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The "I would like to see Torts stay for at least one more year" thread.


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That's really it. If after 20-30 games the trend continues then by all means consider a coaching change.

Having said that, I still maintain that much of it rests on the feedback from the core group...if it is the same message that we heard just a month ago publicly from the captain, he may not be gone just yet!

“We love playing for these coaches, that's the bottom line" (Henrik Sedin)

Couldnt agree with you more.

Kesler also said the same..

fact is nobody really knows exactly what is going in that dressing room and if the players that you want to move forward with in the exit interviews tell Linden they like the coach then Torts will probably make it to the stage of "Let the New GM" decide.

If Hextall or Benning are named GM they might just keep Tortorella as a guinea pig they can fire after 6 months -one year while they get brought up to speed, if they fire Torts and start off with new coach and it goes bad right away the new GM will have used up some goodwill right off the top. Keeping Torts buys some time.

Maybe thats all wishful thinking.

The owner threw him under the bus at the Linden presser so he's probably a dead man walking.

Benning might be the guy but something about a Hextall - Tortorella combo sounds like crazy chemistry

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No I don't want Tortorella to stay for another year.

He has already done enough damage to this team with his hysterical emotional outbursts and poor coaching decisions.

The guy can barely control himself let alone a professional Hockey Team.

“We love playing for these coaches, that's the bottom line" (Henrik Sedin)

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We love playing for these coaches, that's the bottom line" (Henrik Sedin)

how do you not realize that literally everything said publicly or to the media by any member of the organization is 100% irrelevant?

the chances of that statement being true are exactly equal to the chances that its a baldfaced lie.

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Do you think that any quality UFA's are going to want to sign with the Canucks if Torts is

still coaching the team after this debacle of a season?





Ryan Callahan is the only quality UFA I can think of that would even consider it!

We got rid of Gillis, who had trouble making trades partially because the other GM's in the league

had no respect for him or just plain didn't like him.

He is gone now and a new GM is coming in with a clean state and connections throughout the league.

Something that Gillis had none of.

Torts could have that same affect on potential UFA's, nobody will want to sign into his "system"

Torts is a Gillis hire, Gillis is gone, Torts should go with him.

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Do you think that any quality UFA's are going to want to sign with the Canucks if Torts is

still coaching the team after this debacle of a season?





Ryan Callahan is the only quality UFA I can think of that would even consider it!

We got rid of Gillis, who had trouble making trades partially because the other GM's in the league

had no respect for him or just plain didn't like him.

He is gone now and a new GM is coming in with a clean state and connections throughout the league.

Something that Gillis had none of.

Torts could have that same affect on potential UFA's, nobody will want to sign into his "system"

Torts is a Gillis hire, Gillis is gone, Torts should go with him.

according to (i believe) ferraro on 1040 a couple days ago, callahan eventually turned on tortorella too. according to ray, the rest of the room had given up on torts long prior, but callahan's voice was powerful enough to keep them in line and tuned in. eventually, though, even callahan couldn't deal with tortorella's nonsense anymore, and torts' fate in new york was sealed.

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He has been good at that. But he was a hired as a coach, not a ringmaster for the media.

We don't need anymore distractions with this team, and unfortunately he can't help but have a spotlight on him.

We need a quiet and humble coach who goes about his business without bringing extra attention. Someone who put his focus on winning hockey games, not on dealing with the media.

Thank you.

Finally some sanity around here.

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thats not my point actually

Fault ?

1) the players

2) the gm who put too much faith in them(Gillis)

3) the players

4) the players

5) NHL Head office/refs

6) the players

7) the schedule

8) the olympics

9) Vancouver hockey media

10) coaching staff

Torts, far from perfect but who is ?

guy made some bad errors but also did some good.

almost single handedly changing the identity culture infusing grit, intensity and accountability into his players.

we went from Sedins getting speedbagged by midgets unanswered to a coach storming the dressing room.

to me thats an improvement.

Torts style if he has the ponies is up tempo aggressive forechecking D-man pinching hockey, he admitted that he changed it up when they got injury bug, he admitted he made the mistake of not pushing them backinto that system, the fact that Torts can identify and admit his mistakes is very refreshing along with his brutal honesty and intensity.

Kassian,Tanev,Higgins,Stanton,Bieksa,Richardson,Tito,Booth,Hamhuis,Kesler etc.. played well under Torts,

Sedins, Edler, Garrison and Hansen didnt'. no coincidence they are also the softest players on our team.they didnt play well under AV at the end either.

ask yourself what kind of players you want in playoff brutality.

started off gangbusters, ran the most intense camp any of the country club members had ever been to

team looked decent until xmas, Torts style working fine until the lack of depth exposed the club for how thin it got under Gillis, schedule , injuries, Olympic testing clean "diets" and saving selves for their national teams all combined with Torts suspension to the downfall, to me this team has been looking mad suspect for the last 2.5 years.

Everyone can pretty much agree that this team needs some massive changes to some of its Veteran core,

i think you give Tortorella another season with 3-5 new players. Barry Trotz ? no thanks.

WTF is this? Do you have proof? Which players? Or are these just cold hard lies?

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I don't agree. I don't think the media would do that to a guy like Trotz because he's a stand up guy who earns respect.

He doesn't storm other teams locker rooms and create controversy.

Who says it is controversy for the players? If Torts was my coach and he did that I would know exactly where he stands with the team. It was an emotionally charged game as well. And that was last season- no one is probably even thinking about it now except for you. Why? You remind me of the kid that doesn't shut up and continues to bring up issues rather than allow others to work past them.

Torts is a stand up guy.

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What the heck are YOU taking about??? Makes perfect sense to me.


Good, enlighten me please.

"...Olympic testing clean "diets" and saving selves for their national teams..."

What diet and how does that hurt the players involved?

Which players purposely saved themselves for their national teams?

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I got a good laugh yesterday morning (TEAM 1040) when they played the Bruce Boudreau (Ducks coach) clip regarding Ryan Getzlaf's play in their opening game against the Dallas Stars. I'm para phrasing, but he stated that Ryan Getzlaf blocked a shot that lead directly to the Ducks second goal and then took one in the face late in the game for the team. He stated that people like Ryan Getzlaf have to step up and play like that (being the captain of the team) and that other players need to follow suit or they would certainly hear about it. Not only from him, but from the other players as well. Made me think of all the Canuck fans that think the shot blocking - aggressive play mentality (by Torts) is wrong. Think we have the right coach, but (unfortunately) the wrong mix of players.


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Seriously Brick what a great comment. You nailed it. Trade the whole team.

Thank you for adding that comment. It makes the discussion that much better and more enlightening.

Please continue to offer this type of insight and thoughtful commentary. Really. Thank you.

He's right except for a very few exceptions.

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Henrik Sedin Played an extra 1min 19 secs per game average this season compared to last season which was shortened.

Daniel Sedin played an extra 2mins per game average from last years shortened season.

And people complain about them getting overworked. These guys are top of the range athletes. Playing an extra 2 minutes a night every three nights sure is hard eh.

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I'm beginning to think that Trevor Linden might be basing his decisions (hoping not) on information gleaned from the wrong players on the current Canucks roster. Yes. I am saying the Sedins are at the top of this list, and I'm saying this because many have speculated that Trevor will base his decisions (ultimately) on what the Sedins tell him. These decisions could not only affect the coach, but other players, and potential player moves as well. I would hope that he enters this with an open mind, and at the end of the day, judge who and how many benefitted from Torts being coach (had good years) and who and how many didn't benefit from Torts being the coach. Pretty sure he might find that the number of players that benefitted from Torts being the coach is bigger than he thought and just very well may be larger than the group that didn't benefit from Torts being the coach. Obviously the Sedins had a horrid year as well as Hansen, and Edler. On the flip side Santorelli was great, Kesler, Kassian and Booth (at the end) excelled, Hamhuis had a great year, Jensen and Matthias looked good in spurts, Lack seemed to thrive on the workload, Tanev played well, Bieksa was ok, and I'm sure there are a few others I've missed.

My point being is: Do we want to rely on players opinions who are in the twilight of their career (yes the Sedins) who have played one way their entire career (make a play at the blue line - cycle in the opposition end) over players that are younger and seemed to have excelled under Torts leadership when asked to play the style of (different) hockey that Torts feels is relevant to the CURRENT NHL style of play? When pondering this, one must also take into account that the "Sedin's" style of play didn't just evaporate this year and has been on the decline under AV as well since the 2011 cup run.


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debating the Mason Raymond fan club ? no thanks. debating guys that think there coach is Hitler because he challenged a weasel like Hartley, no thanks.

3/4 of this board has never played the game at a high level and would not appreciate a coach going all in for them. Guys like Bieksa and Kassian had Torts back, some of the softer euros probably got upset.

The facts are clear, the Sedins and many of the vets on this team have been trending downward well before Tortorella arrived.

We need to make serious changes to the on ice personel and i hope they get Jim Benning in here soon to turn this around.

If the key players moving forward and the new GM don't like Torts he will be gone.

I've played at a high level. I don't resort to ridiculous hyperbole like you do and claim that Torts is Hitler, but I belive he did a poor job this season, all things considered.

He used some players too much and in situations that they were ill-suited for. He didn't use other players enough and his response to questioning on it was to say that the players weren't good enough and blame his GM for not providing him with a roster that he could win with.

He also publicly berated key members of his roster. There are some players that this works with, but a coach has to be very careful in doing so, because there's a good chance that this tactic will fail miserably.

The season we saw from Edler and Hansen suggest that Torts didn't understand these players at all. Aside form the obvious systems, PP and PK, knowing the best ways to motivate your players is one of the coach's most important jobs. With these two (amongst others) Torts failed spectacularly.

I'll say this, it is interesting that no decision has been made on Torts yet.

I think it's entirely possible that Linden will let the new GM make the call on Torts.

Of course, the situation with JT and the exit interviews with the players will be discussed with any potential GM candidate, but the choosing of the head coach is generally done by the GM and Trev may be reluctant to take that responsibility away from the new guy.

Last year: "it's not the coach, it's the team"

This year: "it's not the team, it's the coach"

Next year: "Fire Linden"

Actually I generally see the reaction on this board to be precisely the opposite.

I was one of the very few defending Vigneault over the past few seasons and the vast majority of the responses I got were of the "The team is fine, it's the coach" variety. (I'm sure Vansicle and CanucksJay will back me up on that, if they're not hiding under rocks right now)

When I pointed out that the team had to play without the services of Kesler for large stretches of the past two seasons, it was no excuse. When I pointed out that the team was without it's top scoring threat against the Kings, it was no excuse. When I pointed out that the penalty differential against the Sharks was the most lopsided in NHL playoff history, it was no excuse.

Even in 2011, when I pointed to the injuries to Malhotra, Samuelsson, Henrik, Kesler, Bieksa, Hamhuis, Raymond, Ehrhoff, Edler and the suspension of Rome....

It was always "No excuse". The coach needs to "find a way".

Tortorella most certainly did NOT "find a way".

There certainly are issues with an aging core and the team did have to deal with a lot of injuries, but there are thing within a coach's control like PP, which was awful for the entire season and PK which totally fell apart. (ironically around the time some of the injured players returned to the lineup)

IMO, Torts failed in too many of the situations that were within his control and failed to get the most out of the roster that he had.

nothing u say will damper the hatred that guy has for Tortorella,

its almost like Torts took a couple rounds out of his old lady.

I'll be surprised if this post is not removed by a Mod. It's borderline banworthy and I'd suggest if you want to be around to hit 1000 posts that you refrain from making such comments in the future.

If you can't put forth a compelling argument without resorting to such immature retorts (no pun intended) you don't deserve to be here.

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