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[Report] Torts wanted to buy out Alex Burrows


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Trade bait J.Hanson, J.Schroeder, Z.Dalpe, N.Jensen C.Tanev, R.Stanton, Higgins if he waves and what i want T.Hamonic.

Depth chart

D.Sedin H.Sedin R.Kesler

D.Booth B.Horvat A.Burrows

S.Matthias B.Richardson Z.Kassian

C.Higgins K.Lane J.Hansen

T.Sestito B.Gaunce N.Jensen

H.Shinkaruk C.Cassels D.Archibald

M.Zalewski A.Freisen A.Grenier

R.Kenins D.Fox L.Blomstrand

LD Hamhuis Garrison Stanton Edler Andersson Suave Tommernes McEneny Hutton

RD Bieksa Tanev Corrado Weber Subban

G Lack Markstrom Eriksson Cannata

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In all fairness it was just yet another horrible contract handed out by Gillis. No need to throw Torts under the bus for it. It's an albatross, not as bad as Edler or Luongo but still another roadblock for the Canucks to deal with.

People get so attached to players on this site that their ability to think is compromised.

And that article was absolutely terrible. Maybe he didn't talk to Green because it was both their first years and with all the NTC's who cares who is on the farm team?

Teams are lined up trying to get Edler, Burrows has consistently scored well over 20 goals a season last 5 years, that's what these types of players get paid. What do NTCs have to do with who is on the farm? They still had the ability to bring guys up, particularly with all the injuries. This is why we have the worst fans in hockey, people start spitting out garbage without giving it any logical thought.

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"You don't expect top scorers to block shots".

So we've got two 50 point players on the first line who can't play hard minutes, can't backcheck, can't forecheck and can't block shots, and can't score on the powerplay.

Does this sound to you like a recipe for success going forward, Deb?

If Dank and Hank were Ovie, I could see it. But they aren't and haven't played at that level in years. It's unrealistic to expect them to play at this level.

If Dank and Hank want to extend their careers in the NHL, they are going to have to do the little stuff.

To begin with, Sedins are not 50pt players. Last season was an anomaly and should not be used to trash them. The have been ppg for the past few years, up until the last one.

Henrik's game appears to be fairly consistent, while Dan's has had a decline since the Keith hit. Sometimes concussions take a long while to heal. I think it's more than likely that HS will return to his normal point level prior to last year, while DS won't be that far behind.

As I've commented before, offensive players should be encouraged to focus on their offensive game. The team has players that are skilled in the defensive game and should be getting minutes doing that. It's better player management to utilize the entire team, rather than piling the minutes on the top two lines. It keeps everybody fresh and involved.

The real problem with this team is that there is too much dependency on the Sedins to win games, which makes the Nucks easy to play against. The team needs a decent second line and someone on the defence that can move the puck. Puck possession and transition is what made this team excel, but haven't seen much of that lately.

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Maybe he knew the refs would never let go of the Auger incident and the team that Burr plays for will forever be taking it in the poopchute not agreeing or supporting Torts just seen too much $hit let go these last 3 yrs to not think it also Torts had to protect his team Dont push him :P

Awesome, all the Torts hater's can go give themselves the business.

I loved the way he brought fight to this team. We will probably benefit in the future and no one will thank him but when was the last time you saw us throw down like that?

Geez, we had two nine minute PK's in a row didn't we. We stuck up for each other there. I felt like a Bruin but I was proud of the boys.

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Teams are lined up trying to get Edler, Burrows has consistently scored well over 20 goals a season last 5 years, that's what these types of players get paid. What do NTCs have to do with who is on the farm? They still had the ability to bring guys up, particularly with all the injuries. This is why we have the worst fans in hockey, people start spitting out garbage without giving it any logical thought.

No we really did not have a lot of flexibility. Obviously you didn't pay attention. Read up on it and learn how to count, we pretty much had zero contracts we could move up and down. Factor in the NTC's and we had zero flex.

And Burrows scored 20 goals with the twins, he doesn't have the success when he doesn't play with them. Like most people bud. Figure it out.

Just cause I don't drink the Kool Aid don't mean it ain't the truth.

Just being realistic. If you put Burrows on the second line is he scoring 20 goals? Well last year he had what 1 or 2?

Teams are lined up for Edler.

Homer ... Homer Simpson he's the best guy in the whole damn world.





edit: I'll point out that paying a player for what they've done in the past is completely stupid as a GM but maybe a player agent/country club owner would do that for his players.

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"The Sedins are not 50 point players"

They are now. Dank didn't even get to 50 points on the season. Canucks record btw for their number 1 forward.

"Last season was an anomaly"

Nope. It's consistent with their decline last season as well.

"I think it's more than likely he'll rebound".

What if he doesn't? Do we fire coach and GM in December if they continue not to score?

"offensive players should be encouraged to score".

I would agree with this if Hank and Dank were still first line players. They aren't. Neither Hank nor Dank performed at a level consistent with first line players in the NHL this season. And that's being charitable. They would be solid second line players which means doing the little stuff.

"There is too much dependency on the Sedins". You are not going to win many games where your top line combines for just 112 points in a season. That's an average of fewer than 1.5 ppg. As a line. Assuming 3 points per goal, that's a goal every two games.

The reality is that the Canucks had excellent contribution from everywhere, save the first line. They would need to increase their output to around 170 points just to reach league average.

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I don't understand how we can make any judgements on a player or players who have spent a season plagued with injuries or for that matter playing unaccustomed roles.

I think we need to get everyone fit and rolling, with a coach more in tune to our style of play, to make a proper assessment of any of our players.

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I don't understand how we can make any judgements on a player or players who have spent a season plagued with injuries or for that matter playing unaccustomed roles.

I think we need to get everyone fit and rolling, with a coach more in tune to our style of play, to make a proper assessment of any of our players.

I agree both Burrows and Booth came on strong at the end of the season and I look forward to them have an injury free and productive year in the upcoming season.

The team as a whole though needs to get young bigger and faster. To compete we need 4 pretty good lines, we have great players for a 4th line. Its the top three lines that need some life. I hope Kesler stays, that would help or we will have to make some nifty trades. Horvat looks like he may be ready to come up and perhaps one of the other young snipers, but we are still a piece or two away from being dangerous.

Sedin Sedin Shinkaruk???

Kassian Kesler Jensen???

Booth Horvat Burrows

Higgins Matthias Richardson

Or some combination of these players, Santo would be nice but I doubt we get him back.

Go Canucks :towel:

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I don't understand how we can make any judgements on a player or players who have spent a season plagued with injuries or for that matter playing unaccustomed roles.

I think we need to get everyone fit and rolling, with a coach more in tune to our style of play, to make a proper assessment of any of our players.

This guy gets it. So you get rid of some of our best players and then they regain full health to kick our butts for others teams? Because Burr would come back to bite us in the butt. He's a hard worker and we need him on our side.

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This guy gets it. So you get rid of some of our best players and then they regain full health to kick our butts for others teams? Because Burr would come back to bite us in the butt. He's a hard worker and we need him on our side.

I just KNOW that was 'accidental humor' this early in the morn .. :P

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"Erhoff is our savior"

We have that player already. His name is Garrison, who outproduced Erhoff last season.

Once again, the problem isn't the point and the defense. The problem is the Sedins. I know this is hard to see cognitively, but you're taking something that's wearing out and already starting to fail and spending big bucks on tinkering around to keep it from failing and chugging along.

The Sedins are the problem with the powerplay. Take them off the powerplay and see whether or not it improves.

Sorry, but if you think that what Erhoff brought and what Garrison brought to the powerplay are comparable, you lose all credibility.

It doesn't take a hockey expert to realize the importance of a good skating, puck-moving defenceman. Why do you think they are always the ones nominated for the Norris trophy.

You seem to be coming off as a troll. Bash the Sedins all you want. They are(or should be) the most important, productive players on the team, but two players don't make a powerplay.

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To be fair, Burrows had one of the worst seasons a forward can have in the NHL, let alone as a top line player. Torts should have cut his minutes, and he did eventually get sick of his crap and bump him off the top line. 0 goals in 30 something games is unacceptable if you're playing 18 minutes on the top line. Injuries are just excuses, if he's that badly injured he should be off the ice resting - we have young players like Jensen who easily could have filled those minutes and score more goals.

Burrows is getting paid 4+ million, and is a huge chunk of our cap space, so all you fools who think "he's great at defence and shot blocking and PK" can get out. Burrows at 4M is a disgrace and one of the biggest reasons MG lost his job was because he signed the twins and Burrows to these giant contracts based on 2 or 3 years of brilliance, expecting them to continue it into their late 30s.

Burrows is a perennial 3rd line player, deal with it. He's a fantastic 3rd line player, but that's all he'll ever be, and should be paid accordingly. Other shot blockers don't take up 4M worth of cap space and 18 minutes worth of ice-time defending. Those minutes and dollars are spent on goal scorers and playmakers, and quite frankly Burrows is neither of those. His offensive skill has dried up and it's showing - he's even playing horribly for Canada right now against very poor opponents.

Tortorella would have been right to have scratched Burrows or sent him down to the minors, not bought him out, but you can't really blame him for wanting to do so. He had a disgraceful season and if he can't work his way back up the lineup starting from a 3rd line role next season, he doesn't deserve the icetime that could and SHOULD be given to our fantastic prospects. Looking around the league, young kids breaking into the NHL are scoring big goals in the playoffs right now, and I just don't see washed-up-Burrows doing that.

Finally, for all of you who think he's a great shot-blocker and defensive forward - he had one of (if not the worst I believe) +/- rating on our team behind only Edler. The reason he had so many blocked shots was because he was always out of position or giving the puck away in his own zone and defending, getting shot at repeatedly. That's not what you want from any player, let alone a 1st liner, let alone a supposed "good defensive player".

I'm giving Burrows one more chance next season under a new coach to get his game together, and if he doesn't have a decent +/-, play well defensively, forecheck and backcheck well (not hard, he has to do it efficiently) or score some goals, I'll want him gone.

Winner of the longest fart on cdc. Just keep blowing it out your.....

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I agree both Burrows and Booth came on strong at the end of the season and I look forward to them have an injury free and productive year in the upcoming season.

The team as a whole though needs to get young bigger and faster. To compete we need 4 pretty good lines, we have great players for a 4th line. Its the top three lines that need some life. I hope Kesler stays, that would help or we will have to make some nifty trades. Horvat looks like he may be ready to come up and perhaps one of the other young snipers, but we are still a piece or two away from being dangerous.

Sedin Sedin Shinkaruk???

Kassian Kesler Jensen???

Booth Horvat Burrows

Higgins Matthias Richardson

Or some combination of these players, Santo would be nice but I doubt we get him back.

Go Canucks :towel:

Santo will be returning, it depends if that injury he sustained will affect his play.

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Sorry, but if you think that what Erhoff brought and what Garrison brought to the powerplay are comparable, you lose all credibility.

It doesn't take a hockey expert to realize the importance of a good skating, puck-moving defenceman. Why do you think they are always the ones nominated for the Norris trophy.

You seem to be coming off as a troll. Bash the Sedins all you want. They are(or should be) the most important, productive players on the team, but two players don't make a powerplay.

Yes, bringing back Hoff would restore our powerplay and give the twins a huge boost. Putting Garrison's name in the same sentence with Hoff, other than to say he doesn't even come close, is utterly ridiculous.

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