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[PGT]Another Loss

Ryan kesler the beast

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Agree it is leadership. Leaders lead...they make their team better and drag them along when they are down...they lead by example and they never ask their followers to do something they wouldn't. Seriously, does that sounds like the Sedins? Would you follow Daniel and Henrik into battle? More like, they would send you in first to fight the battles then come in after and take credit.

The Sedins are classy guys and generous etc but they need others to fight their battles and if they are not scoring goals, they are a liability to the team. Gillis mis-read tis from day one and has assembled a group that have no chemistry and questionable character evidenced by their consistent melt-downs and near record-breaking collapses going back to 2011.


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When you see a drastic dropoff in scoring like this the season a new coach is hired, I think it's safe to say the coaching has something to do with it.

This team is not as bad as they're playing. And when it's the entire team struggling, it's usually an indicator of poor coaching.

\the offensive production of our core players has been on decline for 4 years. It has just continued under Torts
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Well then lets see some examples of GMs fired immediately before the trade deadline and how it worked out for said teams.

Getting rid of the GM is not done to get immediate improvements, but for long term improvements. Once the owner makes up his mind, he will fire them as soon as possible to give the new GM more time and opportunities and to get results sooner. For examples look at all the GM's getting fired before the draft or before the trade deadline opens after the playoffs almost every year.

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It may seem small, but did anybody get upset when they got blown out by Edmonton in the last game of the year? Sure, some said they were just going through the motions, getting ready for the playoffs and that's where their focus was. Even if that was so, don't you think they could have shown some pride? Any real competitor hates losing, and that game showed to me they just didn't have the right swagger to compete.

There was a game several years ago when they got up on Montreal 6-0. They were in control and could have rung up the score. Instead, they pulled back the reigns and allowed the final to be 6-3. Another example of letting the almost vanquished off the mat before the end.

They need some leadership. Sure Henrik can (cannot stand 1040 always mentioning how Lidstrom won a cup when European captains are questioned).

Well, just my two cents. Until they get someone who both leads by example AND keeps the teammates in check, they will likely not rise above mediocrity.

Sorry to everyone, but I am not cueing a bass solo for this one.

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\the offensive production of our core players has been on decline for 4 years. It has just continued under Torts

People that keeps blaming coaches are clueless...if we have to rely on Hansen as our 2nd line winger...you know your team is in trouble...on top of that, your top line isn't producing ANYTHING...how the hell do you expect to win games...

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When you see a drastic dropoff in scoring like this the season a new coach is hired, I think it's safe to say the coaching has something to do with it.

This team is not as bad as they're playing. And when it's the entire team struggling, it's usually an indicator of poor coaching.

since that boston game we won (the year after the SCF loss) This team has been in a major decline. Especialy mentally.

They just look and play like they are not intrested.

couple that with the physical declines of the sedins/burrows and your in big trouble.

These are professional hockey players making millions of dollars to perform. playing in the NHL is an absolute privilege. If they don't want to work hard and earn their paycheques,its time to move them ASAP (regardless of NTCs)

Its not that this team Is losing.. It just doesn't look like they are trying anymore.

Calgary is an absolutely AWFUL team from top to bottom. but they bring It every singe night, and play hard.

These core of players haven't played hard in 3 years. AV couldn't remedy that, Torts apparently cant, and a new coach will not succeed either.

Gillis not only dished out these long term cushy NTC contracts, but Is determined to stay loyal to them. The problem starts with him, Get rid of him, and a new GM with no baggage can clean house

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\the offensive production of our core players has been on decline for 4 years. It has just continued under Torts

"Decline" being the key word. This is not decline, this is a complete drop off.

Kesler was on pace for 40 in the first half of the season. But then he went cold at the same time as everyone else.

It's not just the core players we're seeing struggle either. It's across the board.

This team looks lost in the offensive zone. You would think they don't even practice with a puck in practice.

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I don't think you understand why I have a problem with your comments. Your logic is to up and quit. Last I checked.... we finished top team in the league a couple times and didn't win the cup.

See what the Kings did in 11/12. We are 1 point out of a wild card spot and are still able to change as well as develop back into the strong team we know we can be.

You honestly don't think we can make change as the season goes on? That as we get healthy that we can start playing better again?

Change DOES NOT require to quit the season. And as you so "intelligently" suggest, fire the GM a couple weeks before the trade deadline.

But of course, lets just quit.... because THAT will solve our problems (sarcasm).

Why are you even a fan? And don't give me that "when I was younger junk".

How does firing a GM equal to the team quitting? The team is still going to play their games and a chance to make a push still. it's a change that should be made.

By your logic, Kings shouldn't have fired their coach mid season and get a new coach in Sutter, the guy who took them to a cup. Were they quitting on the season because they did this mid season?

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Having players with cheap ELC's contributing more than their salary?

I would argue that's exactly how the moneyball system works.

you could argue that, but you'd be absolutely wrong, which is why they aren't doing it. it's a far more complicated system than that

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since that boston game we won (the year after the SCF loss) This team has been in a major decline. Especialy mentally.

They just look and play like they are not intrested.

couple that with the physical declines of the sedins/burrows and your in big trouble.

These are professional hockey players making millions of dollars to perform. playing in the NHL is an absolute privilege. If they don't want to work hard and earn their paycheques,its time to move them ASAP (regardless of NTCs)

Its not that this team Is losing.. It just doesn't look like they are trying anymore.

Calgary is an absolutely AWFUL team from top to bottom. but they bring It every singe night, and play hard.

These core of players haven't played hard in 3 years. AV couldn't remedy that, Torts apparently cant, and a new coach will not succeed either.

Gillis not only dished out these long term cushy NTC contracts, but Is determined to stay loyal to them. The problem starts with him, Get rid of him, and a new GM with no baggage can clean house

I honestly do think MG will be gone at the end of the season. I mean.. ever since the cup run,we went to just winning 1 PO game...this year however, we're not even going to make it...

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"Decline" being the key word. This is not decline, this is a complete drop off.

Kesler was on pace for 40 in the first half of the season. But then he went cold at the same time as everyone else.

It's not just the core players we're seeing struggle either. It's across the board.

This team looks lost in the offensive zone. You would think they don't even practice with a puck in practice.

THis concerns me the most. They can't complete a pass, cant find their teammates even on an odd man rush, they seldom even generate a shot. H0w does that happen? These aren't things the head coach is responsible to teach. It's like these guys are playing with blinders on and rubber sticks
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you could argue that, but you'd be absolutely wrong, which is why they aren't doing it. it's a far more complicated system than that

It's not that complicated.

It's about getting more production out of players that get paid less by analyzing stats.

Having youth in the lineup is a must in the cap era.

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Here is something else for people ponder when trying to determine where the problem lies:

Players overperforming their contract:








Players Underperforming their contracts:







Players somewhat pulling their contract weights





Any coincidence the deadweights /mildly acceptable bunch are sitting on long term contracts/ mostly old core NTC guys??

while our over performers are guys on short term deals/ or generally fighting for their hockey lives??

ponder that, and you will see where the problem lies (and its NOT Torts)

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Anyway, so many of our problems goes back to poor drafting.

We only have a few legitimate top six players. When one or two of them hits a rut they cannot get out of then it negatively affects the others who can score because the workload and pressure becomes just that much more. Especially with injuries. The workload and pressure compounds and those who are still in the line up to the point where they just cannot do their job effectively anymore. You're also asking players who can't score regularly to do just that to keep the team competitive. And then the team implodes.

We see teams all the time bringing in players they have drafted and developed to contribute regularly. When the hell was the last time we've done that? We got Kassian (a fourth liner more than anything), and Shroeder... not a clue where he fits here. That is literally it for about 6 or 7 years now. Furthermore you don't have to show loyalty to aging players and retain all of them which are also hampering this team making it almost impossible to move them.

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