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Official Draft Pick Watch and Playoff Watch



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Y'all calling everyone who says they'd take the picks over squeaking into the post season are delusional. Our team is not gonna make it past the second round, and likely would not pass the first round. Let's take a few months off, heal our injuries, add to our roster from the big free agents this summer, and grab some great kids from the draft. Then next year let's make a run for the playoffs. This year just doesn't make since with all the injuries.

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not really the pick is much lower

14 teams won't make the playoffs. If the Canucks slid into the playoffs as the 8th seed in the West and had the least amount of points of all playoff teams, they would get the 15th pick wouldn't they? Can't get much more middle than that.

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14 teams won't make the playoffs. If the Canucks slid into the playoffs as the 8th seed in the West and had the least amount of points of all playoff teams, they would get the 15th pick wouldn't they? Can't get much more middle than that.

Assuming they get bounced in the 1st round, yes. Not sure if it matters how many games though, ie a sweep vs 7 game battle.

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I want the team to bust their a** and try and make the playoffs. That being said, I highly doubt they will. Those losses to Phx and Dallas killed their season imo. The 4 point gap plus 3 games Dallas has in hand will likely be too much to overcome. But I would rather see them try and salvage this season then tank, for two reasons.

1. This is selfish, but it's more entertaining to watch winning hockey.

2. The Canucks will have a lot of salary cap space to work with this offseason. No Luongo, no Schnider, assume Booth will be bought out. They can hopefully sign some quality free agents, Matt Moulson would be ideal. And if they could sign a top flight winger, maybe that will change Kesler's desire to leave. If not, you trade him for a solid return, roster player, and first rounder and/or prospect. The Canucks have the abiltiy to re-tool without tanking.

Who knows, maybe the Canucks can go 12-2 to close out the season, that would give them 94 points, Dallas has 74pts with 17 games to go, so they could go 7-7-3. Unlikely, but if the Canucks do make the playoffs they'll be coming in red-hot.

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High draft pick aside, lets not forget that missing the playoffs would very likely mean Gillis would be relieved of his duties. That's a win in itself. This team has become more of a mess each year since the cup loss, and Gillis is largely responsible for that. Who really wants to keep the guy in charge of making the mess the same guy in charge of cleaning it up?

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on one hand the owners want the team in the playoffs strictly for business... forget how much they make i believe its about a million dollars per home game. In the other hand it would prove crucial to the organization development at this time to get the highest possible pick.. just saying the team is caught in no mans land... I am wishing they don't make the playoffs and do the organization a favor and get a higher draft pick... look at the black hawks and just recently the avs... the canucks need blue chip corner stone players coming in for the future.... go canucks go.

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The goal in hockey is the win the Stanley Cup. Obviously that over a high draft pick..

We have almost zero chance of winning the Cup with the team we are able to go with due to injuries as well as not being able to score with any consistancy.

People post that they want to make the playoffs but I wonder how many of them would be complaining that we should have gone for the pick if we just miss getting in or we suffer another loss of 4 straight in the 1st round? It is time to do a realistic assessment and do what is good for the longterm for the team. It is time to rest the injured players and give the prospects some icetime when they fill in......let the chips fall where they may. As they say, you have to know when to hold em and when to fold em.

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We have almost zero chance of winning the Cup with the team we are able to go with due to injuries as well as not being able to score with any consistancy.

People post that they want to make the playoffs but I wonder how many of them would be complaining that we should have gone for the pick if we just miss getting in or we suffer another loss of 4 straight in the 1st round? It is time to do a realistic assessment and do what is good for the longterm for the team. It is time to rest the injured players and give the prospects some icetime when they fill in......let the chips fall where they may. As they say, you have to know when to hold em and when to fold em.

If you know anything about odds, its that when playoffs start you throw statistics away. The playoff atmosphere is so much more enjoyable to watch. I'd take a game seven loss to the flames where we tie it with 5 seconds left then watch this team lose to get a high pick any day.

Realistically we will finished in the 7-17th range and honestly how many times does the 7th overall pick become the 7th best person in that draft year, is it possible that the 9th picked player becomes better than a 4th picked player? what about a 2nd round picked Benn? Draft position only allows you a better chance at picking the player "your" scouts deemed best at that position and unless the kid is in the top 5, scouts are usually wrong, You tell me a draft where 5 years later players would be rated overall in the exact same positions they were drafted in that year?

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I think at this point we can take any high odds of getting a better player from our pick that we can get. I mean it's isn't always that we draft in the top 10. Considering our last two top 10 draftee's (Horvat, Hodgson) I think our scouting staff is more than capable of getting a ok top 10 pick.

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If they intentionally tank? Sure. Take the pick. (won't be a super high pick though)

Otherwise, I hope they make the playoffs. What will the difference be? (number 10 overall vs 14/15?)

Well gillis is always harping that we never get to draft in the top 10 which is why says we draft bad. That won't be the case this year and last year.

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To satisfy fans the canucks should try hard offensively with crazy D pinches and all out run and gun attack but know that those tactics will lead to high scoring losses. That way the team will try, be fun to watch and get a higher draft pick.

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