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[Trade] Canucks Trade Luongo to the Panthers

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Each party are responsbile for the savings they got by circumvention so Florida will incur penalties each year as well. Far less than us though.


That is such a f*cking joke! Aquilinis should sue the league for that bush league garbage. If they didn't like the contract they shouldn't have allowed it. Instead they just make up rules as they go along. Here's hoping Lu retires by 2018.

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too bad he has 9 goals in 59 games this season.

Being cynical is easy, everyone can do it!

I prefer to take a pragmatic stance on this; The situation had become an unhealthy distraction for far too long, even after Schneider was moved there were still rumblings that Luongo would push for a trade like after this season. Whether there was any truth to that, who knows - but the sheer fact that such beliefs became so standard among the media and fanbase means it was always going to be a tenuous situation here with Luongo. So a deal was finally made.

For sure giving up a goalie like Luongo is a tough pill to swallow when you aren't getting a great player in return for what many consider a great or even elite level goalie. But the contract proved to be too big a hurdle. So we got Markstrom and Matthais.

Markstrom hasn't done enough at the NHL level to instill blind confidence but he has shown his ability to improve at the pro level this season, and has continued to improve his numbers in the AHL each of the past 4 seasons. Remember, too, that the Panthers have been absolutely terrible over the last 3 years, finishing in last place twice and squeaking into the playoffs once due to being in the weakest division possible. Defensively, Florida has been atrocious for years and years now, having failed to be on the + side of goal differential since 2008! Markstrom has work to do, for sure, but he's a very solid prospect that should fit in well here, and force Lack to keep working hard to keep getting better and better. With luck, we'll have a much cheaper goal tending tandem for the next few years here. And also, he JUST turned 24...he's still quite young.

And Shawn Matthais is exactly what this team has needed for years (one of many things they need, certainly) - a proper, effective 3rd line center. He's averaged 48.9% on faceoffs over the last 4 years, which isn't anything to write home about but it doesn't hurt you a ton, either. The one trait that's followed him everywhere he'd gone since he was in junior is that he's a tireless hardworker. With his size, and his willingness to go to the net and into the corners, we finally have a 3rd liner that will use his size to his advantage. He isn't a wrecking ball type of hitter, but he's not afraid to use his size, or go to the net. He's managed 9 goals so far this year even though he's been getting the least average ice time per game of any regular on the Panther's Roster. He was also top 10 on the Panthers for SOG and Shooting Percentage, all while netting only 14 PIMs.

Is Matthias going to turn this Canucks ship around and send us straight to the playoffs? No, probably not. But he instantly creates competition for the guys on our Bottom 6, he gives us some much needed strength and size and more offensive upside for our 3rd and 4th line (he'd fit in tied for 10th in scoring on our team). He's also got work to do, but at 26 he should be reaching his potential in the next 2-4 years. No doubt, he took a step back this year from the potential he showed during the lockout season...but it seems like things were going poorly in Florida, and his enthusiasm for leaving tells me he wanted a change and a fresh start. Now he's got something to prove again, and I wouldn't be surprised if he works his tail off to net him a contract offer in the offseason.

Things went pear shaped a couple years ago, and Gillis and Co. dropped the ball. So they were left taking what they could get and the solace of putting the Luongo drama behind them. I think this deal works well for everyone, The Canucks, The Panthers, Markstrom, Matthias and Luongo. I'm please with that.

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I can't believe that lu got traded. I though he was going to be here till the end after all. I think it's a good direction for the canucks. Lack will do fine and matthias seems like a good pick up. Markstrom should be good too. But still disappointed that Lu is gone. He's the best goalie the canucks have ever had, he got the rough end of things here though. I'm just hoping he has a happy end to his career in Florida.

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Canucks are loading up on size... Matthias, Kassian, Lain, Sestito... Now if we can add some scoring to the line up... future could be bright

You also forgot Gaunce. They just need to get Bjugsatd, Couturier and Neal up front.

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Holy cow I never thought this deal could be done.

If it is indeed Markstrom and a 2nd coming back that isn't even a bad return considering the 'cap recapture' issue with Roberto's contract.

How's that negative trade value looking now??? :) This is why CDCers don't get GM jobs.

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After much thought, here's what I have to say. Not happy with the overall situation (lu, Schneider, Anthony, 15% of Lu's salary for Horvat, Markstrom, Matthias). We did have an opportunity to do a one for one with Luke Schenn a couple of years ago and then flipped Luke for JVR just like TO did. That being said, at this point in time, Markstrom and Matthias was the best it will ever get with Lu's value declining yearly. So bad on MG for initially over valuing Lu but good on him for adjusting and getting the best he could for the current situation.

Assuming we'd dealt Lu, there'd be more talent to pay. It would have HAD to be youth, with the 64.3 cap, how can you ASSUME rival GM's woulda went along? They had MG over a barrel.

Then you've got to pay Schneids big coin, in a couple seasons. After Lundq, Miller, Price, et al..expect minimum 6.5 mill/per yr.

The 3 young talented Swedes will be competing & raising the bar; & through sharing the net, keep their respective cap-hits LOWER. No one guy will get max ice-time, so their numbers should remain modest. If a couple of them emerge as sure-things, it's another asset to parlay towards remaining deficiencies.

edit-To clarify, if two of them are top-notch, ONE might be dealt, down the road!

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I think this is a good deal for the timing. Had we tried to trade him 2 years ago, or at least kept our mouths shut about it last year - we'd have Bjustad.

Matthias has potential. Markstrom will be a solid backup. Between the two somebody will step it up.

Good for Lu to go home. FLA will appreciate him more than we ever did. I hope we have more trades coming. With 2 young goalies we need more front-line depth. If Phili hadn't taken MacDonald we could have given them Kesler + Edler for half their team

Unfortunately, it looks like we were never close to getting Bjugstad.

There were several reports circulating around the time that Schneider supplanted Lou, that the Panthers were his preferred destination, but the deal was being held up by the fact that Gillis was insisting on Bjugstad and Tallon was refusing to make him part of the deal.

It would have been ideal, but it was never close to happening. What Gillis got was easily the best offer Tallon made.

agree, I think that's not a bad return on a guy who had his sites set on one destination........I'm also surprised they gave up Markstrom......thrown in Matthias, and it's not too bad.

I think a lot of us are.

All along, reports of possible deals with Florida had Clemmensen or Theodore being the piece coming back.

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The uneducated can't see how this is a great deal, the intelligent fans know it is.

The only question is can Lack handle an nhl workload. JM will flourish under Rollie, as long as he listens.

8/10 for the trade.

The trade also included Apollo, so that's nice as well.

How is it that the "uneducated" think this is a bad deal but intelligent fans know it is good?

I think that under the circumstances this deal is what Gillis could get now and it is so much better than what he was going to get last year. The problem is they traded away one of the best goalies in the league last summer for a pretty good return. Not great or over the top but good. It's a futures deal so hard to judge it.

Considering current expectations and the market for goaltenders this is as good a deal that could have been had. But is the team better today? Is this a deal that helps the team long term? Maybe but no locks.

Last year the proposals for Luongo were crazy. People wanted Simmonds and Couturier or similar. Now some of those very same people are thrilled with this return? And giving back cap and the recapture hanging over their heads? It is wondrous what managing expectations can get you in a market place. Kudos to you Mr. Gillis.

This was a bad situation handled badly that ended up with Gillis making a deal that was the best he could get. Still doesn't it make it great or even good.

And of course this follows a Mike Gillis pattern of getting a guy who is struggling mightily but coming off a career year with the Panthers. Is Matthias useful to a team rebuilding? A big C who doesn't play physical and scores around 10-15 goals a year? The goalie market sucks and Luongo has an expensive contract in the current goalie landscape. It's the best he could have done. The team currently has a lot of bottom 6 unproven Centers. Curious to see what happens this summer with Santo, Richardson, Lain, and Schroeder. Might as well see if they can move any of them today for a late pick.

And Markstrom is a huge question mark. Nobody wanted him in a Luongo deal last year. He can't even make the Panthers and he has been at it for 4 years. It's sad that third liners and AHL goalies from the Panthers are upgrades in Vancouver. Is that how bad this team has become? Panthers depth is expected to make a difference?

Three years ago this June I was in Vegas the day that Luongo and Schneider won the Jennings trophy. Who would have thought that in three years the goaltending tandem would be Markstrom and Lack. Man have things changed since then!

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We may as well have just kept Schneider I guess.

I want to see what Melanson will do with Markstom, he has done wonders with Eddie who was coming off a serious hip injury. Jesus we have a set of young twin towers in net who know each other, might make Schneids a moot point in a couple of years. Perfect set of kids in net for a rebuild to grow with the team.
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That is such a f*cking joke! Aquilinis should sue the league for that bush league garbage. If they didn't like the contract they shouldn't have allowed it. Instead they just make up rules as they go along. Here's hoping Lu retires by 2018.

Yeah, that was crap. When the team negotiated the contract they did so with no say in whether the player retires or not, but they knew they were not on the hook if he did call it without there approval. That screwed us over big time but MG should have moved Lou before the lockout, he knew he was pushing the cap limits.

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Managed to listen to Luongo's first press conference in Florida. Here are the highlights:

Trade happened when he was least expecting it

Put a lot of faith in his agent

A lot of people think he's come to Florida to "ride off into the sunset". That's not the case. He wants to help Panthers win a Championship

Hopes to play into his 40's

Wanted to move down south - closer to "home"

Florida is home. Will be home once he retires.

Greatest memory of first time with Florida: 63 saves in a game vs Detroit

Still feels he has something to prove. Someone is always behind you, looking to take your job. He has seen it first hand. Someone younger or better is always pushing you.

Had no idea this trade was going down. Was taking a pre-game nap.

Still in disbelief about what happened. Excited to practice with his new team mates.

Yet another Canadian player who will head to the States, never to be heard from again in Canada.

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