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Gillis silent while Canucks need him most (Bold moves my ass)


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I think we can argue trades and how they went but I heard on the radio the other night that the last first round draft pick of our own to be playing on this team is Kesler?? I know Schroeder is hurt but still,,,,,,,yes I know Bourdon was tragic but all the other years??

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Sorry, don't have access to the "report" but I recall it said that at least 2 GMs were not aware that Cody was available and said they would have offered more. Same for Cory. THe point being, MG seems to get his mind set on a certain course of action and doesn't make the effort to explore all options. Maybe those other GMs wouldn't have offered what MG wanted but if they were never approached about the opportunity of a Cody or Cory, how do you know what may have been possible.

Isn't getting what you want the obvious goal of a trade? There isn't much point in trading assets for assets you don't need.

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I think we can argue trades and how they went but I heard on the radio the other night that the last first round draft pick of our own to be playing on this team is Kesler?? I know Schroeder is hurt but still,,,,,,,yes I know Bourdon was tragic but all the other years??

Forget 1sts, pretty sure Hansen is our last pick period playing on the team. Unless we are counting the callup for Corrado. Yea theres some injuries and such, and a couple trades, but damn thats gotta be close to a record.

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I think we can argue trades and how they went but I heard on the radio the other night that the last first round draft pick of our own to be playing on this team is Kesler?? I know Schroeder is hurt but still,,,,,,,yes I know Bourdon was tragic but all the other years??

Why is that Gillis' fault? Did he draft Patrick White? He's had Hodgson playing in the past and Schroeder with the team now (albeit injured as you said) so it's not a knock on his drafting. It's not a knock on his roster either, since he's replaced Hodgson with Kassian. We didn't have a first in 2010 after trades to improve the team now, and since we went to the SCF I don't think too many are going to find major fault with that. The only other explanation is you aren't happy the last three years of draft picks (three of which were late first rounders) aren't dominating at the NHL level.

Forget 1sts, pretty sure Hansen is our last pick period playing on the team. Unless we are counting the callup for Corrado. Yea theres some injuries and such, and a couple trades, but damn thats gotta be close to a record.

Well when the previous regime picks Taylor Ellington instead of PK Subban in the 2nd round (after having picked Patrick White in the first round) there's not going to be a lot to build on. Taylor Ellington! As the 33rd overall pick! Montreal also picked Yannick Weber in the 3rd round after picking Subban 43rd overall! Our next pick was 143rd overall after Jamie Benn had been picked 129th overall! And we had the 144th pick as well but didn't want to trade them both to move up to maybe even the 4th round! Talk about terrible drafts!

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When Gillis got the job he said he did not like giving out NTCs and was unsure if the twins were the guys to take this team into the future. He has since re-signed the twins twice.

He gave out NTCs like Halloween candy

Traded Hodgson for a guy he said would help immediately, but Kassian, though still a good prospect, is not yet ready for prime time.

The team is now trapped by the decisions he has made.

Time is running out on Mike Gillis.

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When did being a GM become only trying to make meaningful moves at the deadline. Canucks fans have been screaming for more goal scoring for three or more seasons and every year we get the same useless drivel spilling out of Mr. Gillis's mouth. The prices were too high, I don't like rentals, I feel we are a better team than our record indicates. Whatever you need to say to hold on to your high paying job for a little longer. I have been hearing about this window that the Canucks have for the last couple of years. Meaning, GMs only have the ability to make serious runs at a cup a couple years out of every decade or so. Yet ours is more concerned about the next bargain than actually making a trade that would improve the top six.

Why does he never have to answer for how little meaningful moves he makes!!!?

Why does he never make a trade before we end up falling into a tailspin and losing our playoff spot!!!?

Why do trade rumors mean less than they use to yet you can find them more easily than ever!!!?

Why can't he actually make a move before the last five minutes of trade deadline day that makes our team better in the present?

We will still have like ten years of penny pinching and rebuilding that will follow regardless. Their needs are so evident why wait till the last moment only to have someone out bid you and wind up with nothing, then turn around and tell us I did everything I could? Players get paid for results and so should GM's. They should have base salaries and bonuses that kick in only if their trades actually improve the teams overall record, goal output, goals against average. Then all GM's might have a fire lit under them to not be so scared and cheep about pulling the trigger.

Did the NHL forget that trades actually give fans renewed hope and excitement?

Changes need to take place big ones, but that is likely an off season conversation. In the meantime, for the love of all things Canuck throw the team a bone and get a scoring top six forward that can handle the playoffs. Cammalleri, Kane, Stastny, Michalek, Jokinen, Legwand, Ott, and Briere, they are out there and the players, the fanbase and the alumni deserve a meaningful move to be made.

Man was that the ugliest loss almost ever, almost as much sting as that playoff meltdown for Leaf nation last year. All I can say is do more to earn your money Gillis because the product is laughable right now. Sometimes paying a little more is the right move.

That's nice. People expect some answers after every fart this team makes. Who are you that Gillis needs to answer to? Why repeat what we already know collectively? As stated below Gillis already has his list of excuses.

Plus, Gillis and Co aren't going to tell you or any one else what his next move will be. He knows he's got to do something. Really the only one he has to answer to is Mr Aquillini. Don't forget about ownership in all this.

Personally I"m not expecting much this season. Hope breeds hopelessness. I'm banking on the big picture and that's building from with in.

I suppose you're one of those people that can't understand why all of last years picks aren't in the line up.

People around here need to get over themselves. No one owes any one but season ticket holder and ownership answers.

I'd be interested how many people actually pay to see games on this site.

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Didn't mention Gillis, and in another thread I stated I was extremely pleased with this past draft... (not that it matters) just stated that is pretty tough to keep building from within with that type of draft history... so yes, our draft history leaves a lot to be desired... Our last three drafts,,,,we will see in time. There is bound to be a dropoff in production with that (hole) in drafting over that many years. That is where we are headed until the recent crop (2011-2013) can develop and contribute

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I think we can argue trades and how they went but I heard on the radio the other night that the last first round draft pick of our own to be playing on this team is Kesler?? I know Schroeder is hurt but still,,,,,,,yes I know Bourdon was tragic but all the other years??

yes that's true, we traded schnieder, coho, and grabner. however the better question is how many of our draft picks are playing...many teams have the same situation, the draft is a crap shoot, which is why i was never happy with the schnieder deal. yes horvat looks like he will play but will he play to the same level of skill as schnieder did? time will tell, but very hard to determine whether a draft pick makes it.

heck detroit's two best players were taken in very late rounds...so...a bit of a stupid complaint by the guys on 1040, who do seem to whine endlessly by the way..i've stopped listening to them as of now because of that, they are complete cry babies and not objective.

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Didn't you hear, "trade talks are as dead as they've ever been"

Yeah, probably because your not willing to trade any big piece.... Gillis will be long gone after this year.

this starts at the top ... francesco is at the top .. and he thinks he knows hockey ... this should scare the hell out of all of us .. gillis will go nowhere ... and neither will our team .. until we are class from the top down , we will always be on the outside looking in ..
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Didn't mention Gillis, and in another thread I stated I was extremely pleased with this past draft... (not that it matters) just stated that is pretty tough to keep building from within with that type of draft history... so yes, our draft history leaves a lot to be desired... Our last three drafts,,,,we will see in time. There is bound to be a dropoff in production with that (hole) in drafting over that many years. That is where we are headed until the recent crop (2011-2013) can develop and contribute

Fair enough, but the thread is about Gillis so you can see the confusion.

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Does anyone even know if there are some bold moves out there to be had with every team now jockeying for playoff position?

Everyone out there have sharp critical comments about what a GM should do, but all they are is whine from a bunch of internet losers who haven't even got a simple idea what deals can be made or more realistically, what players are available. It is obvious other teams have players who have NT/M clauses in their contracts, yet their names have been suggest and spewed out here by those very same people who continue to whine about the management of our team. Get real losers and shake your heads to loosen your thought processes.

Ya, any fool can make a brain fart suggestion about who Gillis should trade and what players he should trade for. The trick, if it is not obvious to all whiners here, is to be able to make the deal, not just yap it up like many of you continue to do because stupidity remains anonymous on the internet, right?

My comments refer to all other GMs as well. There isn't one out there that is not trying to make his team a Stanley Cup winner, yet the know-it-all fans of those respective teams continue to have all the answers and solutions to the problems of each team.

I really wonder how many of those same fans would even attempt to try to convince others face to face how little they know about managing a hockey team. All who would try would be labelled a fool. The closest the majority of you have got to the game is in some beer league and the rest of you have probably not even laced on a pair of skates or know how to skate. Tell me all you self professed experts, why the hell are you not all GMs in the NHL? Talk is cheap and when it comes to hockey knowledge, many of you are simple paupers at best.

Yes Vancouver lost a couple of hockey games and yes I was ripped like many of you but to be warm and snugly and offer praise to everyone associated to the team only at those times when the team is winning is a might hypocritical would you not say? A year or two ago, Gillis was considered a great GM. The team was doing very well and the nay sayers were undercover or had jumped onto the bandwagon. They loss of the Stanley Cup to Boston and once again woke up the negative horde and a deluge of criticism once again poured down on management. Over night, management felt the wrath from those in the cheap seats. In the opinion of the brainless, Gillis became stupid over night. Go figure that strange rationale; from king to bum practically in the same day.

Yes these threads are here for everyone to be able to express an opinion whether in agreement or disagreement. However, they should also be available to comment on how irrational and ridiculous some posters express non-credible bull crap in these threads as well.

So have at me boys any way you wish but using sincerity you know I am right.

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Having no moveable assets and no cap space is not hindsight, that's poor planning.

Gillis and co created the cap mess that many fans could see coming.

Not defending MG per se, but I doubt many fans saw the devastating claw back that Count Chocula's cap world has affected possible future plans for the Canucks.

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When Gillis got the job he said he did not like giving out NTCs and was unsure if the twins were the guys to take this team into the future. He has since re-signed the twins twice.

He gave out NTCs like Halloween candy

Traded Hodgson for a guy he said would help immediately, but Kassian, though still a good prospect, is not yet ready for prime time.

The team is now trapped by the decisions he has made.

Time is running out on Mike Gillis.

Actually what Gillis said was he didn't believe in asking players to waive ntc's as they had earned them. And the twins were in the final year of their deal so without having met or talked to them he wasn't sure if he would be building the team around them.

I hate to break it to you, but we're not the only team with a core of ntc's. It's how you get deals below market value.

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Torts putting Sestito on the top 6 and PP should be a clear message to Gillis to get him something to work with.

Same bloody thing as the last couple years which is why Ebbett was a staple in our line-up.

Gillis is more interested in finding good deals than making the obvious moved needed.

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Not defending MG per se, but I doubt many fans saw the devastating claw back that Count Chocula's cap world has affected possible future plans for the Canucks.

Well considering the owners wanted it I have trouble believing any GM in the league didn't expect it to happen. Fans that didn't believe the owners would get that claw back are idiots. Being a team that spends to the cap makes a cap drop a difficult situation to improve the team.

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You may not like some of the moves but you can't say he's never been bold. Trading Cody was bold, trading Schneider was a bold move. Firing AV and bringing in a now very popular but had us concerned Torts was bold (I see posted above a claim the the Schneider trade doesn't count because Gillis was forced, he was forced to trade a goalie but not for a great pick like that)

The guy isn't afraid of making deals but if those are not bold moves what are you expecting?

Trading kesler or the Sedins? Where and for what exactly? Crazy here that we have some thinking that Edler will just merrily waive to the Islanders or Carolina. People complaining about NTC's as if we were an anomoly team with them instead of average.

You don't make a trade just to make one. That's how teams like calgary and toronto get all messed up. We are up against the cap with an aging core, we will get younger in time but we just are not going to dominate.

A couple of extra goals is not worth Bo or Hunter or Tanev. I know it's not fun to watch sometimes but this team did a reset and it's geared towards the future and not the now anymore. If you want it all now, you may want to hop off the bandwagon for a bit because you are just going to be miserable.

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This is a tough spot for this franchise. You have two aging stars in the Sedin's who are no longer able to drag this team along with them anymore. They aren't able to play against the physical teams and their age appears to be catching up with them.

How do you let them walk, yet you can't have them as your first line players and achieve playoff success. They really should be complimentary players (second line) at this stage of their careers like they were when they first broke into the league. This should be Keslers team, however, he needs two top line wingers (preferably with some size and attitude)to help him take over.

Gillis should have done something about this over the last season and a half. He didn't. We currently have a second line, two third lines (none properly constructed to play third line) and a fourth line.

A shutdown defenceman with some size is also a glaring issue and has been for some time.

I also don't like the fragile mental state of this current roster. They don't appear to believe they can win anymore. It shows in all the early goals and late goals given up that would have never happened before.

I would have tried to trade the Sedin's this year. I know, to who and for what. I don't have the exact answer. But I wouldn't have been against a true reset that may have taken a couple of years. I am tired of the same old movie and I don't beleive this group as it stands will get it done anytime soon. I don't think they believe it anymore either. The problem is that these are not usually quick fixes and they should have been addressed individually. They haven't.


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Actually what Gillis said was he didn't believe in asking players to waive ntc's as they had earned them. And the twins were in the final year of their deal so without having met or talked to them he wasn't sure if he would be building the team around them.

I hate to break it to you, but we're not the only team with a core of ntc's. It's how you get deals below market value.

Ever get tired of saying the same things over and over again, Baggins? Me too.

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There is something wrong with Canucks player development, and scouting. Where and why do other teams come up with tough skilled players? There is no time to wait for any of Canucks draft choices to turn into pro players. Gillis needs to do something now but he is satisfied that things are OK. He thinks he has done well in 7 yrs.

The other thing is that we are allowing our goalies to get run over by the league. Torts is not happy about that but if you are a conspiracy fan you would think the league hates Vancouver. So why is it there are Canuck fans all over North America. Maybe they too see us as underdogs facing an impossible dream.

Management is too quiet and doesn't seem concerned about the running of our goalies. Torts will one day soon come unglued. Can't blame him somebody has to care.

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