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Toronto mayor Rob Ford allegedly caught smoking crack cocaine on video

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Well, this is awkward.

Why is it awkward? A lot of people demanded proof before believing the story he smoked cracked.

Now, there is proof so he should resign.

Not for smokling crack, which is NOT a criminal offence. But for lying since he said there was no such video. By lying he lost the trust of the people and must go.

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Why is it awkward? A lot of people demanded proof before believing the story he smoked cracked.

Now, there is proof so he should resign.

Not for smokling crack, which is NOT a criminal offence. But for lying since he said there was no such video. By lying he lost the trust of the people and must go.

Lol buying and smoking crack as a mayor I not a criminal offense... Just poccessing cracks would be enough to send you to jail

You and your rob ford love need to stop. If lying is the reason you think rob should step down, Canada would have to be run by monkeys

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Why is it awkward? A lot of people demanded proof before believing the story he smoked cracked.

Now, there is proof so he should resign.

Not for smokling crack, which is NOT a criminal offence. But for lying since he said there was no such video. By lying he lost the trust of the people and must go.


You do know he's been caught lying before, right? I even posted an article about it. Ford had no credibility long before this story came around, and to suggest three reporters from two unrelated media outlets in different countries were making up a story only showed how willfully blind you can manage to be.

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Lol buying and smoking crack as a mayor I not a criminal offense... Just poccessing cracks would be enough to send you to jail

You and your rob ford love need to stop. If lying is the reason you think rob should step down, Canada would have to be run by monkeys

You shouldn't put words in my mouth. I don't even like the guy because he acts like a buffon.

Most politicians lie but not directly. They fudge around the issue by not giving a straight answer. When its a direct lie you can't get away with, you lose credibility as Rob Ford is doing. And its a trust issue too. You can't trust anything he says. Once that happens, all is lost. Look at Anthony Weiner, he lied so much he lost all credibility.

If you are going into the drug thing, Justin Trudeau should resigned too since he admitted to smoking pot. Pot is still illegal.

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You shouldn't put words in my mouth. I don't even like the guy because he acts like a buffon.

Most politicians lie but not directly. They fudge around the issue by not giving a straight answer. When its a direct lie you can't get away with, you lose credibility as Rob Ford is doing. And its a trust issue too. You can't trust anything he says. Once that happens, all is lost. Look at Anthony Weiner, he lied so much he lost all credibility.

If you are going into the drug thing, Justin Trudeau should resigned too since he admitted to smoking pot. Pot is still illegal.

Poor Weiner, now that was the definition of manufactured scandal from the start. Sadly people aren't able to differentiate between lying about illegal activity and lying about monogamy.

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You shouldn't put words in my mouth. I don't even like the guy because he acts like a buffon.

Most politicians lie but not directly. They fudge around the issue by not giving a straight answer. When its a direct lie you can't get away with, you lose credibility as Rob Ford is doing. And its a trust issue too. You can't trust anything he says. Once that happens, all is lost. Look at Anthony Weiner, he lied so much he lost all credibility.

If you are going into the drug thing, Justin Trudeau should resigned too since he admitted to smoking pot. Pot is still illegal.

Its not even the smoking... people seem to be losing sight that he surrounds himself with criminals.. his brother now councilor was.. and they probably still are dealers.. the mayor of a city should not be employing traffickers, thugs and hanging out in drug houses and crack dens. These are his admitted friends and not just a couple but an ever growing list of acquaintances that happen to be in jail.. or dead.

That far overshadows the general buffoonery, bullying, stupidity, and constant lying.. ..I mean jesus one of his buddies just got busted for doing fake phone calls into his own show.. then he turns around and does it himself.. to a guy that has talked to him numerous times and clearly recognizes his voice. All that is reason enough.. HIs very clear and extensive ties to criminals and organized crime are what at the very least needs to have him step down.. and i will not be supprised if he is arrested at one point.. the guy is the Kingpins retarded brother.


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You shouldn't put words in my mouth. I don't even like the guy because he acts like a buffon.

Most politicians lie but not directly. They fudge around the issue by not giving a straight answer. When its a direct lie you can't get away with, you lose credibility as Rob Ford is doing. And its a trust issue too. You can't trust anything he says. Once that happens, all is lost. Look at Anthony Weiner, he lied so much he lost all credibility.

If you are going into the drug thing, Justin Trudeau should resigned too since he admitted to smoking pot. Pot is still illegal.

C'mon pot and crack are no where near the same.

Pot is actually tolerated as somewhat socially acceptable by the majority of canadians.

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Toronto Mayor Rob Ford admitted Tuesday he has smoked crack cocaine "in one of my drunken stupors."

Ford made the shocking statement Tuesday at Toronto City Hall in a scrum with reporters.

“Yes, I have smoked crack cocaine,” Ford said.

“But, no — do I? Am I an addict, no? Have I tried it? Um, probably in one of my drunken stupors, probably approximately about a year ago.”

The mayor suggested that he hadn’t been lying when reporters previously asked him about the tape.

“So, I wasn’t lying. You didn’t ask the correct questions,” Ford said.

“No I’m not an addict and no, I do not do drugs. I made mistakes in the past and all I can do is apologize, but it is what it is and I can’t change the past.”

Ford's admission comes after months of speculation that began in May of this year when reports surfaced that a video exists that shows the mayor smoking what appears to be crack cocaine.


Well it appears we were all wrong/ He has indeed smoked crack cocaine, none of us were asking the right questions apparently.

Rob Ford, Have you ever smoked crack cocaine?



Not sure how that isn't the right question....

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C'mon pot and crack are no where near the same.

Pot is actually tolerated as somewhat socially acceptable by the majority of canadians.

Ya but to some people who refuse to admit that they're wrong or that the people they choose to support and emulate, even feather pillows can be considered an item of the devil....

A weed is bad, yet it is the same amount of bad as a chemical narcotic fabricated in a fat shirtless guys bathroom with brake fluid and baking soda.

The mentality of some people....

Added, smoking pot IS NOT ILLEGAL. possession in Canada over the weight of X (depending on the province) is illegal. Use of heavy equipment or motor vehicles isn't even entirely prohibited while smoking pot.


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Once u smoke crack...u never go back....haha.... Buddy is a drunk, crack head , racist, homophobic loser.....Good job Toronto....Only thing that would be fun is to play the leafs in the playoffs and everyone bring inflatable crack pipes to the game....haha

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Well he's probably still in power because there are idiots.. and by idiots i mean conservatives.. sorry folks but thats just the truth.. Listen to toronto talk radio.. caller after caller.. "I believe him he said sorry like 3 times".. "this is still all the media we are kicking a guy when he's down" .. " the provincial government is costing me more $$ not rob ford ".. like criminal behaviour, immoral behaviour, inappropriate behaviour, racist behaviour, sexist behaviour is based on "my tax dollars".

Conservative talk radio and Fox news and its ilk have just mangled the brains of conservatives to the point that they are defending a guy that blatantly lied to them for months.. IS A CRIMINAL.. (usually conservatives aren't known to be soft on criminals, extortionists, crack heads, drug traffickers) I mean i know they don't care about the homophobia or racism.. but there is extortion, murder and drug trafficking.. hey he's sorry folks lets just move on.. god bless everyone.

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