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[PGT] "Down with the Sickness"

Silfverberg Snipes

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Same ol' same ol'. This Canucks team never fails to disappoint.

I'm sick of these so called "core" players who only talk a good game and recycle the same cliche over and over again. Stop sugarcoating losses and stickhandling the questions. For once, admit you are all playing like a piece of crap, and then just go out and do what you said you need to do. So far it's been all talk and no walk.

This team, with the current core, is done. I don't even care whether this team can get into playoffs or not this year. Three years after blowing their best chance at the game 7 of SCF, the only thing left now is empty promises and the players who set for life with their generous contract $$$ and NTC.

GMMG, do you still believe this team has IT? Yeah, good luck with that.

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