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I went over to check the Kings gdt, and it was much less per page. Theirs was like 15-20 pages long, ours was about twice that. We definitely had more than twice the amount of crap posters that game :P

So because I don't like talking out of my .... elbow, I checked. Do you even bother?

Try 64 pages, most of which is talking about Vancouver and their fans. Go look again Tom because you just lost any credibility you may have had. At least argue in fact, not fiction. It's mostly aimed at the fans...even talk of spaceships. Quality stuff Tom, start from the back and work your way in. So please, before you use something to make a point, make sure it makes sense.

Anyhow, water/bridge stuff now....neeexxxttt.....

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Okay...let's break it down.

Say what? Did ya even see the Edler on Hertl NON-hit. NO blind-side, NO elbow, Edler had the stronger-line & proximity proceeding toward the puck - .unlike Hertl who was trying to skirt around Edler's big body. Hertl's tactic failed - when the front of Hertl's visor spins-off of the hulking D-man's stationary but leaning shoulder. as Edler braced for possible impact. Very similar deal in Edler's collision into Smith. Smith changed tactics & impeded Edler's only escape route along the boards... as Edler streaked-in to play a passed in puck....Edler attempts to stop himself at the last moment to minimize the collision. He earned NO points for that tho'. Read my previous post. Edler has been clearly been over-suspended. All the while - Brown has been a suspension dodger. Bringing up IIHF issues is irrelevant . They adequately police themselves.

The NHL's propensity to protect certain teams' star-players from proper supplimental discipline (Brown, Chara, Lucic, Stuart, Keith) is a blight on the supposed purposes of the DPS.

Bieksa is throwing punches from his back...as opposed to the justice of receiving them while he is on his back? LOL. What's your real objection here? Greene didn't have enough sense to disengage sooner...so that's Bieksa's fault?

LOL. The serial over-reactors & drama queens in the 2011 Cup Final were the players wearin' black & gold. The Sedins & their leadership group exercised incredible discipline. But - that didn't matter much - when the NHL's rulebook was so easily tossed into the crapper - for most of that particular series. As for the Kings always being disciplined...you crack me up! Cue all of the gifs of Doughty - tantruming even last night...as well as in the semi-Final vs PHO. Where was the "un-sportsmanlike" penalty or misconduct - in either case for THAT? Doughty doesn't even wear a freakin' "A"?! The Canucks' Assistant-Captain got a very surprising 10 min-misconduct for what exactly - in the 2011 final. Not for door-slammin' stick-swinging, obscentity-yelling or refusin' to go to the box...but for takin' a series of jabs to the face...in a game his team trailed in & NOT FIGHTING....thereby making an offical, who was loath to give the 'Nucks any more comeback opportunities....look really INEPT.

Apparently - politely asking for rule clarification when you wear an "A" as a Canuck...is far MORE egregious or offensive to league officials...than perpetrating acts of violence like punching the opponent, or pitch-forking a defenseless player into the boards breaking his back..... or any obscenity-laced tantrum - IF you happen to be a Bruin or a King. Just sayin....

Edler hit Hertl flush in the head causing Hertl's helmet to come off. Suspensions don't only come on blind side hits. Any hit to the head with that kind of force is a suspendable play, period. You not liking that, doesn't change anything. Then you have his charge on Smith. I hate Smith but there was no need for that kind of a collision. Smith went to play the puck which he always does. Edler should have slowed down. Yes, he had the opportunity. Watch it again without your blue and green glasses. In terms of the NHL, the IIHF doesn't matter, sure. But you can't tell me that Edler getting a suspension for kneeing doesn't show that this stuff is a pattern with him. He's shown far more recklessness than Brown yet you don't say anything about that. Brown not being suspended as often has nothing to do with him being a star player. They had no problem suspending him for the Pominville hit, and rightfully so.

I never said I had a problem with what happened in the Bieksa/Greene fight. I just explained what happened and how some here would probably freak out if Greene nailed Bieksa while Bieksa's arms were tied up. Greene never threw a punch after they went down. So not sure what you're referring to when talking about Bieksa "receiving them".

Composure isn't only about taking penalties. It's about keeping your cool and playing your game even when the other team tries to throw you off either physically or verbally. And yes, Doughty is the one guy who has a tantrum from time to time but he still plays his game and excels. You can't have poor composure and still win a cup. And the Kings went 16-4. The Canucks stopped playing their game in 2011 and got caught up in the mind games. What was going on in their heads was most responsible for them getting blasted 4 times in that series. Make all the excuses you want about officiating, but that conspiracy theory stuff won't cut it.

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Of course it's illegal. It doesn't have to be the head or face to be a penalty.

Rule 45 - Elbowing

45.1 Elbowing - Elbowing shall mean the use of an extended elbow in a manner that may or may not cause injury.

45.2 Minor Penalty - The Referee, at his discretion, may assess a minor penalty, based on the degree of violence, to a player guilty of elbowing an opponent.

45.3 Major Penalty - A major penalty, at the discretion of the Referee, shall be imposed on any player who uses his elbow to foul an opponent. A major penalty must be imposed under this rule for a foul resulting in an injury to the face or head of an opponent (see 45.5).

45.4 Match Penalty - The Referee, at his discretion, may assess a match penalty if, in his judgment, the player attempted to or deliberately injured his opponent by elbowing.

45.5 Game Misconduct Penalty - When a major penalty is imposed under this rule for a foul resulting in an injury to the face or head of an opponent, a game misconduct penalty shall also be imposed.

45.6 Fines and Suspensions - When a major penalty and a game misconduct is assessed for a foul resulting in an injury to the face or head of an opponent, an automatic fine of one hundred dollars ($100) shall be imposed.

Have you ever seen an elbowing penalty when the point of contact was the shoulder or chest? This rule is intended for head shots. Hence all the references to the head or face in the misconduct and suspension portions. I suppose it's not odd that Canucks fans are the only ones who think Brown's hit on Sedin was illegal. And yes, his elbow got him in the chest.

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So because I don't like talking out of my .... elbow, I checked. Do you even bother?

Try 64 pages, most of which is talking about Vancouver and their fans. Go look again Tom because you just lost any credibility you may have had. At least argue in fact, not fiction. It's mostly aimed at the fans...even talk of spaceships. Quality stuff Tom, start from the back and work your way in. So please, before you use something to make a point, make sure it makes sense.

Anyhow, water/bridge stuff now....neeexxxttt.....


I just assumed it was twenty pages, actually, since I'd checked early in the third and it was in the high teens or early twenties. Didn't think it had increased to 32. Don't know where the hell you got 64 from.

I don't know how trying to be reasonable makes you a die-hard fan, and me not one. Again, you completely ignored my post prior to that one, but you ranted about one where I referenced the HF GDT. Please, Deb.

"And, ftr, our site/GDT is one of the busier ones, so a GDT with more pages? Who cares? It's awesome actually because our fans are involved here."


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Edler hit Hertl flush in the head causing Hertl's helmet to come off. Suspensions don't only come on blind side hits. Any hit to the head with that kind of force is a suspendable play, period. You not liking that, doesn't change anything. Then you have his charge on Smith. I hate Smith but there was no need for that kind of a collision. Smith went to play the puck which he always does. Edler should have slowed down. Yes, he had the opportunity. Watch it again without your blue and green glasses. In terms of the NHL, the IIHF doesn't matter, sure. But you can't tell me that Edler getting a suspension for kneeing doesn't show that this stuff is a pattern with him. He's shown far more recklessness than Brown yet you don't say anything about that. Brown not being suspended as often has nothing to do with him being a star player. They had no problem suspending him for the Pominville hit, and rightfully so.

Sorry but Hertl running into Edler isn't worth a suspension, not to mention Hertl is like 5 inches smaller than Edler. Both of his 'suspensions' were absolute crap. Edler is trying to get out of Smith's way but Smith puts on an Oscar worthy performance and gets Edler a 5 minute penalty and a 1 game suspension.

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Sorry but Hertl running into Edler isn't worth a suspension, not to mention Hertl is like 5 inches smaller than Edler. Both of his 'suspensions' were absolute crap. Edler is trying to get out of Smith's way but Smith puts on an Oscar worthy performance and gets Edler a 5 minute penalty and a 1 game suspension.

Whether it should be a suspension or not is another matter. But the precedent was set a long time ago and any hit like that one is pretty much an automatic suspension. And Hertl didn't "run" into Edler. Edler went to make the hit.

Didn't Smith miss a couple games because of that play by Edler? Are you gonna say he just did that to get Edler suspended?

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Edler hit Hertl flush in the head causing Hertl's helmet to come off. Suspensions don't only come on blind side hits. Any hit to the head with that kind of force is a suspendable play, period. You not liking that, doesn't change anything. Then you have his charge on Smith. I hate Smith but there was no need for that kind of a collision. Smith went to play the puck which he always does. Edler should have slowed down. Yes, he had the opportunity. Watch it again without your blue and green glasses. In terms of the NHL, the IIHF doesn't matter, sure. But you can't tell me that Edler getting a suspension for kneeing doesn't show that this stuff is a pattern with him. He's shown far more recklessness than Brown yet you don't say anything about that. Brown not being suspended as often has nothing to do with him being a star player. They had no problem suspending him for the Pominville hit, and rightfully so.

I never said I had a problem with what happened in the Bieksa/Greene fight. I just explained what happened and how some here would probably freak out if Greene nailed Bieksa while Bieksa's arms were tied up. Greene never threw a punch after they went down. So not sure what you're referring to when talking about Bieksa "receiving them".

Composure isn't only about taking penalties. It's about keeping your cool and playing your game even when the other team tries to throw you off either physically or verbally. And yes, Doughty is the one guy who has a tantrum from time to time but he still plays his game and excels. You can't have poor composure and still win a cup. And the Kings went 16-4. The Canucks stopped playing their game in 2011 and got caught up in the mind games. What was going on in their heads was most responsible for them getting blasted 4 times in that series. Make all the excuses you want about officiating, but that conspiracy theory stuff won't cut it.

Herttl struck Edler`s back with his VISOR...trying to skirt around him...his loose helmut spins-off as Hertl spins-off Edler himself. Watch it again. Its all in the perception...break it dowm frame by frame...you`ll see. If Edler had coralled the puck...there was NO way in hell the DPS could of said he had the intent to do anything other that..play the puck. His momentum didnt change...his body position dìdnt change...his height dìdnt change...he`s visible to Hertl...his elbow is NOT raised nor anywhere near Hertl`s head . Hertl was the dude doing all of he finagling in body position. That suspension should have been appealed! But the Canucks know what happens if they protest - anything. More bullying, maligning, & piling on...so again - they took it ...in hopes of alleviating the on-going persecution at some point.

And - I`m saying yes...the Hertl suspension WAS related to the Staal incident as some pundits have suggested. And the DPS was just demonstrating its` consistant anti-block bias...in attempting to see some intent where clearly ...there was NONE. Yup - piling on!

BTW - Canucks lost in part because they lost their scoring-touch....in part because they had so many guys in the infirmary or suspended. The Bruins, however went totally UN-suspended thru-out the play-offs for many deeds of a malicious nature..with the intent to injure. A goalie also being allowed to cross-check players with his equipment outside of his crease is also a NO-NO in most NHL hockey games...but NOT in that Final.

But - that`s all in the past. I`m just throwin`up some examples...that prove YOU too are piling on....instead of reviewing all of the details that demonstrate how the Bruins & the Kings win for a variety of reasons. And sometimes - not all of them are square with the integrity of the game....or legitimate.

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Sorry but Hertl running into Edler isn't worth a suspension, not to mention Hertl is like 5 inches smaller than Edler. Both of his 'suspensions' were absolute crap. Edler is trying to get out of Smith's way but Smith puts on an Oscar worthy performance and gets Edler a 5 minute penalty and a 1 game suspension.

Nevermind trying to argue the point with the LA fan, I thought it was worth a suspension. The Smith one was more cloudy, but if you can't argue the point objectively (5 inches?!) then you'll never have a leg to stand on.

No need to break it down all over again, I think poetica and I debated that in extreme levels of detail when it happened. Go back and look at it if you want, but this is well off topic and as much as we'd like to see more for the illegal hits and dives that LA does do, it's not anything we can change if it doesn't happen.

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I'm more than willing to debate with level headed people like yourself. I have no problem admitting Doughty and Brown fall easily DIVE at times but I'm also going to try to inform certain people when they have their facts mixed up. Don't think there's anything wrong with that.

There fixed it for you :)

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I think you need to get over the fact that no one likes Canucks fans.

Most Canucks fans even hate eachother, actually.

Its like Twilight around here. "Team Cody" "Team Zack" "Team Cory" "Team Roberto"

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