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Mafia: Uomini di Onore


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Seriously? I'm glad i saw this before I left work lol

Obviously i'll change my opinon with you saying OTTS isn't the real sheriff.

Its a stupid move on his part as it just singles him out as mafia now. I really didn't think the mafia would try to do something like that.

It really doesn't have an upside.

Unvote; Vote OTTS

Keep yammering, mafioso scum. The big bad Vig is coming to get you.

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Seriously? I'm glad i saw this before I left work lol

Obviously i'll change my opinon with you saying OTTS isn't the real sheriff.

Its a stupid move on his part as it just singles him out as mafia now. I really didn't think the mafia would try to do something like that.

It really doesn't have an upside.

Unvote; Vote OTTS

Kesler said he thought Kryten was the sheriff, maybe the mafia figured there was no sheriff any more and thought to take advantage of that. But obviously as the sextastic captain aerosex has pointed out that is not the case and therefore I finally get to see OTIS hang!!! :towel:

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Strong overreaction/10

Tru id rather you Cheerios lynch a mafia tho so I'll enjoy dying at the hands of Toews

Ps those bandwagon votes on me are making it pretty obvs who a few of te mafia are. Lynch KH tbh. Bai.

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If OTTS is mafia, King Hefty probably is too. The only benefit of a fake sheriff for the mafia at this point would be to make a teammate appear clean, which is what OTTS did.


Some people.

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What the crap. Funny enough I actually believe Otis would say something like that if he were TP.




Either he's mafia and forgot CA would be in contact with the Sheriff, or he's TP and forgot the same thing and should have known he'd be summarily called out and lynched.

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As the clock struck 7, the sound of a gunshot rattled throughout the town. The townspeople hurriedly rushed toward the noise, fearing that the Mafia had claimed another life. OurTimeToShine's body laid motionless outside his home, blood running down from his head onto the cold concrete steps. One of the townspeople observed a note hanging out of OurTimeToShine's front shirt pocket.

Lol you guys thought I was serious? Do you not know how I play this game? I was going to take the hit from the mafia. Idiots, idiots everywhere. Hope you guys lose. PRAISE OTIS!

Frustrated, the townspeople returned home to await whatever dastardly plan the Mafia had in store for tonight.

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Player List:

King Heffy
Captain Aerosex
One one two
Beluga Whale
Malkin Cookies

Bo Hunter Booth







Go Faulk Yourself



Alchemy Time


Total: 14/24 players


PPCLI [Lynched: Not Mafia]

JE14 [serial Killer Kill: Not Mafia]

otherwise [Vigilante Kill: Not Mafia]

mau5trap [Lynched: Mafia]

Beluga Whale [serial Killer Kill: Mafia]

Kryten [Mafia Kill: Unknown]

Go Faulk Yourself [Lynched: Mafia]

VICanucksfan5551 [Mafia Kill: Unknown]

Kesler87 [Vigilante Kill: Mafia]

OurTimeToShine [God Kill: Not Mafia]

Total: 10/24 players

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