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How good can Jordan Subban be?

Del Rio

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Some pretty impressive offensive moves in that highlight package. A pretty good shot too. I see him as a 2nd pairing PP quarterback kind of D-man. Maybe that's his ceiling.

For a 4th round pick, that would be a huge steal. I think it will be a few years before we know what we have with Jordan. Another year in Jrs and at least 2 or 3 playing for the Comets.

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i like how just mentioning that somebody is black, with no negative connotation whatsoever, is enough to get every white person around to turn all self-righteous and call racism.

an entire society of white guilters walking on eggshells.

Right. Certainly when Kassian was drafted, he was referred to as "white and athletic". Like Kariya was described as "Asian and athletic".

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The next Jared Spurgeon. Same size same skills.

Plays in the west. Barrie is a little bigger.

Jordon will put alot of muscle on, I have met his brothers (the drafted ones), they are both big kids physically....

If he grows height wise an inch which is highly likely given his age, he'll be the same size as Barrie

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Every team had 7 chances to draft Torey Krug but no one did. How about going back on using our 7th round pick to get Krug? How much better would our PP have been? My dad is a Bruins fan so I watch all their games.

When I see Krug play I think to myself "I hope J.Subban is watching" Krug plays exactly how Subban needs to play to make it in the NHL, Even in his own zone Krug is good, he is not big but it doesnt matter when big slow guys cant even get to him before he moves the puck or skates right by them. Krug can turn and move up ice before slower guys even know whats going on, he jumps into the play out of nowhere and is wide open a lot because no one saw him coming.

Size is good but if it was that important then Boris Valabik should be as good as Chara and guys like St.Louis, Keith and Krug wouldnt be in the NHl.

From what I have seen, Subban has too much offensvie upside to turn away. There are always big strong guys in every draft but far lees small, speedy skill guys like Subban.

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i like how just mentioning that somebody is black, with no negative connotation whatsoever, is enough to get every white person around to turn all self-righteous and call racism.

an entire society of white guilters walking on eggshells.

it marginalizes his achievements because it's expected that he'll be a star because of his ethnicity.

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Every team had 7 chances to draft Torey Krug but no one did. How about going back on using our 7th round pick to get Krug? How much better would our PP have been? My dad is a Bruins fan so I watch all their games.

When I see Krug play I think to myself "I hope J.Subban is watching" Krug plays exactly how Subban needs to play to make it in the NHL, Even in his own zone Krug is good, he is not big but it doesnt matter when big slow guys cant even get to him before he moves the puck or skates right by them. Krug can turn and move up ice before slower guys even know whats going on, he jumps into the play out of nowhere and is wide open a lot because no one saw him coming.

Size is good but if it was that important then Boris Valabik should be as good as Chara and guys like St.Louis, Keith and Krug wouldnt be in the NHl.

From what I have seen, Subban has too much offensvie upside to turn away. There are always big strong guys in every draft but far lees small, speedy skill guys like Subban.

question, don't watch much of boston - who is Krug paired with? My guess is its Chara or Hamilton as both are very big players? and how much ice per game does he get outside of the pp?

just curious if you know, as I don't and I agree, is the type of player hopefully Subban can become

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not worried about him playing with swagger or not he's one of the smartest players in his league winning the scholastic award. i assume he has good IQ. and hope he has an even more intriguing hockey IQ. with such success in the family there's no doubt he will play in the NHL one day. Just not... Jared Staal ... lol

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I just think its funny that his height comes up so much when there are a few defenceman that have been great at his height with the same or a lesser skill set.. The kids got a work ethic too..and it seems some hockey smarts as well..and lots of time to bulk up, since hes only 19...

There's no reason if he keeps that same attitude and work ethic that he won't make the NHL... Including his height... The downside is obvious, the upside is too oft overlooked, or just completely written off.

Yes there are examples every where of unique players excelling while undersized. I'm not saying he absolutely needs to grow, just saying it'd be nice. Just sick of teams like LA and SJ pushing our team around.
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Yes there are examples every where of unique players excelling while undersized. I'm not saying he absolutely needs to grow, just saying it'd be nice. Just sick of teams like LA and SJ pushing our team around.

Pair him with Cedarholm in Utica year after next and let them develop together ;)


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Tyson Barrie type high end. or maybe Jared Spurgeon

More likely as a Torey Krug/Ryan Ellis type if he makes the NHL full time.

Otherwise a Yannick Weber type or an AHL OFD.

I think he's got a decent chance to be somewhere inbetween Barrie & Weber.

Krug isn't that great. Not really a guy you would want as a consistent top 4 guy at this stage IMO.

I'd be stoked if he could do what Krug does.

Your right, Krug has weaknesses and cannot do everything. But Boston is a strong defensive unit, can shelter him and his coach pops him in to do things he helps the team with.

Sorta like how AV used Hodgson :rolleyes: , except in even more critical times!

But, we also have a pretty solid defensive crew, looking for a guy like Krug???

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Pair him with Cedarholm in Utica year after next and let them develop together ;)


I endorse this...

edit: Cedarholme and Subban are both 19. Pretty sure Cedarholme is eligible for an overage year in the CHL? Has Subban played 4 years? Otherwise I think he plays in the OHL again as well??

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I'd be stoked if he could do what Krug does.

Your right, Krug has weaknesses and cannot do everything. But Boston is a strong defensive unit, can shelter him and his coach pops him in to do things he helps the team with.

Sorta like how AV used Hodgson :rolleyes: , except in even more critical times!

But, we also have a pretty solid defensive crew, looking for a guy like Krug???

Ya I'm not saying he's bad. Krug is a very useful player. But I was just trying to say that saying his high end is Krug isn't really a huge statement as if Krug is some all-star or something.

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The concept of Jordan Subban is highly offensive. Who cares about his size, he will learn to play on the d-side of the blueline. You place a guy like Subban on a line with another guy like Tanev who is purely d-fence you have your next generaton d-man powerplay with Tanev at the point and Subban on the boards. To heck with size, if you have a guy like JS who can skate ad shoot like Karlson, I'd take that over the majority of d-men in the NHL, especially one so young.

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Trade Edler and Markstrom for Malcom Subban, Sign PK convincing him to play with his brothers.

PK Subban - J. Subban

Bieksa - Hamhius

Garrison - Tanev


Malcom Subban

I like it !! Then bring back Anson Carter and sign Simmonds !! Canucks for the cup !!

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