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Cheating in Relationships


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Longest relationship I've been in, 3 yrs or so, ended because of this. She slept with another guy on a late drunken night out when we were in a temporary long distance situation, confessed it to me like a week later ... honestly I didn't take it too hard and didn't really even feel cheated on. Initially I forgave her, it only ended because she kept bringing it up when I told her to let it go, and it eventually lead to some nasty arguments.

For your situation OP... it's impossible to say. Every scenario is different depending on those involved and the context. You probably know deep down what the right thing to do is. All I know for sure is both human beings and sexual/romantic relationships are way more complicated than some people in this thread make them out to be.

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OP is an ass clown.

Tangelos is a full blown dumbass.

Chancey is one of the biggest d**kheads.

I think that covers 3 of the biggest idiots I have ever seen on CDC and I have been on here for a long time.

You haven't even been here a year you coked up clown. Give your head a shake

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Give her a hall pass which lets her do whatever she likes for a week. That would even it out and clear everyone's conscience!

This sounds like a comedy from the 90s.

Oh wait you mean the movie "Hall Pass"

I knew having worked at rogers video would come in handy one day.

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Our society tells us what is right and wrong and we choose to believe ittttttttttttttt.

Is it just society then, that tells us to feel pain when someone we love betrays us?

If you and your gf are okay with being in an open relationship, that's fine. But you're clearly unsure of how she'll react/feel, which indicates that you guys haven't actually established that that's what you both want.

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Telling her about the affair is the wrong thing to do. Its selfish. Itll make you feel better and her feel much much worse. The smart thing for both of you is for you to look at your relationship objectively, if thats possible, and decide wether you should still be with her. If its been 2 years then you should have an idea by now if you want to spend the rest of your life with her. If you do then man up and be a better man. IF not then split up but neither way will telling her about the affair make it any way better for her.

This is correct. Telling her does not help this girl in any way. Are you going to cheat again? Then break up. Did you learn that you really are in love and want to marry (or stay with, whatever) this girl then just be better.

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Is it just society then, that tells us to feel pain when someone we love betrays us?

If you and your gf are okay with being in an open relationship, that's fine. But you're clearly unsure of how she'll react/feel, which indicates that you guys haven't actually established that that's what you both want.

hey whats up baby you like to party?

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my gf is tripping acid right now, good time to tell her?

Starting to not believe a single word you're saying.

But 10/10 content.

A good conversation starter and I think Bookie's got it right.

I was faithful and loyal to the guy who I went back to (and eventually married)...we both were and that was how we believed things should be. We had no reason to stray. :)

It's complicated and people don't all share the same values. Some don't invest as much emotionally and keep it at a superficial level, at least initially. If two people are aware of what they're doing and it doesn't hurt anybody, whatever...all the power to them. Problem is that when a 3rd party gets involved, often someone is hoping for more despite trying to play it casual. Planning on an exclusive relationship at some point. Usually once emotions do get involved it gets more complicated than "yeah, it's all good".

This is a troll thread, sure of it now. However, as long as we keep it fairly PG, discuss away....

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Wow - am I the only here who thinks "CHEATING" is the wrong word to use....

It's not like relationships are a game of poker where you can bluff or cheat (stack the cards)....

All recent trolling and jokes aside, you're either not honest with yourself or you're not honest with her - and both of those scenarios do a disservice to you.

Can we not be at least be honest with each other right here and right now say we all thoroughly enjoy a good fracking ?

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