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Thatcher Demko | #35 | G


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On 4/19/2016 at 2:57 PM, WHL rocks said:

I'm guessing the highlighted part is sarcasm. Can't really tell over the internet so I'll go with that. Surely you wouldn't say that if you followed the Leafs and what's gone on there over the past cpl of years, particularly the past year. 


West Coast USA is a world apart from West Coast Canada. On a trip to Seattle about 15 years ago a female gas attendant asked us if we "lived in igloos up in Canada". 


And having lived in the US I know that they think of Canada completely different than what we think of the USA. They know next to nothing about us. Nothing. 


I'm not a JB vs Gillis guy so I'm not blaming JB for anything. Matter of fact I can't' stand posters who argue for one GM over the other as if they have something personal to gain in their fav GM being considered better. 


I don't think it would be JB's fault at all, I said as much a few pages back, I also said that I think JB made a good decision to make the pick even if we ultimately end up losing him because of the home run potential of this pick it was worth taking a shot. 


I do believe it's Demkos plan to go UFA. No evidence just a personal belief after looking at the available info. And I think if he goes to school next year there is no way he doesn't wait another month or two and goes UFA. Maybe he'll sign next week and it will be the end of that, but if he goes to school he's not coming here. 


I'm not really losing sleep over this, I don't lose sleep over hockey games or players, I also don't look at players as heroes or any better than a random guy I may see on the street. I look at this as entertainment and players as entertainers nothing more and part of the entertainment is this, attempting to guess and forecast the future. 


US has its share of uneducated people. They just have more of those people than Canada one because they have more population than we do. And two, their education system is a lot worse than ours, in terms of being everyone having fair access to education. The fact that Trump has a huge following is a testament of how its education system is failing on the citizens of the US of A.


Obviously, not everyone in US is like that. There are a lot of knowledgeable people in the states and most people know that we don't live in igloos.



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35 minutes ago, cuporbust said:

I am so crazy excited. I really thought he'd go back. This is the best news we've had in a while 

Yah me too. A guy this good out of college could have gone UFA and made a mountain of dough from Edmonton or Anaheim next August. 


So.... Demko and Stecher. And thats before a guaranteed top 6 pick. Not too bad Mr. Benning. 

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19 minutes ago, WhoseTruckWasIt said:

Surely there's an anti-Benning angle in here somewhere....in 3, 2, 1...

I don't know who can whine about this! I was pretty annoyed with losing Schneider, but this makes up for it, and that wasn't Benning's fault. I think signing two of the best, maybe the two best, players out of college this year (Stecher had been ranked high on the NCAA player by more than one site) makes up for a few bucks here or there for Dorsett or putting Corrado on waivers :rolleyes:



Edited by Bob Long
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Ben Kuzma @benkuzma 1h1 hour ago

Demko has been invited to join U.S. at world championship tourney, but is writing exams first two weeks of May.


Preliminary round is scheduled from May 6 to May 17 so he should be good for main tournament if he is going to play...

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22 minutes ago, Bob Long said:

Yah me too. A guy this good out of college could have gone UFA and made a mountain of dough from Edmonton or Anaheim next August. 


So.... Demko and Stecher. And thats before a guaranteed top 6 pick. Not too bad Mr. Benning. 

They wouldn't have been able to pay him any more than we would. He'd have to sign an ELC with ANY team which has caps on salary.


We would still have held an advantage by being the only team he could have burned a year off that ELC by playing him at the end of next year which would have got him one year closer to a larger pay day.


And why the hell would ANA need/sign another young goalie...?

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57 minutes ago, baumerman77 said:


I think they want Demko to get a ton of game action. He's very young so no need to rush him. I would assume he'd likely split starts next year and start the year after (and play over 60 games). I think the management would rather him get over 60 games in the AHL rather than less than 25 games in the NHL.

Totally agree, he will be the starter in Utica for 1 season, get called up upon injury if needed, and then move into Vancouver once Miller's contract is over.

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25 minutes ago, Bob Long said:

Yah me too. A guy this good out of college could have gone UFA and made a mountain of dough from Edmonton or Anaheim next August. 


So.... Demko and Stecher. And thats before a guaranteed top 6 pick. Not too bad Mr. Benning. 

Ya he's making up for the deadline. So far so good. Lol

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5 minutes ago, J.R. said:

They wouldn't have been able to pay him any more than we would. He'd have to sign an ELC with ANY team which has caps on salary.


We would still have held an advantage by being the only team he could have burned a year off that ELC by playing him at the end of next year which would have got him one year closer to a larger pay day.


And why the hell would ANA need/sign another young goalie...?

But isn't it a 2 year vs a 3 year ELC if he waits until next August? I thought Schultz signed a 2 year.




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13 minutes ago, Stierlitz said:

Ben Kuzma @benkuzma 1h1 hour ago

Demko has been invited to join U.S. at world championship tourney, but is writing exams first two weeks of May.


Preliminary round is scheduled from May 6 to May 17 so he should be good for main tournament if he is going to play...


I'm sure they'll let him write early or later. And who cares, he's going pro <_<


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1 minute ago, HC20.0 said:

Good, good. Don't rush the kid. Florida rushed Markstrom before it was ready, and it nearly killed his hockey career. 

I hope he gets a couple games at the Worlds to show what he can do. I'm sure that Demko is better than Markstrom at this age, but Markstrom is battle tested now and he is coming into his own. I love this tandem for the 17/18 season.

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