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[Report] Torts to have in person hearing Mon

Del Rio

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Roy freaks out, almost breaks the boards and he's a darn hero. Torts tries to defend his players and he gets a hearing. Wow.

Really? Did he have to agree to the line brawl by starting his 4th liners?

Did he have to try to go into Calgary's dressing room to defend his players?

Roy yelled at the divider and looked like an idiot. So did Torts after the brawl. But that's where Roy stopped.

Torts is a good coach but he's going over the top; he's really out of line right now.

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I'm damn proud of Torts. If I'm Aquaman., I tell him to go into that hearing and absolutely blast the league for it's garbage officiating because I'd be paying the fine. An apology is the wrong move here after all the BS we got from Devorski 2 games in a row. Torts needs to tell Campbell that if either Devorski or Sutherland are assigned to our games, they better keep their heads up because he passed their numbers on to Sestito.

Torts is going to get the book thrown at him and it better get the guys to play real hard and win some games for him.

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Fu--ing league is a joke if Hartley gets off scot free.


Why should Hartley be fined? Torts isn't getting fined for starting his tough guys, he's going to get fined/suspended for trying to go into the Calgary dressing room. I understand we're all Canuck fans, but please open up your eyes and think.

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Roy crossed the line also there is no difference between going bezerk off the bench or on the bench also Roy wasn't reaching over the glass to get to the other bench he was pushing the thing down towards the other coaches and players big difference

There's a huge difference he might as well waited for him outside the building and jumped him when he was coming out. ON and OFF the ice is completely different.

Bertuzzi gets a 20+ for breaking Moore's neck on the ice, if he does it in the hall way during the intermission, not only is he going to jail he's likely band from the league.

This isn't even something anyone can argue here. Completely different situations.

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Why should Hartley be fined? Torts isn't getting fined for starting his tough guys, he's going to get fined/suspended for trying to go into the Calgary dressing room. I understand we're all Canuck fans, but please open up your eyes and think.

How about YOU open your eyes and think yourself? Why should Hartley be fined? He started his damn goons for christ sakes. If he starts his skill players this gongshow doesn't happen.

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Why should Hartley be fined? Torts isn't getting fined for starting his tough guys, he's going to get fined/suspended for trying to go into the Calgary dressing room. I understand we're all Canuck fans, but please open up your eyes and think.

look up Buffalo vs Toronto this year pre season that's why Hartley should be fined

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Why should Hartley be fined? Torts isn't getting fined for starting his tough guys, he's going to get fined/suspended for trying to go into the Calgary dressing room. I understand we're all Canuck fans, but please open up your eyes and think.

This statement is correct.

But Hartley should be fined for... Being a cowardly douchebag before the game and then stupidly lying every step of the way afterwards?

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How about YOU open your eyes and think yourself? Why should Hartley be fined? He started his damn goons for christ sakes. If he starts his skill players this gongshow doesn't happen.

Not the first time someone's done that and not going to be the last. Im sure if someone wants to start digging Torts has done the same.

IMO there is no doubt in my mind Hartley send those guys out there to set the tone and Torts being who he is was not going to back down... and away we went. Not a big deal. Torts crossed the line going into the dressing room, he knows it and will have to face the consequences.

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Friedman is an excellent analyst. He comes from a professional and unbiased position, and analyzes things logically, rather than with emotion.

He made Stock sound like a whiney fanboy last night. Can't believe that guy is still on the panel.

One thing I don't get is why Tortorella was allowed to finish the game. Doesn't that rule state that they will automatically be suspended and removed from the game? Perhaps the NHL does like Tortorella's antics more than they're letting on. Why ruin the chance for more explosive outbursts from him right?

Friedman is an excellent analyst. He comes from a professional and unbiased position, and analyzes things logically, rather than with emotion.

He made Stock sound like a whiney fanboy last night. Can't believe that guy is still on the panel.

One thing I don't get is why Tortorella was allowed to finish the game. Doesn't that rule state that they will automatically be suspended and removed from the game? Perhaps the NHL does like Tortorella's antics more than they're letting on. Why ruin the chance for more explosive outbursts from him right?

Friedman is an excellent analyst. He comes from a professional and unbiased position, and analyzes things logically, rather than with emotion.

He made Stock sound like a whiney fanboy last night. Can't believe that guy is still on the panel.

One thing I don't get is why Tortorella was allowed to finish the game. Doesn't that rule state that they will automatically be suspended and removed from the game? Perhaps the NHL does like Tortorella's antics more than they're letting on. Why ruin the chance for more explosive outbursts from him right?

Because the whole incident was staged.

Friedman is an excellent analyst. He comes from a professional and unbiased position, and analyzes things logically, rather than with emotion.

He made Stock sound like a whiney fanboy last night. Can't believe that guy is still on the panel.

One thing I don't get is why Tortorella was allowed to finish the game. Doesn't that rule state that they will automatically be suspended and removed from the game? Perhaps the NHL does like Tortorella's antics more than they're letting on. Why ruin the chance for more explosive outbursts from him right?

Friedman is an excellent analyst. He comes from a professional and unbiased position, and analyzes things logically, rather than with emotion.

He made Stock sound like a whiney fanboy last night. Can't believe that guy is still on the panel.

One thing I don't get is why Tortorella was allowed to finish the game. Doesn't that rule state that they will automatically be suspended and removed from the game? Perhaps the NHL does like Tortorella's antics more than they're letting on. Why ruin the chance for more explosive outbursts from him right?

Friedman is an excellent analyst. He comes from a professional and unbiased position, and analyzes things logically, rather than with emotion.

He made Stock sound like a whiney fanboy last night. Can't believe that guy is still on the panel.

One thing I don't get is why Tortorella was allowed to finish the game. Doesn't that rule state that they will automatically be suspended and removed from the game? Perhaps the NHL does like Tortorella's antics more than they're letting on. Why ruin the chance for more explosive outbursts from him right?

Friedman is an excellent analyst. He comes from a professional and unbiased position, and analyzes things logically, rather than with emotion.

He made Stock sound like a whiney fanboy last night. Can't believe that guy is still on the panel.

One thing I don't get is why Tortorella was allowed to finish the game. Doesn't that rule state that they will automatically be suspended and removed from the game? Perhaps the NHL does like Tortorella's antics more than they're letting on. Why ruin the chance for more explosive outbursts from him right?

Because the whole incident was staged.
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What rule is there about a little visit to the opposing coach? Its nothing compared to the bad reffing the Canucks are getting in their games. Seeing your players and goalies injured night after night and the first time a Canuck stands up for the team its 7 minutes and a game misconduct. Torts has seen enough, good on him.

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He deserves a suspension, even if I understand why he did what he did.

Interestingly enough, IMO, if it wasn't for Brian McGrattan playing peace-maker, that incident would have been a lot worse.

I have a lot of respect for McGrattan after his After Hours interview. Last night helped me appreciate his role on the Flames. In no way did he try to go after or antagonize Torts. He held back his own coaching staff and made sure things did not get out of hand. Good on him, he probably saved Torts from being suspended longer.

Tru dat. But - Hartley was determined to bait Tortorella last night - before the game started & between periods. In the hallway - he stood there smirking & baiting....hoping things might escalate to the benefit of the Flames organization & its President of Hockey Operations - Brian Burke...(who's been a paid "consultant " for more than just 1 Pacific Division team over the years)...& who has close connections to the Gaglardi's & others owners in competiton with the Canucks for the play-offs berths.

Its shameful how easily Tortorella was baited by his emotions - in that instance ...yet - I still admire his passion for the game & for his team. As far as I can tell he attacked NO one, did NOT enter the CGY dressing-room, & was just extremely determined to give Mr. Hartley a even bigger piece of his mind ...before the next period started. It would not have been a public spectacle at all had a CBC camera feed not caught a wee edge of the altercation. That's unlike Roy & others who have been suspended,..where their antics were on public display for everyone in attendance at the arena to see if not hear.

I wish Torts all the best in his meeting with Mr. Campbell. Just hoping that after all Mr. Campbell conspired to do to our 'Nucks in 2011....after all this team has been thru with the DPS over-suspending them this year... & with the atrociously imbalanced officiating standards & additional injuries sustained this week...perhaps now.....just maybe...this time - there might be a small measure of leniency?

:mellow: >>>>>>>>>> :sadno:

Well - we can hope.

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