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6th Pick: 2014 NHL Entry Draft


6th Pick   

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he is raw talent that can be harnessed and he is a local boy. I dont think he will be there after #9 though.

Ya I have no issues with Virtanen, I just have other players higher. I think he will go in the top 10. But he's not in my top 10 skaters. Though that's not really saying much, the 6-12 skaters seem all in the same class. Just based on preference/opinion who goes where.

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Ya I have no issues with Virtanen, I just have other players higher. I think he will go in the top 10. But he's not in my top 10 skates. Though that's not really saying much, the 6-12 skaters seem all in the same class. Just based on preference/opinion who goes where.


Lots of support for Virtanen but I take Ehlers and if not then Nylander. Personal preference.

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Virtanen is good. I would like to take the Ottawa pick and move up to #8 to try to get him. Not in a million years do I pass up Ehlers or Nylander to get him though.

I would be perfectly fine with an Ehlers /Virtanen combo this year.

You would take Nylander over Virtanen? Hmm we disagree there. Nylander is 11th on my list Virtanen is 8th. If we got a second pick near 10th I could see us taking Nylander though.

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You would take Nylander over Virtanen? Hmm we disagree there. Nylander is 11th on my list Virtanen is 8th. If we got a second pick near 10th I could see us taking Nylander though.

No i mean if we couldnt get Ehlers I take Nylander.

If we get either Ehlers or Nyander at 6, then I would go after Virtanen at 8 or 9 if he was still there.

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No i mean if we couldnt get Ehlers I take Nylander.

If we get either Ehlers or Nyander at 6, then I would go after Virtanen at 8 or 9 if he was still there.

If we take Nylander at 6th I wont be happy. Hes highly skilled, but ive heard many rumblings hes not a great team player. Things change but I dont like taking on guy like that when there are better choices.

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If we take Nylander at 6th I wont be happy. Hes highly skilled, but ive heard many rumblings hes not a great team player. Things change but I dont like taking on guy like that when there are better choices.

I respect that dude. Virt is an excellent prospect B)

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lol you guys sound like an auction,

can I get an Ehlers, Ehlers, Ehler,

how about Virtanen, Vitrtanen anyone,

can I get 6 trade down to a 9, trade down to 9

Yeah, can i get a Nylander, Nylander,

9th, pick yeah Kapanen, Kapanen,

How about a 6th pick Ritchie, Ritchie,

Nylander, Ritchie, Virtanen, Ehlers

and sold.

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One thing that really sticks in my head. Is when st louis lost the series. Ray ferraro mentioned how most teams try to build one full of two way complete players.

The lack of a defensively unreliable pure goal scorer is what makes championship teams emrge.

With the way gaborik and kane have carried their teams i am becoming more and more open to ehlers.

Hows his compete slash attitude.

Ive pumped ritchie for so long but u can dispute that kane and gaborik are the difference makers. Mind you bickell does make a case for ritchie doesnt he

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One thing that really sticks in my head. Is when st louis lost the series. Ray ferraro mentioned how most teams try to build one full of two way complete players.

The lack of a defensively unreliable pure goal scorer is what makes championship teams emrge.

With the way gaborik and kane have carried their teams i am becoming more and more open to ehlers.

Hows his compete slash attitude.

Ive pumped ritchie for so long but u can dispute that kane and gaborik are the difference makers. Mind you bickell does make a case for ritchie doesnt he

Yes, Yes, join us. Lots of room on the Ehlers wagon. ::D

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One thing that really sticks in my head. Is when st louis lost the series. Ray ferraro mentioned how most teams try to build one full of two way complete players.

The lack of a defensively unreliable pure goal scorer is what makes championship teams emrge.

With the way gaborik and kane have carried their teams i am becoming more and more open to ehlers.

Hows his compete slash attitude.

Ive pumped ritchie for so long but u can dispute that kane and gaborik are the difference makers. Mind you bickell does make a case for ritchie doesnt he

Traitor..... Just kidding. I like Ehlers too but Id be happier with Ritchie. Virtanen might still be a wild card to get picked 6th though , I wouldnt rule out the Canucks taking him.

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One thing that really sticks in my head. Is when st louis lost the series. Ray ferraro mentioned how most teams try to build one full of two way complete players.

The lack of a defensively unreliable pure goal scorer is what makes championship teams emrge.

With the way gaborik and kane have carried their teams i am becoming more and more open to ehlers.

Hows his compete slash attitude.

Ive pumped ritchie for so long but u can dispute that kane and gaborik are the difference makers. Mind you bickell does make a case for ritchie doesnt he

Ya I saw Gaborik scored again, he's been a really good addition for LA, some similarities to Ehlers with the speed & scoring ability.

(Yes.. another one on the Ehlers bandwagon.. good... good.. ) :bigblush:

:P I'm just kidding though, like whoever you want.

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One thing that really sticks in my head. Is when st louis lost the series. Ray ferraro mentioned how most teams try to build one full of two way complete players.

The lack of a defensively unreliable pure goal scorer is what makes championship teams emrge.

With the way gaborik and kane have carried their teams i am becoming more and more open to ehlers.

Hows his compete slash attitude.

Ive pumped ritchie for so long but u can dispute that kane and gaborik are the difference makers. Mind you bickell does make a case for ritchie doesnt he

C'mon dude, you can't leave me cheering for Ritchie all by myself haha

If we draft Ritchie and he goes on to be a star, I get full I told you so rights, you only get I kinda told you so rights now lol

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I didn't think you would re-watch, gotta definitely give you tons of credit there TOML.

I was just really interested to hear your thoughts, cause what I saw & the other reports I have seen from others didn't match what you were saying. Even in regards to Drouin.

I'll post some of them here for you:


This was in response to the above post:


Seems to be a disconnect between your report, and these reports (Which I agree with from watching it myself). Do you agree with these assessments.

I know where you stand, and its fine if you like other guys instead of him, I don't don't see what certain rankings have to do with anything or why people need to cut down Ehlers. But we all have different opinions on who we like over another player. So that perfectly fine.

Perhaps you aren't watching with an objective eye. (Just a theory in why what you have been saying doesn't match up the majority of reports on Ehlers, not intended to be an attack) but that's your prerogative.

I know you like Virtanen, he's a good player for sure, could be a big time goal scorer. Capable of 25-30+ goal seasons, and he's got a nice physical edge. Certainly a valuable player to have.

I concur that Ehlers was noticable in that game. Largely because he was always cheating to the open areas of the ice. This is how he has to play to be effective. Does this style translate to the NHL? Doubtful, unless the team is so stacked that they can afford to have a guy float around all the time. In traffic you also noticed how easy he was to brush off the puck. This isn't subjective, this is what actually happened. He needs to build strength.

Watching the entire series you can easily tell that Ehlers is a notch below Drouin in terms of skill. I'm not sure how anyone can doubt this, but if you want to focus on a few shifts, of course you can come up with a case for Ehlers being somehow better. Probably better to watch more than a few shifts to make a judgement though.

I think Ehlers has some good potential due to his speed, but it should be interesting to see whether his speed-only game translates. We've seen plenty of quick but small prospects like Filatov and Brule being crushed on hits right away, so I think a team that drafts Ehlers should be far more patient with him than Columbus was with theirs. Ehlers' NHL future may depend entirely on the team who selects him. I think it should be a team out east. Perhaps Tallon is willing to roll the dice on the speed? He waived Grabner though.

Thing I noticed about Virtanen is that he's able to use his comparable speed in heavy traffic, at times bulling his way through defenders up the boards and scoring on tight wrap-arounds instead of swinging wide. He's a far more balanced skater than Ehlers. Something to consider if you're drooling over the speed aspect of available prospects.

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I say if you can add a tough, dirty, skilled player with potential to be in your top 6 do it no use in trying to hit a home run with a small fast skilled player when you have a potential beast battleship who could play dirty and take care of $#it if needed.

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Then you had better get your eyes and hearing checked. Your musings go around in circles and never say anything. Like I stated already, you should run for politics. You can claim both sides of the argument there.

Why have you been getting so rude because I disagree on some points?

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