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:picard: Brown HASN'T kneed anyone? Are you serious? Does he not blatantly stick his knee out on Schwartz in the top gif? And don't try to defend that coward Nolan. He's twice now taken/attempted cheapshots on Henrik and he's lucky Sestito didn't pound him harder. And for what Weise 'did' to Doughty, he didn't do anything. Doughty skates into Weise, flops like he usually does, and then goes and cries to the ref. They aren't called the Queens for nothing.

Since I know you questioned my tenure as a Kings fan, and judging by the maturity of your post, I'd say that I've been a Kings fan longer than you've been alive.

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Pears, it's people like you who give Canucks fans a bad name lol.

You went on the offensive so much. You edited out this part while I was quoting, but meh


Even if Doughty may have flopped a bit, it's not like Kassian didn't flop late in the third on that hooking thing. Yes, doughty did try to put a pick on him, but it's not like what weise did wasn't dirty lmao. You could have just said 'Doughty tried to put a pick on him,' There's two sides to everything. We've had our share of divers and dirty cheap shots, but we never bring them up consistently, do we? Meh w/e

I'm more than willing to debate with level headed people like yourself. I have no problem admitting Doughty and Brown fall easily at times but I'm also going to try to inform certain people when they have their facts mixed up. Don't think there's anything wrong with that.

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The fact that you said Brown has never kneed anyone is absolutely laughable.

Exhibit A:

Exhibit B:


The Schwartz one is debatable since you can clearly see him going for his usual elbow to the shoulder/chest. His knee does come out a bit and clips Schwartz but you also see him tucking it back in which tells me he wasn't trying for it. I'm willing to concede that as a kneeing minor penalty. However, like someone else mentioned, you can find examples of this all over the league. Kyle Clifford kneed Nugent-Hopkins earlier in the year. This isn't something Clifford normally does but guess what. It happened. Doesn't mean Clifford is a guy who knees people.

The Hertle play is ridiculous. The only person who moved their leg on that play was Hertle himself. Both guys tried to bail on the collision last minute and unfortunately for Hertle, his knee was in the wrong position. Watch that play in slow motion from a few seconds earlier. It's an obvious accident. Even the Sharks announcers admitted it.

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The Schwartz one is debatable since you can clearly see him going for his usual elbow to the shoulder/chest. His knee does come out a bit and clips Schwartz but you also see him tucking it back in which tells me he wasn't trying for it. I'm willing to concede that as a kneeing minor penalty. However, like someone else mentioned, you can find examples of this all over the league. Kyle Clifford kneed Nugent-Hopkins earlier in the year. This isn't something Clifford normally does but guess what. It happened. Doesn't mean Clifford is a guy who knees people.

A few points...

Brown was in no position to go for a shoulder/elbow hit. He leaned his body to the right side to Schwartz. You clearly can see him not only sticking his knee out but also his elbow.

I don't know what he was trying to do with that play. And honestly, if Brown made contact with his elbow, that would have been way worst than that knee sticking out. At around 0:20, Brown's intent was to nail Schwartz's head with his elbow (Don't argue that i am wrong, he flung his elbow out the last minute), and by that he also stuck out his right leg.

Yes you can say you're a Kings fan longer than anyone else in this boards, and honestly, no one cares. Brown is one of those people who likes to stick his knee out when trying to go for a check.

And please don't say the Canucks didn't play any good. If the LA PP was good? Lol, maybe the Canucks PK was terrific? Canucks played a great game but lost due to one mistake, the mistake that led up to a goal. I'm a Canucks fan but i acknowledge that LA is one of the best team in today's game. Quick played amazing last night, so please don't be ignorant and make statement like Canucks gooned it up when we outhit and outshot your team.

Oh, Canucks didn't lose the SCF due to losing "composure". Sure, it may have been apart of the reason why we lost. But the main reason why Canucks lost to Boston was due to lack of offense. 8 goals in 7 games? Laughable.

It's a unwritten rule in hockey between players is that if you try to run the other team's star player, you better look out for the revenge.

Man, i'm a Canucks fan but at least i dont praise them as something that they cannot be beaten. Your LA homer glasses are showing.

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A few points...

Brown was in no position to go for a shoulder/elbow hit. He leaned his body to the right side to Schwartz. You clearly can see him not only sticking his knee out but also his elbow.

I don't know what he was trying to do with that play. And honestly, if Brown made contact with his elbow, that would have been way worst than that knee sticking out. At around 0:20, Brown's intent was to nail Schwartz's head with his elbow (Don't argue that i am wrong, he flung his elbow out the last minute), and by that he also stuck out his right leg.

Yes you can say you're a Kings fan longer than anyone else in this boards, and honestly, no one cares. Brown is one of those people who likes to stick his knee out when trying to go for a check.

And please don't say the Canucks didn't play any good. If the LA PP was good? Lol, maybe the Canucks PK was terrific? Canucks played a great game but lost due to one mistake, the mistake that led up to a goal. I'm a Canucks fan but i acknowledge that LA is one of the best team in today's game. Quick played amazing last night, so please don't be ignorant and make statement like Canucks gooned it up when we outhit and outshot your team.

Oh, Canucks didn't lose the SCF due to losing "composure". Sure, it may have been apart of the reason why we lost. But the main reason why Canucks lost to Boston was due to lack of offense. 8 goals in 7 games? Laughable.

It's a unwritten rule in hockey between players is that if you try to run the other team's star player, you better look out for the revenge.

Man, i'm a Canucks fan but at least i dont praise them as something that they cannot be beaten. Your LA homer glasses are showing.

Brown's elbow grazed Schwatz's shoulder. That's what he was aiming at. You can see his jersey move in the shoulder area. Like I've said a couple times, Brown almost always elbows the victim of his hits in the shoulder or chest. That's not illegal but I also admitted that he stuck the knee out on that hit and should have gotten a minor penalty for it. I fail to see how this equates to Brown always sticking his knee out. There are a few things about Brown you'd notice if you watched him every night. The elbow to the shoulder/chest is one and him falling on his butt whether someone is around him or not is another. He's one of the clumsiest skaters I've ever seen.

The Canucks no doubt have a good PK which is shown by them having the number 1 PK in the league. I didn't mean to make it sound like they don't deserve any credit at all. But even if you have a great PK, giving up half a period of PP's is a bad idea and any decent PP should manage at least 1 goal from that. Not to mention the wear down affect. Constantly defending will kill you by the end of the game just on the energy side. That's not playing smart. Plain and simple. And if you don't think the first part of that game was an example of gooning by the Canucks, please tell me what you think gooning is.

One could say that scoring so little and allowing so many goals in the cup final was a result of their lack of composure but that's a long discussion on a different topic that I won't really get into right now. I will say though that they had a 2-0 and 3-2 lead in that series and let it slip away by getting blown out in all their losses. That's a mental problem more than anything else because they showed they could play close games with the Bruins.

I don't look at Nolan body checking Sedin as "running" a star player. Maybe I need to see the play again but it looked like Nolan went for a check and missed. What's the problem? And in the playoffs, it was Brown who nailed Sedin with a clean hit so it's not like they only send 4th liners to do the work. It's the Kings. They hit players. Kopitar got clocked a couple seasons ago on a great hit and I had no problem with it so I don't get the need to drop the gloves.

I haven't said anything about the Kings not being able to be beaten so not sure what you mean by your last comment. The original poster claimed that this was more of a win for the Canucks which just isn't true. They tried playing a different style and they still lost and got scored on by the guy they were targeting. Obviously, it didn't phase the Kings one bit.

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Pears, it's people like you who give Canucks fans a bad name lol.

You went on the offensive so much. You edited out this part while I was quoting, but meh


Even if Doughty may have flopped a bit, it's not like Kassian didn't flop late in the third on that hooking thing. Yes, doughty did try to put a pick on him, but it's not like what weise did wasn't dirty lmao. You could have just said 'Doughty tried to put a pick on him,' There's two sides to everything. We've had our share of divers and dirty cheap shots, but we never bring them up consistently, do we? Meh w/e

But it isn't a popularity contest and what I find nauseating is those who try to be so PC and proper. We're hockey fans - we're passionate and heated rivalries bring out the best and worst of us. I don't care who thinks what of me, I support my team and the rest can bite me.

A bad name? We get that regardless so, really, who cares? I don't believe in living my life to appease others...it's for me. And dammit, I'll stand in the trenches with/for my team. And Brown is a dirty stinking rat.

This isn't the Kumbaya Kings Korner for Krying, it's a Canucks forum. So I fully support this thread.

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But it isn't a popularity contest and what I find nauseating is those who try to be so PC and proper. We're hockey fans - we're passionate and heated rivalries bring out the best and worst of us. I don't care who thinks what of me, I support my team and the rest can bite me.

A bad name? We get that regardless so, really, who cares? I don't believing in living my life to appease others...it's for me. And dammit, I'll stand in the trenches with/for my team. And Brown is a dirty stinking rat.

This isn't the Kumbaya Kings Korner for Krying, it's a Canucks forum. So I fully support this thread.

I never had a problem with defending your team. I just have a problem with hypocrisy, and that's out to the fullest here. We should be able to be more level-headed when defending our team, instead of going on the offensive and attacking other fanbases, shouldn't we? That's what happened here, so sorry for disagreeing with someone attacking someone's fanbase :sadno:

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Being more level-headed is just loser talk. The Hawks and particularly the Bruins have the least level-headed fans and announcers in the NHL and they view themselves as big reasons why their team won recently.

Being level-headed anyway is looking at all the evidence and figuring out that Brown is indeed just a souped up version of Bryan Marchment.

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Because it's not something you post on HF, lol. I've gotten a trolling warning for posting that I'm glad we don't have Justin Schultz.

omg guyz thy hit our pllyrz but evertiem we hit some1 its diving omgz guyz

Gives our fans bad reputations. I was reading the HF of the Kings, and I didn't see nearly as many posts in a negative regard towards the Canucks.

thats a simple math solution, if 10% of our million fans are ignorant, we all seem ignorant... if 10% of the kings 100 fans are ignorant, half of them probly dont own computers or a high school education. therefore, less negative posts towards the canucks.

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thats a simple math solution, if 10% of our million fans are ignorant, we all seem ignorant... if 10% of the kings 100 fans are ignorant, half of them probly dont own computers or a high school education. therefore, less negative posts towards the canucks.

I thought about this. It's not that it was ten percent. We had consecutive pages of OMG GET BROWN HEADSHOT EM. Happy with the slewfoot... that diver!!!!!! F-bomb this, F-bomb that. It felt as if half of the gdt was like that.

I went over to check the Kings gdt, and it was much less per page. Theirs was like 15-20 pages long, ours was about twice that. We definitely had more than twice the amount of crap posters that game :P

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Players always say that no one wants to see anyone get hurt but its a bunch of crap. I watch guys like Perry and Brown and get nudged and launch themselves in goalies. Why? You can try and argue its to get them off their game but its more effective in causing injuries. Goalies legs are already vulnerable to injury and then you get guys piling on top of them. Brown on Luongo is good example of that. Brown is a big guy but he gets nudged after he scores and launches himself at Luongo. Its done on purpose. Certain players, probably more than even I'd like to admit will put winning above another persons well being. Unfortunately in sports today that seems to be what it takes to win. Face it, a lot of these guys that kids are growing up idolizing are actually not great people.

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I thought about this. It's not that it was ten percent. We had consecutive pages of OMG GET BROWN HEADSHOT EM. Happy with the slewfoot... that diver!!!!!! F-bomb this, F-bomb that. It felt as if half of the gdt was like that.

I went over to check the Kings gdt, and it was much less per page. Theirs was like 15-20 pages long, ours was about twice that. We definitely had more than twice the amount of crap posters that game :P

You see there's the difference. Why do you bother (checking their page, comparing notes?). Again...for someone like me.. I don't care. I'm in this for me (and my team). And, ftr, our site/GDT is one of the busier ones, so a GDT with more pages? Who cares? It's awesome actually because our fans are involved here.

We get the point, but you are not everyone and everyone is different. You carry on being Mr. Congeniality and I'll be the redneck cutthroat fan who lives and dies with my team.

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I'm glad that we convinced a longtime Kings fan to come over here and defend his kneeing captain.

This confirms that there are indeed longtime Kings fans.

The more you know.

What I find crazy is that he signed up on this forum in 2006. I wonder what was going on in the kingdom of the Kings at that time to spur him to sign on to CDC.

Anyways, welcome back to the boards I suppose, random LA fan.

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What I find crazy is that he signed up on this forum in 2006. I wonder what was going on in the kingdom of the Kings at that time to spur him to sign on to CDC.

Anyways, welcome back to the boards I suppose, random LA fan.

Thanks :) I partially grew up in Vancouver so I keep tabs on the Canucks. Call it a love/hate relationship. And if you must know, I've been a Kings fan since the 80's. Yup, I still cheered them on when Yanic Perreault was their top center and Vladamir Tsyplakov was getting first line minutes. Anyone remember Rob Cowie? Definitely in the top 10 for all time Kings to wear number 77.

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Alex Edler has more suspensions than Brown does. And Brown has never kneed anyone in his career. Come on, I know you think otherwise so please respond to that.

Only reason Greene was hurt was because Bieksa threw a fist after he was already down. Would hate to see your reaction if the shoe was on the other foot.

The Canucks lost the game for the same reason they lost the 2011 Cup final. No composure. Something the Kings have an abundance of and why they rarely lose their cool.

Okay...let's break it down.

Say what? Did ya even see Edler's NON-hit on Hertl. NO blind-side. NO elbow,.Edler clearly had the stronger-line proceeding toward the puck - .unlike Hertl who was trying to skirt around Edler's big body. Hertl's tactic failed when the front of Hertl's visor spun-off the hulking D-man's stationary but leaning shoulder. Edler did nothin' more than brace himself for possible impact....and that was suspendable?! Good Grief! A similar raw-deal in Edler's collision with Mike Smith. Smith changed tactics & impeded Edler's only escape route along the boards... as Edler streaked-in to play a passed-in puck....Edler attempted to stop himself at the last moment to minimize the collision...but earned NO points for that at all. Read my previous post. Edler has clearly been over-suspended. All the while - Brownie has been a suspension dodger. IIHF issues concerning Edler are irrelevant. That organization adequately polices itself.

The NHL's propensity to protect certain teams' star-players from proper supplimental discipline (Brown, Chara, Lucic, Stuart, Keith, Nash) is a blight on the purpose of the DPS.

Bieksa is throwing punches from his back...ya mean - as opposed to the justice of receiving them while he is on his back? LOL. What's your real objection here? Greene didn't have enough sense to dis-engage sooner...so that's Bieksa's fault?

LOL. The serial over-reactors & drama queens of the 2011 Cup Final were players wearin' black & gold. The Sedins & their leadership core exercised incredible discipline. It just didn't matter much when the NHL's rulebook got tossed into a crapper for the series. As for your Kings always being disciplined...you crack me up!

Cue all of the gifs of Doughty tantruming now! Even last night...as well as in the Semi-Final vs PHO. BTW - where were his "un-sportsmanlike" penalties or misconduct infractions for THAT anyways? Doughty doesn't wear a freakin' "C" or an "A"?! By comparison ...the Canucks' Assist-Captain (D. Sedin) got a surprising 10 min-misconduct for what exactly...in the 2011 Final? NOT for door-slammin' ...stick-swinging,... obscentity-yelling... or refusin' to go to the box like Doughty...but for takin' a series of jabs to the face in a game his team trailed in & NOT FIGHTING! Yup! He thereby made an offical with an axe to grind, who was loath to give the 'Nucks any comeback ops....look very, very, INEPT & FOOLISH!

Apparently....politely asking for rule-clarification & truth-speaking when you wear an "A" as a Canuck...is far MORE egregious or OFFENSIVE to 1 of the league's top zebras...than perpetrating an act of violence (like punching an opponent in the face) or pitch-forking a defenseless player into the boards (breaking Mason Raymond`s back)..... or any obscenity-laced game-halting tantrum one can muster - IF you happen to be a Bruin or a King. Just sayin....

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Of course it's illegal. It doesn't have to be the head or face to be a penalty.

Brown's elbow grazed Schwatz's shoulder. That's what he was aiming at. You can see his jersey move in the shoulder area. Like I've said a couple times, Brown almost always elbows the victim of his hits in the shoulder or chest. That's not illegal but I also admitted that he stuck the knee out on that hit and should have gotten a minor penalty for it. I fail to see how this equates to Brown always sticking his knee out. There are a few things about Brown you'd notice if you watched him every night. The elbow to the shoulder/chest is one and him falling on his butt whether someone is around him or not is another. He's one of the clumsiest skaters I've ever seen.

The Canucks no doubt have a good PK which is shown by them having the number 1 PK in the league. I didn't mean to make it sound like they don't deserve any credit at all. But even if you have a great PK, giving up half a period of PP's is a bad idea and any decent PP should manage at least 1 goal from that. Not to mention the wear down affect. Constantly defending will kill you by the end of the game just on the energy side. That's not playing smart. Plain and simple. And if you don't think the first part of that game was an example of gooning by the Canucks, please tell me what you think gooning is.

One could say that scoring so little and allowing so many goals in the cup final was a result of their lack of composure but that's a long discussion on a different topic that I won't really get into right now. I will say though that they had a 2-0 and 3-2 lead in that series and let it slip away by getting blown out in all their losses. That's a mental problem more than anything else because they showed they could play close games with the Bruins.

I don't look at Nolan body checking Sedin as "running" a star player. Maybe I need to see the play again but it looked like Nolan went for a check and missed. What's the problem? And in the playoffs, it was Brown who nailed Sedin with a clean hit so it's not like they only send 4th liners to do the work. It's the Kings. They hit players. Kopitar got clocked a couple seasons ago on a great hit and I had no problem with it so I don't get the need to drop the gloves.

I haven't said anything about the Kings not being able to be beaten so not sure what you mean by your last comment. The original poster claimed that this was more of a win for the Canucks which just isn't true. They tried playing a different style and they still lost and got scored on by the guy they were targeting. Obviously, it didn't phase the Kings one bit.

Rule 45 - Elbowing

45.1 Elbowing - Elbowing shall mean the use of an extended elbow in a manner that may or may not cause injury.

45.2 Minor Penalty - The Referee, at his discretion, may assess a minor penalty, based on the degree of violence, to a player guilty of elbowing an opponent.

45.3 Major Penalty - A major penalty, at the discretion of the Referee, shall be imposed on any player who uses his elbow to foul an opponent. A major penalty must be imposed under this rule for a foul resulting in an injury to the face or head of an opponent (see 45.5).

45.4 Match Penalty - The Referee, at his discretion, may assess a match penalty if, in his judgment, the player attempted to or deliberately injured his opponent by elbowing.

45.5 Game Misconduct Penalty - When a major penalty is imposed under this rule for a foul resulting in an injury to the face or head of an opponent, a game misconduct penalty shall also be imposed.

45.6 Fines and Suspensions - When a major penalty and a game misconduct is assessed for a foul resulting in an injury to the face or head of an opponent, an automatic fine of one hundred dollars ($100) shall be imposed.

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