to need to film. It's a pretty simple (yet complex) idea, but the way they shot it was really well done and effective, I thought


Because the show jumps around so much, I wouldn't be surprised if Hopkins has at least a MINOR role going forward. That's my hope, anyway.


One thing I didn't really understand, though, what was the deal with that man (his name escapes me) going into that room and seeing it empty? It's the room where all the extras are, but they were all missing. Was the implication that Ford sent them out into the real world, or did he kill them all or what?




I thought all those extras became part of the army that attacked the guests at the end. I could be wrong though.


Yeah Dolores becoming conscious by gaining her own inner voice was cool. I thought the way the handled explaining the pathway to true consciousness for her was quite well done.


Here's a question though: Did Maeve become somewhat conscious at the end when she turned back or was that still part of her programming?


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20 hours ago, The Bookie said:

Deadpool 6.5/10


If I'm rating just within its genre I guess this is more like an 8.5 since I very rarely care at all about superhero movies. Generally very entertaining and a few laughs (always enjoy TJ Miller), but still I just zone out/find it impossible to focus during the cgi fight scenes.


(reading that back it's probably close to exactly what I said when I reviewed Guardians of the Galaxy awhile back)

I thought Deadpool was really funny. It's almost a parody of the typical superhero movie in a few ways. Obviously the actual plot and those fight scenes were useless but at least it made me laugh. 

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On 2016-12-06 at 10:45 AM, Monty said:

Here's my Christmas time films that are on the agenda for this year:



- Lord of the Rings (since the last one was released in 2003, my wife and I watch them every year around Christmas). So bascially, we've seen them all a minimum of 12 times)



Yup same for me and those 12+ hours of gloriousness are coming up very soon. Just wish I had a team of around ten dirty Guatemalan dishwashers to help prep the snacks for it.


Was going to also talk about the Kon-Tiki movie, always loved the book by Heyerdahl, but all I can think about right now is Kate's amazing voice, the music, the Last Alliance marching, the little hobbit children cheering as the fireworks go spinning off the back of the cart (oh god I can't wait) ...


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33 minutes ago, Incursio said:

The Warriors - 8/10

Any more movies similar to this? The Outsiders is the only other one I can think of

I finally saw The Warriors this past summer and when I reviewed it here someone brought up The Wanderers, which I had on vhs as a teenager but had totally forgotten. It's good - definitely comes from the same zeitgeist as The Warriors but less comic-booky.


the BIG scene



the use of sound is encroyable!

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Snowden - 3/10


Not really sure where the "3" even comes from, to be honest. It was not interesting, not informative if you've paid any amount of attention over the last 3 years, and terribly written.


I mean, not quite sure what I expected from an Oliver Stone film. So this is really on me.

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Mannequin 2: On The Move - 3/10


Wasn't aware that Mannequin ever had a sequel. I'm not really sure where the money put into this movie went. It feels cheaply made, but it was a theatrical wide release with a way above average budget.


I was curious in the same way I was curious about any absurd sounding movie, but it wasn't worth the effort to seek it out. Maybe it's stupid enough to have fun watching with friends, but I'm not sure if enough of it is the right kind of stupid.

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The Big Short - 9/10


I liked the stilted manner in which it was told, and how they approached it with different versions of a similar story about the same topic. I can always appreciate anything that finds the kind of surrealism it did in reality. Movies tend to fabricate a lot to make a point when telling their story, to account for dramatic realism and such, often to a fault. To find a movie that uses other cinematic tools to create tension and drama rather than shredding said reality and fabricating its own is what made the experience better. Be it from personal stories or actual plot events it's kept grounded.


It was also probably the most elegant way I've been talked down to before, as well. Though it needed to, and did it the right way. Having the actual characters vomit exposition and explanations would have been painful, and the cameos/non-sequiturs did their job in a way that the movie didn't either get muddled, or move to fast.


edit: non-sequitur is the wrong word, but I'm not sure what the right word is. It's some variation of a segue.

Edited by g_bassi13
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Black Cauldron - 7.5/10


It has been a long, long, time since I had last seen this. And I honestly thought that it was more than decent, for being the movie that almost killed Disney. It heavily treads into the territory of bland, but it's an epic adventure that Disney doesn't usually do (or really hasn't done before or after this movie).


I like the grungy style of animation, and the story, while not expertly told, is still pretty cool. I think it deserves a bit more than to be forgotten like it has. It's better than many of Disney's movies that are remembered more fondly (or remembered at all) than it is. 

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Glory Daze  6.5/10


Documentary about the Club Kids in NY in the 80s-90s, and in particular one famous story of a murder / body dismemberment that got a lot of attention. Actually I got roughly halfway through this feeling like it was all very familiar before realizing it was made into a movie with Macadamian Culkin, Party Monster. And I even saw that, although I only remember strongly disliking it. Duh.


Anyhow ... the main story isn't really very interesting - basically two guys got into a coke fuelled fight at an apartment and a third guy hit one in the head with a hammer, they panicked, suffocated him, and left the body there for a week and a half before returning to do the deed. I liked the window into the renegade party scene in that era of NY though, and the bigger picture stuff on how Giuliani changed the city's culture.


There was also a longer than expected final section following Michael Alig leaving prison in 2014 (17 years in), much of which was dedicated to him learning the wonders of the smartphone. Cute and touching but it lagged.

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