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The lack of secondary scoring is so glaring...

Lui's Knob

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D.Sedin - Kesler - Burrows

Booth - H.Sedin - Kassian

Higgins - Santorelli - Hansen

Weise - Richardson - Sestito

1st PP - D.Sedin - Kesler - H.Sedin with Garrison & Edler

2nd PP - Booth - Santorelli - Burrows

If we want scoring depth than something like this needs to be done on a regular basis so they can gel properly.

One line scoring doesn't work.

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CS, I do enjoy most of your comments but, Bringing up Sam and erhoff?? 4 yrs and counting?? Might as well bring up the cam for Pederson trade.

Forget Samuelsson and Ehoff. Take it in this context, which was included in the post.

Missing a puck rushing D man.

No one has picked up the mantle as a play making wing, considering Keslers playing style, on our 2knd line.

In current commentary, Y Weber is not likely to be the latter, we seem bent on getting Dalpe to be a checking 4C instead of developing him as the former.

Oh well, I'm happy to give Kassian and Schroeder a crack before we panic.

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Split the Sedins... It might not have been working out when they were younger, but now they're more experienced.

Hansen - Henrik - Santorelli

Daniel - Kesler - Schroeder

Think it might work! :towel:

Welcome aboard!

Splitting the Sedins as we saw in for a period earlier this year is an option. They can (and should) always be reunited on the PP).

Perhaps some injection of size on your top 2 lines?

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We just need 2nd line wingers, if Booth and Kassian play 300% better we can realistically make a cup run

If not then we need to bomb this year and get even more stacked with the prospects that are already getting 2ppg in the OHL

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MG assessed the situation, he saw there was no place on our team for Grabner & that Grabner was an unproven player with little experience. His trade value was dwindling, so he moved a player that didn't fit with us, for an asset we really needed.

ON pretty much hit the nail on the head in his reply. Your taking it out of context, and looking back in hindsight like it was so clear at the time of the trade what would happen.

I respectfully disagree. Grabner's situation was not unique. He was a first round pick that the Canucks had groomed. He arrived at the same point that every pick arrives at - a combination of age and contract status meaning he could no longer be sent down without clearing wavers. At that point teams have to make a decision. They can keep the prospect on the NHL roster, trade him or risk waivers. This situation arises all the time. Teams have to make this decision all the time. Gillis needed to show patience and didn't. He missed the call. Grabner turned into a great prospect 5 minutes after Gillis bailed on him. I am not arguing that Gillis is a lousy GM, needs to be relieved etc. I am simply stating that his decisions on Grabner and Hodgson have cost this team a significant amount. Whether you want to argue that there were reasons at the time to trade Grabner for Ballard is truly the moot point here. Gillis made the wrong assessment of a talented prospect and traded him away for a guy who never made and impact on the Canucks. Roll in the first round pick that we gave up and it is even more of a negative impact. I wish you would stop apologizing for Gillis and simply accept the fact that he made the wrong call on Grabner and Hodgson and the team is paying a big price for it.

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Grabner trade was arguably the worst trade in the Canucks organization

People are retarded for not giving Kassian a chance, a guy was telling me about how Buffalo's athletics trainer sucked and that's why Kassian was so lost.

Better than Hodgson at a minus 15 on his Carrer in Buffalo

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Grabner trade was arguably the worst trade in the Canucks organization

People are retarded for not giving Kassian a chance, a guy was telling me about how Buffalo's athletics trainer sucked and that's why Kassian was so lost.

Better than Hodgson at a minus 15 on his Carrer in Buffalo

Oh well, geez, if "a guy was telling" you about something then people with an opinion that differs from yours must be retarded. :picard:

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I said prior to game one of the season that they would struggle for 10 to 12 games while they learn this new system.

It is too soon for me to throw away a season, before you know people well want to trade away the core for picks tank the season then try for the first pick overall.

I still have no worries or concerns I can see how the new system well benefit the team especially when the playoffs arrive.

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Grabner trade was arguably the worst trade in the Canucks organization

People are retarded for not giving Kassian a chance, a guy was telling me about how Buffalo's athletics trainer sucked and that's why Kassian was so lost.

Better than Hodgson at a minus 15 on his Carrer in Buffalo

So much wrong with this post.

Had we kept Grabner, we likely would have been the ones losing him for nothing on waivers, seeing how poor he started the year. It wasn't until he was ON WAIVERS that he woke up and decided to play hockey. Grabner wouldn't be Grabner today had he not hit bottom, so his value was nil.

And yet, as much as I am a Gillis supporter and didn't want Hodgson to stay if he didn't want to, that trade is looking like a poor one for Vancouver. Kassian could still take it up a few levels...but then again, so could Cody (in which case it would look REALLY bad).

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So much wrong with this post.

Had we kept Grabner, we likely would have been the ones losing him for nothing on waivers, seeing how poor he started the year. It wasn't until he was ON WAIVERS that he woke up and decided to play hockey. Grabner wouldn't be Grabner today had he not hit bottom, so his value was nil.

And yet, as much as I am a Gillis supporter and didn't want Hodgson to stay if he didn't want to, that trade is looking like a poor one for Vancouver. Kassian could still take it up a few levels...but then again, so could Cody (in which case it would look REALLY bad).

If you're going to make a post please get your facts right. Grabner did not start the season poorly. He was waived by Florida in preseason on October 3. He got his first point in his second game with NYI and his first goal in his 3rd game. He scored 34 goals that year - tops for rookies and was nominated for the Calder. Your supposition that he wouldn't have developed into an NHL player without being placed on waivers is based on nothing - simply your opinion.

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If you're going to make a post please get your facts right. Grabner did not start the season poorly. He was waived by Florida in preseason on October 3. He got his first point in his second game with NYI and his first goal in his 3rd game. He scored 34 goals that year - tops for rookies and was nominated for the Calder. Your supposition that he wouldn't have developed into an NHL player without being placed on waivers is based on nothing - simply your opinion.

Florida may be a good option when MG gets canned.

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If you're going to make a post please get your facts right. Grabner did not start the season poorly. He was waived by Florida in preseason on October 3. He got his first point in his second game with NYI and his first goal in his 3rd game. He scored 34 goals that year - tops for rookies and was nominated for the Calder. Your supposition that he wouldn't have developed into an NHL player without being placed on waivers is based on nothing - simply your opinion.

There is no doubt in my mind he did not want to play in Florida. Talon had no intention of losing Grabner. He thought he could sneak the guy through waivers and he got caught.

The minute Grabner had a free wheeling chance to just play and prove himself with no strings attached , he took it. And the rest ......shall we say......is history. :)

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I respectfully disagree. Grabner's situation was not unique. He was a first round pick that the Canucks had groomed. He arrived at the same point that every pick arrives at - a combination of age and contract status meaning he could no longer be sent down without clearing wavers. At that point teams have to make a decision. They can keep the prospect on the NHL roster, trade him or risk waivers. This situation arises all the time. Teams have to make this decision all the time. Gillis needed to show patience and didn't. He missed the call. Grabner turned into a great prospect 5 minutes after Gillis bailed on him. I am not arguing that Gillis is a lousy GM, needs to be relieved etc. I am simply stating that his decisions on Grabner and Hodgson have cost this team a significant amount. Whether you want to argue that there were reasons at the time to trade Grabner for Ballard is truly the moot point here. Gillis made the wrong assessment of a talented prospect and traded him away for a guy who never made and impact on the Canucks. Roll in the first round pick that we gave up and it is even more of a negative impact. I wish you would stop apologizing for Gillis and simply accept the fact that he made the wrong call on Grabner and Hodgson and the team is paying a big price for it.

Grabner didn't really have a great deal of trade value as he was waiver eligible. Combine that with his history of showing up to camp in poor shape and his trade value drops more. Any team trading for him knows these things and realize he's a gamble. People love to point out Grabner and a first but tend to ignore the salary dump that came with them. When a team it taking a salary dump in a deal they tend to get extra value with it. Gillis didn't make the wrong call with Grabner. With the entire top six coming off a career year, Grabner's penchant for showing up in poor shape, and being waiver eligible added up to one conclusion: not a snowballs chance in hell he makes this team out of camp. Then he would have been lost to waivers for nothing because a contender isn't going to gift a lazy prospect a roster spot. It took a bottom feeder for that to happen.

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Do you even read before posting?

Is/Can./. if.. not sure.. maybe.. what if..


You just had to quote yourself in order to dig yourself in further?

Sorry to confuse you. The "/" is on the keyboard to indicate an either/or. I said, Kesler is/can be a premier defensive specialist...ie...Kesler had been primarily regarded as that and still is when used that way and can be primarily known as that in the future if he is used this way (instead of the expectation and pressure of being the #2 scoring threat) Its not that difficult for sober posters to understand, but then I saw your sig:

Home honey,.I'm high
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If you're going to make a post please get your facts right. Grabner did not start the season poorly. He was waived by Florida in preseason on October 3. He got his first point in his second game with NYI and his first goal in his 3rd game. He scored 34 goals that year - tops for rookies and was nominated for the Calder. Your supposition that he wouldn't have developed into an NHL player without being placed on waivers is based on nothing - simply your opinion.

I said "year", not season. Training camp is part of the "year". Preseason is part of the "year". If your camp and preseason is so bad that a team starving for offense finds no room for you and puts you on waivers, that's a bad start to your year.

And Grabner has stated in interviews that being put on waivers was his main motivation to improving his game and work ethic.

So, basically, if you're going to get on a soapbox and criticize someone about not having facts, please get your facts right.

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Even guys like Raffi Torres, and A Rome are better than some of the dudes playin on the Canucks now. Keep the Sedins and trade the rest, maybe keep Burrows if his foot is still skatable. Get back to moving Luongo and give Torts the "bite" he wants. They gotta get bigger and tougher and the Boston final proved that, didn't it?

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  • 2 months later...

How is the new coach saviour and youth movement going?

Ironic that Raymond ,Grabner and Hodgson all lead their teams and the entire NHL.

There might be a problem with the core and the talent that this .org decided to keep instead of trade.

Haha all these blind fans make me laugh. This year is a throw away year. It's clear as day. I'm sorry but the Panther's being our farm team hasn't helped us out in the slightest. Higgins, Booth and Santorelli are third liners. We're depending on them provide secondary offense which just isn't going to happen.

Ryan Kesler is not a second line player. Not at center and not at the wing. He doesn't produce offence, in fact the end of his wrist shots are where offence and plays go to die. People need to stop blaming his "3rd liner wingers" those third liner wingers look far better and more dangerous than him most nights. trading Hodgson and hitching the canucks wagon to the top 6 kesler train was a major error by management.

Pure comedy gold.

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