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Too Early to call Kassian a dissapointment?

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If the day ever comes when it's time to declare Kassian a young man who did not develop to his abilities, how about at that point someone runs a message down under the bridge that there's a new thread for y'all to congregate in and recycle all your premature fears, desires, wishes at the appropriate time?

Okay, but where do we project all of our anxieties and insecurites in the mean time?

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If the day ever comes when it's time to declare Kassian a young man who did not develop to his abilities, how about at that point someone runs a message down under the bridge that there's a new thread for y'all to congregate in and recycle all your premature fears, desires, wishes at the appropriate time?


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I don't say this often but you truly have no clue and should consider cheering for the lions because you don't know or understand anything about hockey.

Im 32, canadian..played junior hockey..i know alot about hockey actually. I know its a fact kassian has more points on a worse line then any oter players on our team. I know its a fact tht if you put kass with the sedins, points will come for all three, something santo couldnt manage the other night. Two different players and one has been on the 4th line all year..ill take kassians 6 over santos 16. If you are moronic enough to think santorelli will have a bigger effect on this team then kassian will then, well that is all.

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I'm sorry but this is just wrong, they were criticized when zack was on there line and didn't get out of there slump till zack was taken off the line. He had/has no puck retrieval skills and the twins had a hard time getting the cycle set up when zack was with them. I remember it like it was yesterday because it was so frustrating to watch.

This statement is so retarded..oh nino wrote it nvm

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Im 32, canadian..played junior hockey..i know alot about hockey actually. I know its a fact kassian has more points on a worse line then any oter players on our team. I know its a fact tht if you put kass with the sedins, points will come for all three, something santo couldnt manage the other night. Two different players and one has been on the 4th line all year..ill take kassians 6 over santos 16. If you are moronic enough to think santorelli will have a bigger effect on this team then kassian will then, well that is all.

If you played junior hockey then why cant you see that Kassian is nothing more than a 3rd winger at best? Putting Kassian with the Sedins makes as much sense as Weise. Im sure Weise would put up some numbers with the Sedins too, sayin.

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Kassian with 25 pts in just under 100 games..so to me santo and kass as it seems are producing at the same rate.

To the guy above me..kassian is much better then weise.

Kassian - 107 GMs 16 G 11 A -13 149 PMS

Weise - 138 GMs 9 G 13 A -8 152 PMS

Not by much. For a 1st rounder vs a 4th rounder, those stats arent very impressive.

Oh right, if Zach was only given top line minutes and PP time, he'd be awesome. I'm sure Weise's numbers would improve too, no?

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This statement is so retarded..oh nino wrote it nvm

Ok enlighten me kassquatchian, lol. Show me what I had wrong. You keep going back to points and even then they aren't good, watch him play he doesn't want it you should know yourself that he doesn't have the drive needed to do well in the nhl if you truly did play junior... Oh hold on you didn't have it as well you didn't make it did you? Was it that you didn't work as hard as the rest? Like zack? Lol

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Kassian - 107 GMs 16 G 11 A -13 149 PMS

Weise - 138 GMs 9 G 13 A -8 152 PMS

Not by much. For a 1st rounder vs a 4th rounder, those stats arent very impressive.

Oh right, if Zach was only given top line minutes and PP time, he'd be awesome. I'm sure Weise's numbers would improve too, no?

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If the day ever comes when it's time to declare Kassian a young man who did not develop to his abilities, how about at that point someone runs a message down under the bridge that there's a new thread for y'all to congregate in and recycle all your premature fears, desires, wishes at the appropriate time?

Id much rather he silence his critics by playing a lot better.

At this point Id be happy if he just threw some real body checks, apprehensive is the opposite of how the kid needs to play.

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Kassian with 25 pts in just under 100 games..so to me santo and kass as it seems are producing at the same rate.

To the guy above me..kassian is much better then weise.

Weise is looking soooo much better then kass, you watching this game? Mr I played junior hockey.

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Id much rather he silence his critics by playing a lot better.

At this point Id be happy if he just threw some real body checks, apprehensive is the opposite of how the kid needs to play.

I'm not worried about him - apprehensive is how 'kids' tend to play when their coach is blowing head gaskets and benching every second player. I like the job Tortorella has done, but he got a bit off the rails there for a few games at the end of the last homestand. If they want a more aggressive Kassian, they'll have to live with the odd mistake, and Kassian actually seems to make fewer when he's more aggressive.

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