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[Rumour] "Teams eyeing down Kesler & Edler" - Ownership prevented Kesler trade

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Weber had every opportunity to sign here once already. Why would he want to come here now?

Gillis met with weber and his agent for several hours at his house and Gillis was trying to come up with any possible scenario to bring weber to vancouver

Gillis said the best way was to offer sheet for 1yr 1 mill with a 14 mill signing bonus, if NSH doesnt match great, if they do then shea would become a UFA the next season and vancouver would give him league maximum money, weber did not want to risk 1yr and not getting injured during that 1 yr so he told Gillis he would not sign a yr contract for 15 mil

it became very obvious to all involved that weber cared more about money than getting out of NSH

great job weber, nice one bro

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I have thought about a three way deal between Van, Nashville, and Pitts. Let me know what you guys think..

To Van:


To Pitts:


To Nash:



Pitts 1st

Van 1st

We get our #1 stud dman, Pitts get kes, and Nash gets a pretty good package IMO.

We can sign a UFA centerman this summer, or if elder is still on the table trade him for Shen, or Skinner. Our line up could look like this next year.

Daniel Henrik Kassian

Burrows UFA/Skinner/Shen Jensen

Higgins Matthias Santo

Sestito Richie Hansen

Hammer Weber

Garrison tanev

Stanton bieksa



I like our line up like this if we can get that second line centre. Edler should be gone and used as a trading chip to get one. Heck I'd even trade elder and Schroeder in a package to get one..

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So we're talking about three-way trades for Weber now? I'll try

To Vancouver: Shea Weber, 2014 1st (Phi)

To Philly: Alexander Edler, Colton Sissons

To Nashville: Ryan Kesler, Matt Read, Jordan Schroeder, Van 2014 2nd

I feel like we could get more for Edler though

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Weber had every opportunity to sign here once already. Why would he want to come here now?

he didn't not sign in vancouver because he didn't want to play there, he didn't sign in vancouver because money was more important.

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Guest Gumballthechewy

Money was more important? Well it is, isn't it? Money pays the bills and if some is left over it goes to toys, so who can blame the guy, honestly?

No, not always, when you're making millions you can afford a pay cut and lots of guys are willing to take a few million less to play for the team they want. People around here are just butt hurt over the fact that Weber didn't want to come to Vancouver.

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Money was more important? Well it is, isn't it? Money pays the bills and if some is left over it goes to toys, so who can blame the guy, honestly?

i don't begrudge him his choice.

No, not always, when you're making millions you can afford a pay cut and lots of guys are willing to take a few million less to play for the team they want. People around here are just butt hurt over the fact that Weber didn't want to come to Vancouver.

we don't know whether weber wanted to come to vancouver or not. all we know is that he wasn't willing to sacrifice a lifetime, cap-circumventing contract to do so, and there was no other offer the canucks could make that nashville wouldn't have matched.

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Guest Gumballthechewy

i don't begrudge him his choice.

we don't know whether weber wanted to come to vancouver or not. all we know is that he wasn't willing to sacrifice a lifetime, cap-circumventing contract to do so, and there was no other offer the canucks could make that nashville wouldn't have matched.

Yeah, I don't hate him any more or less for his choise and you're right we don't know if he did want to come here or not but either way I hope he's happy, I would have loved to see him in a Canucks uni though... :P

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No thanks Edler was stud in the Olympics and seems to getting his stride back. People need to understand the guy has been battling an injured back for awhile now. Get rid of the trash first!

are you kidding me... really... you not see the glaring give aways edler had. oh and not to mention the glaring give aways he made to canada in the gold medal game..... eldler is good but he is better with a better skilled d partner....with just him he makes a lot of mistakes....

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So we're talking about three-way trades for Weber now? I'll try

To Vancouver: Shea Weber, 2014 1st (Phi)

To Philly: Alexander Edler, Colton Sissons

To Nashville: Ryan Kesler, Matt Read, Jordan Schroeder, Van 2014 2nd

I feel like we could get more for Edler though

we all missed the fine print. edler doesn't want to play anywhere else. he wants to stay in van city...

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Gillis met with weber and his agent for several hours at his house and Gillis was trying to come up with any possible scenario to bring weber to vancouver

Gillis said the best way was to offer sheet for 1yr 1 mill with a 14 mill signing bonus, if NSH doesnt match great, if they do then shea would become a UFA the next season and vancouver would give him league maximum money, weber did not want to risk 1yr and not getting injured during that 1 yr so he told Gillis he would not sign a yr contract for 15 mil

it became very obvious to all involved that weber cared more about money than getting out of NSH

great job weber, nice one bro

Where is your source for this claim?

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Kesler's agent voiced that Kes only wants to go to a U.S team, doesn't want to be apart of media frenzy up here. Rumours were going around about him going to his hometown of Detroit since Zetterburg had that disk rupture in his back so the uncertainty of his recovery isnt known. Canucks should have traded him then because of their desperation and the whole 22+ years of making the playoffs. I heard Nyquist was in play.

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Kesler's agent voiced that Kes only wants to go to a U.S team, doesn't want to be apart of media frenzy up here. Rumours were going around about him going to his hometown of Detroit since Zetterburg had that disk rupture in his back so the uncertainty of his recovery isnt known. Canucks should have traded him then because of their desperation and the whole 22+ years of making the playoffs. I heard Nyquist was in play.

You didn't hear Nyquist was in play, you wish he was. We aren't getting Nyquist and Detroit isn't moving him.
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Kesler's agent voiced that Kes only wants to go to a U.S team, doesn't want to be apart of media frenzy up here. Rumours were going around about him going to his hometown of Detroit since Zetterburg had that disk rupture in his back so the uncertainty of his recovery isnt known. Canucks should have traded him then because of their desperation and the whole 22+ years of making the playoffs. I heard Nyquist was in play.

a lot of rumors with zero to back it up to be honest

also if you have listened to Kesler at all everything he has said regardless of whether it being true or not is saying the exact opposite of these rumors saying he wants to be here loves it here so on and so on

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I'd like to see them go after Ottawas pick from Anaheim and Detroits first with Edler and Kesler.Then draft 3 of those big wingers in the top 15 or so.Next year we either bounce back, or finish low and if so they can add that top notch centre to finish off the future top nine.

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