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What's going on with David Booth?

Everybody Hates Raymond

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Booth again?

Im not sure what Torts dislikes so much about him, but the fact of the matter is that whether he is in the lineup or not it still costs the same.

You cant really trade him considering his contract and current value.

It's not a matter of like/dislike (childish) but most likely a matter of Booth not doing what the coach is asking of him...on a consistent basis... So I guess he is consistent in one way...

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I can't help but wonder what's going through this guys head. He shows the all too infrequent flashes...which shows he can play if he wants....but to often he shows nothing. He's impossible to trade so put him on waivers and see if any one will take a gamble with him...which I doubt he's being paid serious coin and no one wants to fill that much Cap Space with such a doubtful return. I'm thinking MG doesn't want to do this as it surely shows how badly thought out the acquisition was in the first place.

Miukey you got yourself into this mess...you gotta do what's needed to rectify it

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Tre Mac;

Exactly! Torts sits him as he should and fans turn on him. Send him to Utica and hope that he lights it up so that he can be moved somehow. No body wanted him last time he was waived so that shows little interest at $4.2 mil.

If we send him to Utica we only get 925K of cap room. New CBA rules regarding demoting players. If we aren't going to play him, we need to trade him to get him off our books.

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Production doesn't just mean goals and assists, it means, if you aren't scoring, throw some hits around, and some general trying is always nice. Did you see the stats, 0 for all categories except for a minus on the (+/-) sheet. Take burrows for example, definately in a scoring slump before he was injured, yet for all the other stuff he's doing on the ice he was considered a valuable player (and truly was). Booth should take a page outta his book if he wants to play here consistently.

If you look over the 50 threads on CDC about Booth, even fans who dont like him atleast give him credit for having energy and trying to finish his hits. The biggest complaint against him ( besides his religion and hunting ) is that he doesnt score enough.

And dont get me wrong, I agree that he hasnt justified his salary since he's been here but much like Ballard, I dont think he's been given a fair chance. His confidence is at an all time low right now so getting 3rd line minutes and knowing that the coach isnt gonna let you play out of the funk, doesnt make it any easier.

If the team is gonna buy him out, then send him home so he doesnt get injuried or do it now and stop wasting time on the issue. If they really want to see results with him, then give him some meaningful minutes with top line players.

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- Kesler is our best 2 way player. You dont sit a guy like that for not scoring for 5 games.

-The Sedins drive the offence in all situations

-Higgins has been one of our most consistent players this whole season.

Booth is one dimensional, and even when given opportunity to play with better linemates fails to have any impact. If he is not putting up points, he is in all seriousness, useless. He is a defensive liability. If he was a good physical 2 way player like Hansen or Burrows, I could see him having an impact here, but he isnt, and never will be.

i dont remember the exact numbers, but hasnt Kesler/Higgens been on the ice for 13 of the last 16 goals against, including all those crucial meltdowns in the last minute ?

And im not saying Torts needs to put kesler or the Sedins in the press box for a game, but if he is gonna let players play out of there cold streaks, then I think Booth should get the chance. Everyone knows he can skate fast, has scoring ability and does finish his checks. It makes no sense to not dress him when he could be a valuable player for us.

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, then give him some meaningful minutes with top line players.

Yeah can you imagine what other players who are really trying would react...this slacker does nothing, doesn't give and dam and hey lets reward him with prime time. Yeah the guy working next to you is a AH and a slacker so he gets promoted...how would you feel....assuming you're old enough to work....that's called team bonding...shake you head

Like every one else in life you earn your breaks

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i dont remember the exact numbers, but hasnt Kesler/Higgens been on the ice for 13 of the last 16 goals against, including all those crucial meltdowns in the last minute ?

And im not saying Torts needs to put kesler or the Sedins in the press box for a game, but if he is gonna let players play out of there cold streaks, then I think Booth should get the chance. Everyone knows he can skate fast, has scoring ability and does finish his checks. It makes no sense to not dress him when he could be a valuable player for us.

Seriously, do you compare the level of Higgins or Kesler play to Booth ?! Higgins and Kesler play hard, forecheck, hit, block shots, and play on PK. That's why they are effective players. Booth do not forecheck, do not hit, and barely block shots. Torts will sit such player unless he is a 40 goal scorer.

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It's not a matter of like/dislike (childish) but most likely a matter of Booth not doing what the coach is asking of him...on a consistent basis... So I guess he is consistent in one way...

EXACTLY!! And Torts is an 'effort/play smart' type of guy...even if he's not scoring, with his size and speed he can find ways to contribute...ie you want to learn how to play if you're not potting goals Booth, look at Burr...probably in his worst slump in 5 years after back to back injuries and what does Torts say about him? that he's doing the little things, we miss him, etc..

Torts is VERY FAIR..play hard, find a WAY to contribute, it may not even be what you're paid for but if you can't manage that adjust your game till you find your hands and be part of the TEAM...

Booth seems like if he's not getting easy goals he just shuts down....go hit someone, play hard in your own end, cause havoc in the offensive end...all of those are simply skating and size, and effort, which clearly he as the first two...its the last thats lacking and if you cant bring that you dont deserve to be on the game sheet

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i dont remember the exact numbers, but hasnt Kesler/Higgens been on the ice for 13 of the last 16 goals against, including all those crucial meltdowns in the last minute ?

And im not saying Torts needs to put kesler or the Sedins in the press box for a game, but if he is gonna let players play out of there cold streaks, then I think Booth should get the chance. Everyone knows he can skate fast, has scoring ability and does finish his checks. It makes no sense to not dress him when he could be a valuable player for us.

Im going to say that would be incorrect as that would be reflected in their +/- if they were on the ice for that many goals against. Also keep in mind that the Kesler line plays against the high quality competition every game, whereas Booth does not.

Booth has not been physical this season at all, and as I mentioned, he doesnt facilitate play in any other way except through offence. When he goes dry, he doesnt have anything else to offer. Torts did allow him to play through his slump, but injuries slowed him down (which many think is due to lack of training in the off season), and his general lackadaisical play didnt help him stay on Torts good side.

When Booth is playing with speed, and tenacity, and being physical, he can be a very useful player when not contributing offensively, but there has been little evidence of that this season.

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HOw a player is perceived can colour how fans view that player. You obviously view Booth in a positive light. He certainly has had flashes of good play and I haven't read any comments that say he can't skate. his Problem has been injuries and inconsistency, likely related.

My view of him is not as bright as yours. He appears to me tob elost out thre and playing by himself much of the time, out of touch withhis linemates and lost as to where he should be or what hs should do. It's like he lacks the hockey sense to know what to do with his talents.

Bottom line, for what he is getting paid, he has not produced. He has not played physical either. There are far cheaper options for this team that bring what Booth has.

None of us know for sure but there seems to be a disconnect with Booth and the team/Torts. It's not unusual. AV appears to have a problem with DelZotto who is recognized as a very talented player. It just is what it is.

Torts lives and dies hockey. Hates to lose and expects his players to share that passion. Booth has gone on the record that hockey is just a game and there's more important things in life. As honourable a comment that is, if that represents his attitude, that may not play with a coach like Torts unless you are also producing as expected.

Booth is a different guy and maybe he just is a square peg in a round hole on this team, who knows.

Whatever it is, I think he needs a different environment if he is to get his career back on track. I wish him the best and look forward to seeing what the Nucks do with the cap space.

I don't have bias for or against Booth. I didn't make much of his acquisition and I am not here to say he is going to carry this team. I am simply saying, whether or not one has a positive or negative view of a player, to be critical of the appropriate issues.

I agree that Booth may not be Torts' idea of the ideal hockey player. That said, Booth is an asset to this team in the sense that there really is not direct replacement for the kind of hockey he is capable of bringing. Sure, Torts is a great coach, but I don't see how this is any different from AV's doghouse, especially when this team desperately needs speed, size and someone who is capable of driving the net (something Booth has consistently done no matter what his point production).

You can't pin the team's struggles on him because he hasn't really made any sort of impact yet. I would be fine with the team dealing him at any point, as long as they can replace him directly.

Realize this people: Booth may be struggling, but he is still the best at his role - simply because there is no other on the team who can do it better.

Go acquire Perron or something or shush please

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Did you read where Torts says to the press "Booth, I can't find him"? Unless you are deliberately trying to ignore the evidence, Booth is a healthy scratch. Torts may not give details of injuries but he doesn't deny when A player is out because of one. Booth's comment about not wanting to get into trouble by saying something is also an pretty strong indication he is healthy enough to play but is being scratched. Looking at the numbers Deb posted, he may be +4 but with no hits, shots, points he is not playing the role of a top 6 winger. The team has lots of cheaper options for a guy that can simply skate fast and ck decently.

The team was looking great with Booth on the 3rd line who freaking cares how much he gets paid if he sits in the press box or plays it makes no difference to the team cap wise. To sit him out just so he doesn't get injured so the team can buy him out is beyond stupid.

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its not about producing. its about working hard, playing smart, and reading the play.

booth seems to be able to work hard, but lacks the other two.

Booth hunts defenseless animals with guns. Nobody else will say it, but I will,and guess what, both me and John T. hate this (the only thing we agree on). Booth is done here. He's overpaid, he plays like a softy (I'd prefer to use another word but Deb will punish me) and well, he sucks!

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Booth hunts defenseless animals with guns. Nobody else will say it, but I will,and guess what, both me and John T. hate this (the only thing we agree on). Booth is done here. He's overpaid, he plays like a softy (I'd prefer to use another word but Deb will punish me) and well, he sucks!

as silly as it sounds i think that also may be an issue with torts, he runs a charity for animals and is very serious about that, morally he probably has a big issue with Booth, and its hard to separate, those things. While he should, it certainly doesn't add any respect for him and it probably has an impact somewhere...

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A couple nights back, I was complaining about David Booth and my wife asked me what the deal was (she doesn't follow the team all that closely). I went through Booth's playing history (with Vancouver and for his career), his injuries, his background (culture/faith/etc), off-ice topics, and the whole ball of wax.

Her take on things: it sounds like Booth is struggling with a depression/anxiety spectrum AKA "mood disorder."

It's strange but this just never occurred to me before as a possibility. It would explain quite a bit if this was the case.

Now, I'd like to believe that after what happened with Rypien and the resulting "Mind Check" effort (and the overall organizational sensitivity to mental health issues), that the Canucks would pick-up on this kind of thing and would have systems in place to address such issues.

However, it does seem possible that something like this could slip through the cracks.

Given Booth's background (culturally-speaking moreso than his faith), he might not be the kind of person who'd be willing to open up about his mental health. It's pretty tough for anyone to take such a step and I have a feeling that it would be tougher for Booth than most.

He also seems to be a bit of an island to himself in the dressing room and doesn't really seem to be all that close to his teammates or staff.

If he's having issues he could very well be suffering in silence.

Torts has been clear that he believes that Booth's issues are strictly "mental." He's said that he thinks that Booth lacks confidence in his own health and readiness to play the game the way he needs to play in order to be successful.

But what if it's not a "mental" issue but a mental health issue instead?

Right now, Torts is using the kind of shaming techniques (healthy scratches, benching, calling out in the media, demoting down the lineup, etc) that are meant to challenge players and give them the push they need to get back to playing their best hockey. This can be a successful approach when a guy isn't giving his full effort or lacks motivation.

However, if Booth is actually suffering from a mental health issue, what Torts is doing could be the very worst thing possible.

I find many of Booth's comments in the press seem to support the idea that he's struggling with a mood disorder.

I used to get frustrated at how Booth would make comments like "I'm leaning heavily on my Faith" and "I'm putting things in God's hands" when questioned about his quality of play and the coach's decision not to play him. I'd feel like screaming: "You need to fix the problem Booth because God isn't going to magically make you play better!"

I almost felt like Booth wasn't taking responsibility for actions and was hiding behind the idea that the Will of God determined everything and that only God could fix his issues on the ice.

But if David Booth is struggling with a depression/anxiety spectrum disorder, that's exactly how things might seem.

I actually believe that Booth has been working as hard as he can. He made it to the NHL through hard work, he trains harder than most players, and, when healthy, he plays a very hard working game.

This is not a lazy guy.

Booth could easily feel like he's doing everything he possibly can, on and off the ice, to meet his coach's (and this city's) expectations.

But if his mind isn't healthy, it really doesn't matter how hard he works his body. He's just not going to be successful on the ice (and he's not going to appear to be giving the game his full effort--even if he's doing everything he possibly can under the circumstances).

The failures and disappointments he's been facing would only feed into a mental disorder and make things get worse and worse. I can only imagine how hard it might be for someone in the grips of mental illness to deal with the treatment Booth is getting from the coaching staff. Same goes for what's being said in the press and by the fans (and no player can successfully insulate himself from this--even if he says he doesn't pay attention).

If Booth is actually struggling with a mental illness, it would be extremely difficult for him to cope with all the negative things that have happened during his tenure with the Vancouver Canucks. He might honestly believe that he can't give anything more than what he's already giving to this team.

If his mental health has reached the point that he feels truly powerless over his circumstances and that he has no other choice now but to just leave everything in the hands of his God, one could hardly blame him.

For Booth's sake, I really hope this isn't the case because mood disorders can be much more challenging to "rehab" than most of the physical injuries that players suffer.

If my wife is correct and Booth really is going through something related to his mental health, it would sure explain a lot of things.

Before I considered this as a possibility, Booth always seemed like such an enigma and his struggles in a Canucks uniform were so very frustratingly difficult to explain (at least to explain them to my satisfaction).

If Booth's struggles are actually the result of an ongoing (and possibly undiagnosed) mood disorder, everything that's been going on with him really starts to make a lot more sense.

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