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Mafia: Uomini di Onore


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I'm still a bit wary of CA. Last round he was making joke votes until I voted for him, and he proceeded by voting for me. If he had the time to make joke votes, why didn't make an actual vote?

Like in this case, Heffy voted for him and he makes an appearance to make a vote. It seems as though if he's voted for, then he feels the need to defend himself. Just my opinion.

Don't know what to think about the 112 situation, she doesn't seem out of the ordinary. Kes is still on my radar too but not as much as CA.

Vote Captain Aerosex

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Mau5 just referred to a Kanye song. Kanye is illuminati which is the equivalent to the mafia in this game. Therefore, Mau5 is confirmed Mafia.

Logic so sound I think I might end up voting for myself. :P

GreenDemon, Malkin, mau5 and CA would be a good group to pick from. All inactives and most of their posts don't add very much substance.

Slightly perturbed at the notion that I would be grouped with GreenDemon and Malkin, users that I feel are considerably less active/contribute less. Nonetheless, I'm not bothered by it, nor will I add fictitious "substance" for the sake of adding substance. If I feel the need to voice something that hasn't really been discussed, I will.

I don't get the 112 suspicion. Could be because I've been so out of the loop till now (slept a total of 16 hours since yesterday evening lol).

What's going on with this TB thing? Someone explain please.

Lastly, from a preliminary reading of the thread so far mau5trap stood out as suspicious. His posts are remiscent of when me and him were both mafia in 20th Century Warfare. Quoting Kanye doesn't help either .

vote mau5trap

I'm not even gonna bother with VIC, but how?

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I'll be more active and post a list soon.

Come friday i'm road tripping! I'll be able to sneak on a tiny bit on my phone.

Says going to be active yet isn't. Will post a list soon but doesn't. Says will be road tripping on Friday........who roadtrips in April? Unvote King Heffy; Vote BDM

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Well 112 doesn't seem suspicious to me because she always plays that way.

Kesler87 I'm always suspicious of because I just can trust that guy and his BS "MVP lists".

Would you really have a good idea of how 112 plays from how few games you've played?

Also, I really need to hear from the vig soon. It'd be a disaster if you hit one of the other specials or get TBed by accident.

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Would you really have a good idea of how 112 plays from how few games you've played?

Also, I really need to hear from the vig soon. It'd be a disaster if you hit one of the other specials or get TBed by accident.

He's only played three recent games, the first of which was 20th Century Warfare where I certainly didn't play like this given that I was the spokesperson.

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