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To me the game was a positive step... in that the team can take a lot of positives out of the game and it was fun to watch, but as fans we have zero to brag about. We still lost and Brown (with the GWG in his back pocket) would have driven home after the game feeling pretty damn good. It's great to see some grit from the Canucks, but unless we leave with a win, aiming this kind of talk at the Kings fans is laughable. The only real value is internally within the club - why would any other team give a crap that the Canucks finally did something that we should be doing every game?

If we'd won, the message might have been different, but since we lost, from LA's perspective all that happened is that the Canucks raised their game, went hard at their captain, and they still found a way to win.

I enjoyed most of the game last night, and I thought there was some positives for the team... I just don't see what we have to brag about that the rest of the league wouldn't laugh at (except maybe more great penalty killing).

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welll agree to a point. Physical play has been a issue for the canucks for awhile. Yes you showed you can play that way now. Yes you stood up for your "fellow" team mates. All good. Yes i know in any loss you will look for something to make you feel good about it. But the fact is.....La won the game. If it's about 1st place...thats 2 points lost. If that was a 7 game series...that one game lost. With scoring being such an issue with this team....points and games can't be given up. I get making a point...but you don't do it that way...to make a point you win the game.

Funny, that's not what everyone said when the Canucks were winning. We were called soft.

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Last night was a smart game by your team but a better game by the Canucks. You can fall back and say " We won " and yes you did, but it's 2 points we don't mind losing. Constantly your captain crosses the line or walks it and doesn't get suspended. It was time somebody took the initiative in there hands and let you know it's not going to be allowed.

Dustin "Stick my knee out" Brown has been doing this for years, you know it and we know it. Finally instead of just him getting his beat down last night, Doughty got a bruined tailbone, Greene got a concussion and Nolan got smacked around while turtling like a coward.

For years team toughness has been a question to the Canucks and the fans, finally last night we all saw what we were looking for. They stood up for the captain, there #1 goalie and the whole team in general. Team moral is worth more then 2 points to me and I feel more positive about the future from last nights game then any other. We needed a statement game since the Marchand incident in the playoffs on Daniel Sedin.. We got it.. The Kings were confused on the ice asking why we were so angry, simple answer is your captain, see GIFS below to his actions recently.

Kings fans keep expecting these types of games and animosity when your Captain keeps doing what he does. The other teams in the league wont stand for it anymore and the other players on your team will bite the bullet for his actions. If you think you hate the Canucks and there fans, wait till other teams start taking liberties on your players like he has done to others.

because kings fans will read it here...

why do we keep needing to write letters to the fans of opposing teams.

i have seen no reports of brown having a bruised tailbone. please correct me if I'm wrong.

this was one game. only time will tell if they can keep this up.

oh and by the way, weise and kassian's plays were just plain dumb

other point of view: even with the Canucks physical play...they were still not able to elevate their game high enough to win

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Last night was a smart game by your team but a better game by the Canucks. You can fall back and say " We won " and yes you did, but it's 2 points we don't mind losing. Constantly your captain crosses the line or walks it and doesn't get suspended. It was time somebody took the initiative in there hands and let you know it's not going to be allowed.

Dustin "Stick my knee out" Brown has been doing this for years, you know it and we know it. Finally instead of just him getting his beat down last night, Doughty got a bruined tailbone, Greene got a concussion and Nolan got smacked around while turtling like a coward.

For years team toughness has been a question to the Canucks and the fans, finally last night we all saw what we were looking for. They stood up for the captain, there #1 goalie and the whole team in general. Team moral is worth more then 2 points to me and I feel more positive about the future from last nights game then any other. We needed a statement game since the Marchand incident in the playoffs on Daniel Sedin.. We got it.. The Kings were confused on the ice asking why we were so angry, simple answer is your captain, see GIFS below to his actions recently.

Kings fans keep expecting these types of games and animosity when your Captain keeps doing what he does. The other teams in the league wont stand for it anymore and the other players on your team will bite the bullet for his actions. If you think you hate the Canucks and there fans, wait till other teams start taking liberties on your players like he has done to others.

- Flame away....










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Because it's not something you post on HF, lol. I've gotten a trolling warning for posting that I'm glad we don't have Justin Schultz.

omg guyz thy hit our pllyrz but evertiem we hit some1 its diving omgz guyz

Gives our fans bad reputations. I was reading the HF of the Kings, and I didn't see nearly as many posts in a negative regard towards the Canucks.

I was reading the LA Kings Insider article on Doughty saying he though he got slew footed by Weise, and their comments were actually fairly reasonable. This kind of response on our own forums seems stupid and childish.

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I was reading the LA Kings Insider article on Doughty saying he though he got slew footed by Weise, and their comments were actually fairly reasonable. This kind of response on our own forums seems stupid and childish.

Every fanbase has their unreasonable idiots, we're no exception.

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I was reading the LA Kings Insider article on Doughty saying he though he got slew footed by Weise, and their comments were actually fairly reasonable. This kind of response on our own forums seems stupid and childish
And swhile canning over the HFBoards Kings thread on the game, I found a whole slew of shameful comments there regarding our players and their injuries, etc., with a few reasonable comments buried within.

Frankly, this is the pattern of every fan message board of every team.

In this case, bring on more hate between these two teams. The NHL has been promoting this rivalry for years and, with division re-alignment, now more than ever.

PS. I didn't read this thread fully, because there's no need. The 'classless and shameful blah, blah, blah' comments I could care less about. It's not as if the comments have any bearing on reality. Btw., I was never here. This thought does not exist. You are peering into a screen containing an oblivion of meaningless posts.

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Well, as a Kings fan, I'll bite. Some of you already know me from other sites.

First, other than the Pominville hit (which he did get suspended for), please point to another GIF you posted. I'd love to tell you how wrong you are on the "dirtiness" of those plays. And even the one he got suspended for was only because he wasn't looking at where he was throwing his elbow. Brown usually leads with his elbow into the other guys' chest or shoulder. Only once has he nailed a guy in the head in all the hits he's thrown in his career. In fact, Alex Edler has more suspensions than Brown does. And Brown has never kneed anyone in his career. Come on, I know you think otherwise so please respond to that.

Second, the only thing proven after last night's game is that the Kings are living rent free in between the ears of the Canucks. If the Kings PP was any good the score would have been 3 or 4-0 in the first 10 minutes. Would you still think your team played well? Goonery isn't the same as being physical. The Canucks gooned it up last night. The Kings don't do that. They play physical, strong forechecking hockey in between the whistles.

And why should Nolan have to drop the gloves? He's gone against the heaviest of weights in the league but this was a nothing play. Are the Sedins off limits when it comes to bodychecking? Let alone bodychecks that miss? Just because John Garrett has a homer hissyfit and Mike Gillis his annual tirade, doesn't make the play more than it was. What Weise did to Doughty was far dirtier yet you applaud it. The only reason Greene was hurt was because Bieksa threw a fist after he was already down. Would hate to see your reaction if the shoe was on the other foot.

Finally, in the end, the Kings STILL won the game and Brown STILL got the game winning goal. What message do you think that sent? Just because your team gooned it up doesn't make them tough. It makes them stupid for losing focus. The Canucks lost the game for the same reason they lost the 2011 cup final. No composure. Something the Kings have an abundance of and why they rarely lose their cool. It's also the sign of a champion. Don't lose site of the ultimate goal which is a win. Something the Kings have done 4 times against the Canucks this season.

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Well, as a Kings fan, I'll bite. Some of you already know me from other sites.

First, other than the Pominville hit (which he did get suspended for), please point to another GIF you posted. I'd love to tell you how wrong you are on the "dirtiness" of those plays. And even the one he got suspended for was only because he wasn't looking at where he was throwing his elbow. Brown usually leads with his elbow into the other guys' chest or shoulder. Only once has he nailed a guy in the head in all the hits he's thrown in his career. In fact, Alex Edler has more suspensions than Brown does. And Brown has never kneed anyone in his career. Come on, I know you think otherwise so please respond to that.

Second, the only thing proven after last night's game is that the Kings are living rent free in between the ears of the Canucks. If the Kings PP was any good the score would have been 3 or 4-0 in the first 10 minutes. Would you still think your team played well? Goonery isn't the same as being physical. The Canucks gooned it up last night. The Kings don't do that. They play physical, strong forechecking hockey in between the whistles.

And why should Nolan have to drop the gloves? He's gone against the heaviest of weights in the league but this was a nothing play. Are the Sedins off limits when it comes to bodychecking? Let alone bodychecks that miss? Just because John Garrett has a homer hissyfit and Mike Gillis his annual tirade, doesn't make the play more than it was. What Weise did to Doughty was far dirtier yet you applaud it. The only reason Greene was hurt was because Bieksa threw a fist after he was already down. Would hate to see your reaction if the shoe was on the other foot.

Finally, in the end, the Kings STILL won the game and Brown STILL got the game winning goal. What message do you think that sent? Just because your team gooned it up doesn't make them tough. It makes them stupid for losing focus. The Canucks lost the game for the same reason they lost the 2011 cup final. No composure. Something the Kings have an abundance of and why they rarely lose their cool. It's also the sign of a champion. Don't lose site of the ultimate goal which is a win. Something the Kings have done 4 times against the Canucks this season.

:picard: Brown HASN'T kneed anyone? Are you serious? Does he not blatantly stick his knee out on Schwartz in the top gif? And don't try to defend that coward Nolan. He's twice now taken/attempted cheapshots on Henrik and he's lucky Sestito didn't pound him harder. And for what Weise 'did' to Doughty, he didn't do anything. Doughty skates into Weise, flops like he usually does, and then goes and cries to the ref. They aren't called the Queens for nothing.

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:picard: Brown HASN'T kneed anyone? Are you serious? Does he not blatantly stick his knee out on Schwartz in the top gif? And don't try to defend that coward Nolan. He's twice now taken/attempted cheapshots on Henrik and he's lucky Sestito didn't pound him harder. And for what Weise 'did' to Doughty, he didn't do anything. Doughty skates into Weise, flops like he usually does, and then goes and cries to the ref. They aren't called the Queens for nothing.

Pears, it's people like you who give Canucks fans a bad name lol.

You went on the offensive so much. You edited out this part while I was quoting, but meh


Even if Doughty may have flopped a bit, it's not like Kassian didn't flop late in the third on that hooking thing. Yes, doughty did try to put a pick on him, but it's not like what weise did wasn't dirty lmao. You could have just said 'Doughty tried to put a pick on him,' There's two sides to everything. We've had our share of divers and dirty cheap shots, but we never bring them up consistently, do we? Meh w/e

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