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AV's post-firing statement:

Vigneault released the following statement late Wednesday afternoon:

I would like to take this opportunity to thank the Aquilini family, Mike Gillis, Lorne Henning, Laurence Gilman, Stan Smyl, Victor de Bonis and the entire management, scouting, training and front office staff with the Vancouver Canucks. The past seven years have been an honour for me to coach and work for a great franchise in a wonderful Canadian city. To work in a city with such passionate and loyal fans is a privilege – I enjoyed every moment of it.

I am grateful to Dave Nonis and Steve Tambellini for the opportunity they provided me eight years ago. Over the past seven years, I have made many good friends in Vancouver and had the chance to coach quality players who cared deeply about their profession and were committed to winning. I am grateful to the players and their families for the sacrifice and dedication they showed in an effort to be the best they could be. Watching as many of our players started families, became fathers and grew as men, on and off of the ice, was equally rewarding.

To Rick Bowness, Newell Brown, Rollie Melanson and Darryl Williams – I say thank you for your tireless effort every day – I am grateful for your friendship and dedication. You should all be very proud of your achievements.

I am proud of many of the things we accomplished as a group these past seven seasons in Vancouver and only wish we were able to win the Canucks first Stanley Cup. I am a career coach and it is what I love to do. I hope to coach again in this League and will always have good memories of my time and the fans in Vancouver.

Coach V

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They were beaten by the damned cup winners. A team that was specifically bolstered and designed to win the Cup...........Something which is totally foreign to MG.

It wasn't some hick team that fell out in the next round.

They steam rollered everyone and the only way we stood a chance that year was if Gillis had learned lessons in 2011 and acted on them.

It was his fault..........The Canucks won a PT that year (how many other coaches of the Canucks had done that 2 years running? But never the less the regular season is not the Playoffs and Gillis should have known that.

Sure they were, but the points about us being the higher seeded team, losing both of the first games at home, and losing consecutive game in the way we did are absolutely valid.

I've spent some time on CDC recently with a comparison of Chicago, who'd lost in the 1st round twice the last two seasons after winning the cup. Boston's in a similar boat after losing in the 1st round last year but could have easily been in trouble this year as well. Neither team had done so in quite the same fashion though.

The Canucks won the President's Trophy in part because of the coaching but also the personnel AV had to coach. Much of that same team was capable of playoff success after getting to game 7 of the SCF in 2011, so clearly that wasn't the main issue to lose like we did in the first round. How the coach uses the personnel he's given, and how the players respond was why things happened the way they did and why we got the result we see today.

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Best coach this team has had since Pat Quinn, and it really is too bad the team couldn't stay healthy enough for a Stanley Cup against Boston.

He is lucky to have made it past the 08/09 season though, but he did a great job with what Nonis and Gillis gave him. I don't blame AV for this season. He had basically a 1 line team for 3/4 of the season and 2 lines in the playoffs. The 3rd/4th lines aren't anywhere close to what they were in the 2011 run. But a change was needed, its just too bad Gillis didn't get canned as well for some of the dumb moves he has made the last few years.

Thanks AV, and good luck.

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well when you mark up season tickets by 5% ya gotta know there were gonna be changes, for marketing purposes to justify their increase they need a new poster boy to advertise, ya know kinda like the saviour himself is here now, everything is fresh and exciting once again in canuck-ville with this new face(s)...

the coach always goes before a failing gm, seen it many times in many pro sports organizations. with the luongo deal and maybe another florida trade lol, the canucks will have some new faces to advertise and market so the gullible canuck fans will forget everything that has gone wrong for 2 seasons and $pend-$pend -$pend ( sports apparrel and tickets ) with dreams of glory again for vancouver.

gillis has failed: dealing tough guy shayne o'brien was dumb, signing demitra ( rip ) was nothing without gaborik, shaeffer-yes steve shaeffer, marco sturm?, booth, ballard, roy and kassian. what gillis failed to do was land a tough guy like milan lucic or chris neil or a david clarkson, he decided on kassian ( a good choice ) but it didn't address our immediate needs, why did the owner extend gillis contract is beyond me and my east end bro acquilini gets what he deserves.... a fight to make the playoffs next season!

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No coach of the Canucks has ever accomplished as much as Vigneault and it may be a looong while before we see another to match his achievements with the club. That being said, most everyone (AV included) knew that his time here had run its course and the natural thing is to part ways and move on.

No one should be sad about the situation (nostalgia aside) as i'm sure Coach V will find gainful employment whenever he likes at whatever level he likes. This also allows Vancouver to follow its own agenda any way it likes although I have a feeling we are going to be far below expectations for the next season or two.

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Thanks for the best 7 seasons any diehard Vancouver Canucks fan could ask for. 2 Presidents trophies, 1 Stanley Cup Final appearance, 6 out of 7 Northwest Division champions. But it's time to move on, thanks for the memories, and I wish you the best in your future endeavours, Alain Vigneault.

Yes. Good luck AV and thanks
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Best coach this team has had since Pat Quinn, and it really is too bad the team couldn't stay healthy enough for a Stanley Cup against Boston.

He is lucky to have made it past the 08/09 season though, but he did a great job with what Nonis and Gillis gave him. I don't blame AV for this season. He had basically a 1 line team for 3/4 of the season and 2 lines in the playoffs. The 3rd/4th lines aren't anywhere close to what they were in the 2011 run. But a change was needed, its just too bad Gillis didn't get canned as well for some of the dumb moves he has made the last few years.

Thanks AV, and good luck.

Wish more CDC'ers felt this way.

Nicely put.

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I like how in his press conference Gillis repeatedly remarked on how good of a coach AV and his assistants are. He reiterated it several times while still saying that this is in the end a results based business and that's the only metric they are being judged by. He also stated that he does not feel that the coaching staff are scapegoats in this situation. Well, if Vigneault, Bowness, and Brown are such great coaches, then why then are they all being fired? I'm not against the coaching change because I feel that this team has become quite stagnant and that change is good just for the sake of change, but if you read between the lines Gillis is almost tacitly admitting that the coaches are scapegoats in this situation. He's not going to fire himself.

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Dave Tippett, if you can get him is head and shoulders above any of these guys. Larry Robinson would be great but he already stated he doesn't want to be a head coach. My guess is Dallas Eakins or Desjardins get it.

I'd love to see what Tippett would do with a better offence and the twins in particular. Failing that MG gets the required skill up front, which I am reserved to, Tippett, will be excellent at getting the most of our slew of third liners. He'll make damn sure this team plays defence properly for a change.

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I like how in his press conference Gillis repeatedly remarked on how good of a coach AV and his assistants are. He reiterated it several times while still saying that this is in the end a results based business and that's the only metric they are being judged by. He also stated that he does not feel that the coaching staff are scapegoats in this situation. Well, if Vigneault, Bowness, and Brown are such great coaches, then why then are they all being fired? I'm not against the coaching change because I feel that this team has become quite stagnant and that change is good just for the sake of change, but if you read between the lines Gillis is almost tacitly admitting that the coaches are scapegoats in this situation. He's not going to fire himself.

uhh, just because he's a good coach doesn't mean he's the best coach for the canucks

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